What's Your Roblox Story?

My Roblox story begins in 2019 when I logged in for the first time. I had heard about the Area 51 meme that was going around at the time, so I played an Area 51 Roblox game. Afterward, I barely played.

I started playing more Roblox the next year, but I was starting to dislike the game because my friends would not play anything else. I felt Roblox had taken my friends (not true, I may note).

Once I started actively developing Roblox games in mid-2020, I fell in love with the platform. I had never had so much power over what I could create. Roblox is my platform for bringing my fantasies to life, so Iā€™m grateful I looked beyond the memes and found what Roblox provides creative individuals.

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I started playing ROBLOX in 2013 playing Jaws games with my bigger brother on guest accounts, always switching serverā€™s to get into the same one, It was so incredibly fun at the time, playing tycoons jaws games, and tons of other games. I lost interest in ROBLOX in 2014 because of the XBOX 360 and Minecraft.

I came back 2 years later on a family account that I currently DO NOT HAVE because I forgot the password. I played things like Lumber Tycoon with my friend, and played other games like obbies, other tycoons, and just popular games. I forgot the password and decided to make an account made off one of my friends that I met at a camp. I learned about ROBLOX studio and downloaded it on my dadā€™s Lenovo and thatā€™s where I would play ROBLOX ALL DAY! I started knowing more about it, knowing NOTHING about scripting, I would use free models in hopes that I would get famous. I soon learned the devastating disaster that free models could use, So I quit ROBLOX Developing and was a short youtuber for the time being, After 3 Years of You tubing I wasnā€™t growing at all, So I quit, and in July I decided to come back and start developing again, Minecraft was my main inspiration since Iā€™ve always been a creative person.

In November I started learning how to build better by using tutorials! Now-a-days I consider myself an intermediate builder, and not so great scripter! But Iā€™m proud of my work and take inspiration from other games!

I started playing Roblox since 2016 after a friend recommended I play it.

Iā€™ve always thought of developing something but was never motivated until I got into making clothing, I got into it because I realized that there werenā€™t enough clothing from a series that I enjoyed so I had to make some.
Now I just make clothes whenever I feel like but recently because of the fee for uploading clothing, I gave up for the meantime.

Hoping to make more in the future when I get motivated.

I started playing roblox around April 24th, 2014. (on another account) how I found the game is one of my mutual showed me a game called natural disaster survival, and I got pretty interested with it! So I decided to check on my computer and sign up an account and played some games.

Fast forward a bit, I started to learn a bit about roblox studio. (As I just signed up on another account since the last one is lost forever.) I tried to experiment a bit on developing before I gave up and havenā€™t touched it ever since, around August 2018. I came back to roblox studio. I started to have an experience using starter places and I was in treat with it!

Roblox was part of my life, almost 7 years into this game. And still playing it.

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I started playing Roblox in February of 2016 on another account. I loved playing games like top model, and the normal elevator.
Sometime later that year, I discovered studio, and proceeded to use it to load in free model buildings.
In late 2018 - early 2019, I decided to make my own assets, and made a giant brick home. I experimented more with building, making a small bakery, but by the end of 2019 I went dormant again.
Around early August of 2020, I began to develop again. But this time I had the support from my friends. It made developing much more fun, and after slowly getting better over a couple of months, I decided to start modeling. Right now, iā€™m trying to sharpen my skills in blender, but iā€™m also improving my art skills.
Even after 5 years iā€™m still playing. Almost every day for those 5 years, iā€™ve logged on to either develop, or play.

So my Roblox story begins back in 2016 when I made a Roblox account on my old iPod. A bit after playing on that I decided the screen was too small so I took up my brothers old account he didnā€™t use. I started playing games and I did for three years until 2020. That was when I first started making games.

i joined roblox back in the beginning of march 2018 when my brother told me about it, though the first time i heard about roblox was when i saw my brother play it on his xbox back when he was using an roblox xbox avatar

march 4, 2021 was when my account reached the 3 year mark

but soon after i joined, i started playing games on it like epic minigames or vehicle simulator and a few other games
and i started to feel like i was in love with the platform since i frequently played roblox almost every day.

in 2019, i started to know a bit more about roblox by learning how to get items from promo codes,
and in may of that year, i made a game that i made from a city template even though i used free models in it. though the problem was that i saved the game, but i didnā€™t publish it either and the free models were infected.
of course, this was 2019 so i didnt know much about roblox studio until the year after

fast forward to 2020 when the virus epidemic started rising across the country, and that was when i learned to make my game called baconville (formerly called baconville north carolina). in the beginning of june (ok, the game itself was basically just my first starter place in 2018, but i started baconville in june 2020). the visits were growing when i started to make ads for it (at the time, i only bidded 20-25 robux for it) and then invite some of my friends to it to see what they think of it. but in september, baconville version 1 (june 2020-september 2020) was when the game got infected and i had to replace it with another starter place.

after that, i started baconville version 2 (october 2020-present) that was when i started to make some changes like avoiding infected free models, and adding more stuff into it so baconville will expand. this year was when i started to learn how to build (kinda). but right now i kinda have a lot to learn about building stuff

in conclusion, roblox has been doing good ever since i joined in march 2018 and i will still continue to use the platform until i get tired of it

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Oh yeah, switching serves as a guest. When I played with friends, we just joined and hoped for the best!

I joined Roblox back in 2016/2017 when my younger brother told me to download it. I thought it was a bad game but later then I downloaded it and it got my attention when he was playing work at a pizza place! I was playing on the guest account, and then 8/13/2018 came a day when I made a NikolaPopbot5 account while I was at a sleepover in my grandmotherā€™s house and i was playing zombie attack and work at a pizza place and a superhero tycoon the most. Later i discovered Roblox Studio and made my obby called rainbow obby where I just re-colored parts, more later i found a tutorial on how to create a simulator pet on youtube, and then I discovered Scripting and Lua! At the moment I would just copy and paste scripts or just re-write them. Then 2020 came and I didnā€™t have anything to do so I made my own simulator watching some GamerM8 tutorials and made it + one of the biggest games on my profile at the moment. Later when I figured out how Lua works I started to write my own lines of codes and I found it really cool and good. So far I donā€™t know much about scripting but I know enough to create a basic thing and to come to the endless point of my imagination!



I started playing sense 2019 with my friend that I know them in real life. Oh, when u go to my pof and it said stared 2020 that is my 2 Account bc on my 1rst one I got hacks so yeah. Oh, and my user that I started in 2019 is,ā€¦, ā€¦, Sorry I canā€™t show it and not want to show it. :male_detective:


hello , i am AetheriusTV and this is my roblox story.

I originally joined Roblox off of just a friendā€™s recommendation, for play to Dragon Ball Final Stand by SnakeWorl.

But after 2 years I was pretty bored and remembered my dream of becoming a roblox developer, I immediately opened studio wanting to become a builder and modeller 3D . and now i am owner and builder in my game Dragon Ball Evolution Pre alpha with my friend and scripter ezicirakoyt :smiley: this is my roblox story short .

Thx Roblox :3

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Hello, My name is Godplayer_xpx, and I like to introduce my story!

It once started here, from Obviously first time using Roblox Using toolbox, but then, few weeks later, I noticed that toolbox became a virus, so I started making my own Models and scripts, I enjoyed seeing people playing my game often and making new friends until people started being mean to me. I ignored them and continued walking to my future.

What am I planning for the future?

I am planning to make loads more awesome games for the Roblox Community I hear that I enjoy seeing! When the pandemic broke out, I didnā€™t really make loads of games, I made games seldomly because I had to take a break. But these days during the pandemic, I am making loads of games in my group which you wish to join, I will give you the link later onā€¦ I really enjoy making games for Roblox and hoping to achieve my achievement which is to get my game in the front page which obviously takes loads of work since I donā€™t really collab with people, it gets harder for me to make games but I am use to it these days!

Link: ----> Waffle Studio Offical - Roblox

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Btw I started Roblox on my brothers account in 2018, thatā€™s when I started Roblox!

My story begins in December of 2013. I remember very little about my early time on Roblox, but one of the first memories of Roblox I ever had was first seeing the 2 icons of Roblox and Roblox Studio. I was first going to click on Roblox Studio, thinking it was the right one to click before I was told I should click the normal Roblox icon.

Development wise, I began my adventure on Roblox Studio making cruddy free-model games and cruddy stamper builds. But after Roblox removed the ā€˜play soloā€™ option, I didnā€™t use studio for years. A couple years ago, I re-entered Studio and created my game called ā€˜Martā€™, which was a very blocky game with also free models, but I didnā€™t use many, and mostly just made it with what little expertise I had at the time. Fast forward to now, I havenā€™t used much of studio in a while.

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I started in 2016 on an alt account. Unfortunately, my parents told me to quit as they saw roblox as ā€œinappropriateā€. Soon after that, I was sneaking on roblox and playing games such as ā€œHide and Seek Extreme!ā€ I got caught eventually and was grounded.

In the 4th grade, I would sneak online at school because it was considered a cool game at my school. (and it is.)
After almost 3 years (2018), I wouldā€™ve been in grade 6. My sister brought up the idea of roblox. We both begged and begged when my mom said yes. We made accounts and started playing.
After 1 year of playing games (2019), I started developing. Around this time I met some of my best friends. The games were really basic but my friend and I brought it to the next level. We started taking time out of our day and we put hours of work into it. We quit for a bit then went back shortly after.
Today, I am a proud Robloxian and couldnā€™t ask for a better platform with better people. I am continuing to develop and will continue furthermore.

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It was December, as we all know, Christmas was soon. I opened one of my presents back in 2015 and I got my first ever iPad. Later on, in January, I then decided to scroll through the App Store. I found Roblox on the 25th, I saw the trailer and I loved the game at sight. I then actively participated (except for Roblox badges, I did not know about that stuff till it was retired,) I then played my first ever game, you players from the early days might understand this one, ā€œDoom Spire Brick Battleā€. I then, after that one game, decided this was the game for me, and so, today, Iā€™m still developing and love to play experience Roblox experiences to this day. Thanks Roblox, you made my iPad mini 3 the greatest gift of all time :cool:
Crazy to think that as a 15yr old, Roblox is still the coolest game evar!1!!!


Hi there!
I found roblox 4 years ago (January 27, 2018) because a friend introduced me to it and about 12 months later I became interested in creating games, although I am very bad at it. So my goal would be to learn how to make a game that doesnā€™t look like an FPS, even though Iā€™m making one. My roles would be all, because thatā€™s why Iā€™m learning everything :uhh:

Hi my name is and I am . My son made me an account on Roblox in 2018 so I can play online with him, when really I would rather have been fighting dragons in Skyrim. To start with I found the games overly simplistic, but over time he found better content for us to play.

He published a blank baseplate with HDAdmin on where he and his friends would gather and do silly things. With decades of coding experience I thought I could write a simple UI for it, so issuing commands would be quicker and easier. Then I made a tent and then I made a rocket and bowling alley and and and. I realised that the only limit was your imagination. Games were rare to find on ancient computers so I had to make my own as a kid, and I feel like I have been thrown back to those times of trying to make cool things but now in glorious 3D, instead of mono sprites.

The first game was a lesson in basic LUA and understanding Studioā€¦ After reading nearly every article on the Roblox Education I started to understand a little more each time.

My Games
Some games have been false starts, but I now have 2 creations which I am proud of:

Bomberman - When the original from 1997 stopped working on Win 10 I thought I would recreate it on Roblox during the fist lockdown. Itā€™s had a few visits and I have managed to drop in when other players have been on there. Great satisfaction when one commented that it was the best Bomberman recreation on Roblox.

Poop Your Friends - Yes, a poop game with awful songs, but itā€™s funny and thats what matters. It suddenly started to get more players about a month ago and I feel extremely proud to see how many people have enjoyed my idiotic creation

My Sons Games
Iā€™ve helped him with coding a couple of games:

Downfall Avenue - A shooter based on the old Roblox Weapons Kit

Oof Head Simulator - A generic coin collector but itā€™s easy to see how he has improved over earlier efforts

Future Games
My ambition frequently far exceeds my abilities but with enough perseverance, I get there. Weā€™ve got some great ideas for some original games that I really want to bringing to life, so wait and see what the future brings. I would love to be a full time dev on the platform. Perhaps one dayā€¦

Dev Forum
I love Dev Forum. I have visited for a long time, but was never moved to Member status, until I realised that my son had set my account up as a 6 yr old girl, and so BadDad2004 was created with a bit more maturity. I am amazed at how helpful everyone is and really enjoy helping others as and when I can.

I first played Roblox on 2015 as a guest because I thought I needed my own email password instead of coming up with one myself. Once I played a game (soon my favorite) it instantly became my favorite, and I figured out I could just create a password (I remember that day, ā€œMom, I found out my password!ā€ :laughing:). I lost around 3 accounts because I forgot all of their passwords XD.

Fast forward to mid-2016, when my favorite game (Pokemon Brick Bronze) got deleted because of copyright issues. I mostly played that, and I didnā€™t play other games much, so I decided to play a lot more games. Once I actually experienced different games, I learned how powerful Roblox games were, and thatā€™s when I wanted to make my own game. Unfortunately I couldnā€™t use Studio as I wasnā€™t allowed on the family PC (School was a lot of work and my parents didnā€™t want me to be distracted).

Again, moving forward to 2018, when my brother and I were able to play Roblox in my dadā€™s office after school. Since both of us used PCs, we installed Roblox Studio. I only knew how to do simple building and I was a complete NOOB at scripting. Even though I was bad at developing, I still held onto my dream of making a game.

Then, disaster struck on April 2020, when school shut down for about 5 months due to the pandemic. Once again I just played Roblox, but even though I was on the PC I didnā€™t use Roblox Studio. I remembered about Studio when I collected all the eggs (even the developer, admin, and content creator ones) in Egg Hunt 2020. I started watching Roblox memes at that point and I did something really bad. I got a meme decal and placed it on a part. I then saved it on Roblox as a model. 1 minute later, I was horrified to see my account was terminated. How was that meme allowed as a decal but not as a model??? I stopped playing Roblox for a long timeā€¦ until December 2020 :wink:

Those days were very boring and were just about gaming, so Iā€™ll skip to July 2021. I joined the DevForum around that time and started using Roblox Studio again. I learned how to script, with the help of AlvinBlox. I then created my first script without any tutorial. (Yes, itā€™s a small achievement, but it was a glorious memory to me) With the confidence to script, I went on the API reference and studied for days, until I created my first game, Speedrunners (ALPHA).
Anyways, I invited my friends and the game reached 100 visits. After a few weeks, though, the game died. Starting September, I decided to make modules to make scripting easier. Going to October, I found a development discussion about sharing your successful games. I knew my game wasnā€™t that successful, but I added it in the replies. A few days later, I checked my account because I was so bored. I freaked out a bit (okay, a lot) when I found out I had robux. I got it from premium payouts. That was such a big achievement because I was never allowed to spend money on robux before.

Today, I started advanced scripting. Iā€™ve been creating new projects here and there, but Iā€™ll eventually finish them all.

And thatā€™s my story.


I first began playing Roblox in 2015. At the time I was an ordinary guy playing an ordinary platform at least thatā€™s what I thought. However, every single game I played, Hex, Arcane Adventures, and etc were captivating. I played nonstop before school. And after school, after homework ofc. I was 13 at the time so cut me some slack. :stuck_out_tongue:
5 years later, I use ROBLOX Studio not as frequently but occasionally, and when I do itā€™s usually to test something out before I implement the concept into an off-platform game. These days I usually play the games like Loomian Legacy, Murder Mystery 2, and other games. Many times I play ROBLOX to get inspiration from the game Iā€™m currently making and itā€™s been life-changing as Iā€™ve been able to explore new ideas and concepts, add them to a game in a different twist, and have fun. Itā€™s really fun and amazing to be on this platform full of ideas. :slight_smile: