What is best program to use?

Hi. So I was wondering is there any easier programs except blender to use on roblox modeling. If there is any easier Please tell me down in comments if blender is easiest than what is best video to get stared with blender ?

Well, here are the top 3, 3D modeling software’s.

Personally I like using blender 2.79, I find it easier to use. Blender 2.8 was redone and the controls are different than 2.79 and I never cared to take the time to learn them. The choice is up to you on which software to use but I suggest blender.

Here’s a good starter tutorial for blender - MODELLING For Absolute Beginners - Blender Tutorial - YouTube

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Be sure to search before you post - you might be able to find things in other threads.

Search “3D Modelling software” or something in the search bar.

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Blender is, in my opinion, the best choice for a free, easy to use if you decide to try and learn it thoroughly, and indie/tutorial friendly.

Using Cinema4D, 3DS Max, and so on which of course are Industry standards in some regards, are very expensive.

Blender 2.8 makes it much more easier to get into, trust me, 2.7 and so on are difficult versions which I haven’t decided to learn. Glad that 2.8 came out :+1:


Thanks I will watch those videos !

how long did it take you to learn blender and blender tools ?

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Blender is the best software for making roblox models as it’s free, most other 3D modelling softwares will set back you hundreds, heck even thousands of dollars. Blender is also very advanced, and personally, it’s very easy to work with, you just need to take a few weeks learning how to use it. It’s like most school subjects, you won’t master them within a day, it takes years upon years to master, but the basics are very easy to learn.


I recommend to look at this

wow thanks a lot I will watch those videos !

how long have u been using blender ?

Blender is pretty easy to learn if you’re wanting to learn it! I have been using blender for more than a few months now, however, I’m getting back into when I get my new computer. This has been discussed before.

I would recommend blender gurus beginner tutorial (donut & mug one) is a great place to start, it’s incredibly informative in terms of learning the basic tools, techniques, and workflow of blender. He also goes into more detail and explains. Keep learning how to use blender as its very useful and it’s free, however you could make a bunch of low poly builds with blender and studio, however it takes practice and patience to get the hang of blender.

Also here is a few topics about this it has a few tips and tutorials on how to get started:


Blender 2.79 is by far the best, however there are heaps of other good ones out there.