What's Your Roblox Story?

It all started when I was 12, which has back in 2016, I was used to play Minecraft Ripoff’s on the Play Store. Got bored then was like ok lets go and watch some YouTube videos. I was watching one Minecraft videos when I saw a recommendation video at the side. It was the first ever Roblox video I’ve ever watched, it was about the famous YouTube Star, DanTDM who was playing MacDonald Tycoon, I was like ok let’s go ahead, let’s see What is Roblox is all about…

I watched it, felt this creativity in it on Roblox, suddenly got interest to play Roblox, I created my first Roblox account on Roblox, I used to play obby games and stuff like that, by that time, I wasn’t that knowledgable about keeping sure that you’ve remember your username, gmail, password, keeping sure to remember so that i won’t forget when I log in the next time

After a few months, I forget my password, so I gotta abandon my first account. After that, I made my second Roblox account, I did mess around Roblox Studio, made a normal basic looking obby, idk how to script at that time. But then I gotta abandon that account as well due to the same problem as my first one :confused:

Then comes my third one [THIS ONE] , get to know the developers, youtube creators, history of it, the creativity in it, the community in it, the fun in it. Made a couple of simple showcase(my first time making showcase AND my first time making buildings). Now, I’m currently making a open-world game called PolyTown. Its gonna take a long time to finish it but hopefully its gonna be likeable to everyone.

And that’s my story…


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Hi Everyone,
I am 1Lost_Waffle! I first started Roblox in 2017. I heard about it from a friend. I remember joining for the first time and playing Jailbreak. It was a really interesting experience. I did not know what to expect. I thought Roblox made every game and published it themselves. I did not realize that other players make games and publish it themselves. That got me thinking… what if I made a game. I began playing many more games and not just limiting myself to Jailbreak. I was looking at how the games were made and what I could potentially put in my game. Then, in March of 2020, I launched my first game, King Shooter. It was a really fun experience making it and I had a great time! It got over 1.5k visits which is decent for my first game! I recently just launched my new game in October of 2020. The game is called Global Trading. It is a trading game, sort of like Trade Hangout, that got 300 visits! Today, I am working on a tycoon! I really want to thank Roblox for letting me use my imagination when making games and being able to play other games created by people! Roblox is the best online platform!!!

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I don’t remember an exact date but I remember about 5 - 6 years ago when I was still at that age where it was fun to visit friend’s houses we used to play Roblox a lot, long before guests/tix were removed and such.

The first Roblox game I played was Call of Robloxia 5 on my friend’s PC (sadly broken now), I was a lot into those games like Deadzone and such before FE updates made them unplayable and the classic Build to Survive/Disaster games.

Not long later I decided to just make my own account so I could play at home and keep my game saves, I discovered Studio was a thing, played around with free models a lot, looked at how it was built.

At some point, like a year later or so I began to look into scripting a bit, before that I just made minor edits to scripts to see if it would change game behavior.

Spend years on the wiki and following tutorials learning Lua, made simple things in Roblox, eventually got a little bored and wanted to make more complex things so I went deeper and started using a bit more math and playing around with tables and such.

I often showed my creations to friends, parents, sign- other, teachers on school since I was sometimes allowed to do Roblox there on a teacher’s laptop, some of them liked what I made, some were proud of what I was learning.

I just kept learning how the Roblox engine worked and came up with a lot of ideas for games, I still have a lot of work to finish but my concepts and ideas are still there, waiting to be finished and playable.

I sometimes work with others on their projects since they like scripting and I’m all about complex things like AI and such, making functional modular systems, etc.
Although, it does often keep me a bit off my own projects, so to this day I’m still looking where I can put everything and have it more organized so I can work on what my heart desires and so I can actually finish my own work at some point.

Roblox has been pretty amazing, it’s where I started making things, programming, school has never really teached me much about programming, had to learn it myself using Roblox.

Roblox has learned me a lot of things regarding game development and helps me on my way to become a great dev, Roblox has also helped me with other things, before I could understand more complex things like how Unity and such works, I first took the time to understand how Roblox worked and see if I could perhaps apply some of that knowledge to that (Unity is a whole lot different in the end but Roblox helped me understand better).
So now I work in 2 game engines thanks to that, which is pretty cool.

In a direct or indirect way, Roblox has actually done quite a lot ever since I discovered it, it’s a nice thing, I also discovered a lot of groups, people and friends through it that I actually have great contact with.



My Roblox Story
I have been coding all my life. When I was around 5 or 6 my Dad introduced me into code.org. It was a website that teaches kids how to code for free. I loved it a lot and I wanted to learn more. So I hoped on Khan Academy and started to learn HTML and CSS. When When I was about 9 I started to play roblox. About around 2016. I played the games a lot and even became addicted at some point (thanks to strucid). Roblox has always been a place for me to share my thoughts, have fun, and most importantly make friends. I used to think that all games on roblox were made from roblox. After realizing there not, I decided to make a game. Around the time tycoons were pretty big. They still are but like tycoons were the biggest thing. I wanted to make a game with like tycoon guns and stuff like that. I had no idea how to do anything on roblox studio. I just went around the toolbox adding free models into the game. Luckily, there was not any viruses. When my mom would ask, “Tadd what are you doing on the computer?” I would always answer “I’m coding mom, look!”. Even though I was only importing models. The game was pretty cool, at least the cars worked. After that I would rarely use roblox studio. The only times I would use it was as an excuse for being on the computer. I would keep playing games, keep spending money on roblox and I would keep making friends. Around Easter this year during the annual roblox Easter egg hunt I started to exploit. My intention was never to ruin the game. I just wanted the roblox Easter eggs to add to my collection. After I started exploiting I wanted more and more power. That’s what exploits do to you. They give you power over everything in the game. It was very sad actually. I even started to make my own script executors with C# and I did not start scripting on roblox until I wanted to make the actual hack GUIs. So I looked up an tutorial and I made a GUI. I kept hacking for about 1 months and got banned for a day. That pretty much stopped me from hacking. Also around that time my brothers (I have 2) wanted to have a development competition. Me, thinking I was the best developer in the world, agreed. I remember using free models, and making a GUI. I made a FPS game that I called Florigen Intelligence. I wanted it to be a spy type game with two florigen agencies fighting each other. MI6 and the CIA. I used the WB (war bound I think) guns and learned how to script GUI buttons. I had so much fun making the game I wanted to make more and more games. I started to learn how to make GFXs and I learned how to build. That’s when I wanted to join the roblox developer forum. I remember becoming over joyed when I was allowed to make topics. Even though I was completely inexperienced and unprofessional. I made even cooler friends that help a lot. And I even made some robux. Over all I am very grateful of roblox and happy that I was introduced to it. It legitimately changed my life and I am very grateful for it. Thanks to all the roblox staff and the people who make roblox fun for everyone.


I’ve played Roblox most of my life, developing, not so much. I started off as a major player, I wasn’t very good, but I loved the platform. I began to find an interest in Theme Parks on the Roblox Platform, already as a passionate theme-park-lover, I suppose you could say, I found an interest for parks like Universal Roblox and Roblox Point, and later on parks such as Movie Park. Around 2016/2017, I decided to dip my feet into developing. My first build wasn’t tragic, it was a few buildings, some signs and two spawn points/teams. I’m sure there’s better first projects but I’m relatively proud of it, considering it was my first. Then I carried on and found an interest for developing, I made my first theme park, well, started it, heck, barely even started it. It was basically an entrance building (using free models), and it had my disgusting old avatar at the front waving :nauseated_face:. There was a parking lot, starblox coffee, shop, some sort of hotel (I think?) and a waterfall that I somehow spent HOURS on, for some reason I remember nearly every bit of making it to this day haha. I also particularly remember making the hills at the side be corroded metal, and having this weird glass cage thing that was meant to be see-through-construction-walls at the park’s entrance. Oh and, did anyone else use free model invisible walls for a while? Just me? Okay :woozy_face:. I had a lot of ideas for a ton of games, and like I’m sure everyone has, scrapped every single one of them :smiley: After that, I slowly began learning more and developing (no pun intended) my skills. I ended up learning a lot of helpful things: such as unions, how to use particle emitters, and something that might be most important to me, UI Design. I developed on a lot of other projects, and worked on a ton of my own, and that’s pretty much how it still is. 3 years later I’ve learnt so much, From tweening to basic stuff like how to resize UIs. I’ve also been learning 3D Modelling. It’s been quite the journey for me and it’s far from over yet. I still have a lot to learn and I’m loving every second! Now I’m primarily a UI designer, builder and minimally a scripter. Thanks for reading this essay of sorts, I hope it was nice learning a bit about my story. Hope to see you around some time! :wave:

Edit: this is my developing story, and the story of my current account. I’ve been on Roblox much longer as a guest and on various other accounts, I hadn’t ever developed on those and if not, at the very least I placed a part, got confused and gave up hahaha.


i’ve known roblox maybe in 2009 but i started playing roblox on a windows xp back in 2011, with the user roastedenise. i most likely joined roblox because my older siblings also played roblox back then. i dont have a lot of memories since i easily forget so obviously i forgot the password to that account. so now it stays dormant and i gave up trying to get it back since it was impossible

so i decided to get back on an alt (this one) to play again in 2012. back then ig i liked playing a lot of zombie games (zombie outbreak, undead coming, zombie tower etc) and rp games, and around maybe 2014-2015 i used a laptop and made my avatar a guest. in 2015 i started to draw a lot and in old free draw i gained lots of friends there. it took a bit for the guest look to be my main look but i stuck to it ever since since i luv guestz. i relied heavily on tix so when it got removed i was devastated- and the only builders club i got was the regular bc and i knew it was impossible for me to get the unlimited obc back then

i started to play less of roblox and also hated the new updates around 2016-2017 until i stopped playing around when rthro was announced.
i was done with roblox for pretty much 3 years until this year in discord my friend messaged me if i wanted to play roblox with them. i was reluctant at first, since i wasn’t feeling good about how roblox will look like. but i agreed to play, and i slowly started to enjoy playing roblox again. its unfortunate that i wasnt there when builders club got removed, so i was confused of the new icon that was premium. i was also confused about the ugc hats, but started to love it. so now im still playing game B)

tldr: started in 2011 as roastedenise, forgot password so got back in 2012 as alt/main, funny fun times til i started to hate the new updates and quit for a couple years til i got back after a friend wanted to play roblox with me and enjoyed roblox again
(i dont know why i chose ‘roastedenise’ as my username and why i stuck with it LOL)


I met ROBLOX in 2013, while on YouTube I was searching for information about the elevator simulator, and saw some videos from ROBLOX. I still remember things like: TIX or unlimited number of friends - those were good times. Since 2013 I’ve been creating buildings with elevators, and now I’m creating a more realistic building with my friend (hi @vfx_1) . Since the same year I also have a group that still exists today.

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I joined roblox in april 2016, from my friend rcouret4 (well, he used to be my friend) inviting me to play a game called Event. I later decided to play some other games such as Prison Life, Work at a Pizza Place and decided to start making my own games. At first, I decided to make a game with free models, and then on and on I decided to use less free models until I stopped using them completely, with the exception of APIs and Admin Commands. I then started work on a new game, Zombie Invasion, but that was later stopped. I am now here.

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Well… It all started back in 2010. I was at a sleepover at my friends’ house, noticed they were making a game with models from other games - and I was just awestruck. I had said “so… you can play Halo in any way you want without playing Halo?”, to which he responded “yup!”.

The following day, I recall googling for it - likely searching ‘roadblocks’ or something along those terms since I hadn’t actually seen how it was spelt. I found it, created an account (Fondbeef), looked for a Halo group and found one. I remember being in awe but also sad that the members in that group weren’t exactly the most welcoming, so I had decided to make my own - a silly knockoff of the UNSC from Halo. Ten years ago I created that group and I recall wishing so much to reach just a hundred members - and that would be enough to satisfy me. I spent countless hours recruiting, building, and trying my best to procure members. One day I reached that goal, and thought to myself - ‘it’s time for more! I want five hundred!’, and so on so forth: all the way to 20,000. I spent ten years of my life … half of my life on Roblox learning how to do different things to cater to my group - photoshopping, programming, 3d modelling, sound-making - you name it, I had attempted to learn it.

All of which are incredibly useful life skills, of which at the time I hadn’t really thought about - I was just trying to have fun…

But the group brought me more than just those life-skills, of which I’ll get back to in a moment here: it gave me opportunities I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to receive. If it weren’t for that group, and the learning of those skills I wouldn’t have ever made the Roblox HQ, which had got me quite a bit of attention back in 2014. It would’ve never given me the opportunity to help out with some Twitch.tv/Roblox streams with Jack, or have a calendar and hat made of my place, or creating an official Roblox event (Endless Summer Night Campout) or a Thanksgiving-themed place for the Roblox Facebook - all things that lead up to something that I pride myself the most on: the inspiration and countless memories it had given thousands and thousands of people. I find myself in situations both in real life which generally were awkward - yet funny and pridefully discovered and times in games where people will recognise me and say how I had made a profound impact on their life - whether it was from encouraging them to learn a new language because of my diverse places, getting them out of a dark place in real life - giving them an escape, or a desire to learn how to 3D model or program of which eventually got them into an internship or university they otherwise wouldn’t have gotten into or thought of. It’s such an incredible feeling know that I’ve had such a profound impact - despite being a relatively small figure in the grand scheme of things. This even had an impact on me. I would’ve never known I was such a fan of programming if it weren’t for Roblox. I would’ve never taught it, nor gone into Uni for it, either.

But I’ll be real - the best part of it all was that it had introduced me to some of the most incredible people I’ve ever met. A friend group that’s lasted an entire decade. It’s insane to think about, but it’s absolutely true. It’s quite weird to think that at we all started as little ‘Roblox Halo child-soldiers and politicians’. But that’s what we were! We truly had experienced and lived a world… a universe that no one else had experienced. We lived the game of Halo for an entire decade - and hold a bond and memories of which some people fantasise about: seeing empires rise and fall - countless battles and wars that had lasted hours, days, months, years. Creating and implementing policies, guarding valuable assets, protecting important figures, seeing friends come and go. Creating nation-states, toppling tyrannical governments, fighting aliens/rebels/pirates/ferocious parasite creatures, debating issues and policies, thousands of hours of planning, patrolling, teaching, learning, etc. But it all led to now: the new part of the story we all worked hard to create. We have seen each other in our worst, our best, experienced mind-boggling stories and adventures … and now, we’re at the part of the story where we are seeing our friends getting incredible jobs, attending great universities, getting married, and having children - of which one day will hopefully experience the incredible things that we all had once experienced ourselves, and doing things that none of us otherwise would be doing if it weren’t for that group made ten years ago, on a little site named Roblox.

@MathMinded @InfiniteEffect @Mr_Wigs @JetIagged @Ryferion1 @Moalei @FrederickWellesley
To the friends of mine above that are on the DevForums, thank you. I look forward to seeing the future, and what it holds - with you, and the rest that aren’t on here.


Was it one of those old looking, sort of poorly made ads? That’s actually what got me playing roblox as well…

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My story is quite unique honestly. I joined Roblox in 2016, but I was first introduced to online gaming via Animal Jam. In the 4th grade my buddies and I would play it any chance we got in the school computer lab. I was introduced to Roblox by a friend who got me into playing with him. I was young when I joined Roblox, so I didn’t know much. I got back into the game in late 2017 after not having any interest in it. I started playing a lot more games on it and realized that I loved the game. Freshman year of high school, I took a programming class, I was hooked. I would spend a lot of time programming something I really enjoy doing, the covid comes and I was watching I believe it was AlvinBlox? I got interested and I bought a book about Roblox coding from Amazon. While I do admit there were times I felt down and frustrated about my career as a Roblox dev it has been 100% worth it in the end.

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I first found out about Roblox in 2016 when a friend told me about it. I loved the game straight off the bat and I played a lot of different games. At the start of 2019 I wanted to start making my own Roblox games, although I haven’t finished any I hopefully will by January or February next year. My goal in developing on Roblox is to create something that people will enjoy playing as well as creating the most realistic builds I can.

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In a library computer… someone had installed Roblox.

I played it and had fun.

I went home, played it on my PC, and had fun.

Keep in mind this was around late 2016. It wasn’t until summer 2017 that I made an account. I didn’t really feel the need to make an account until I played Apocalypse Rising. Ahh… memories. Anyway, I finally got intrigued and clicked on the Develop tap on the website.

Made a lame free model fighting game called BattleAttack in lateish 2017.

Stopped developing after I broke it by making terrain over the spawns. I wasn’t smart enough to fix it back then.

Lost my old account in early 2018, made my current account a few weeks later.

Made a few pathetic attempts at games throughout 2018-2019.

Gave up after being unable to grasp the slightest bit of scripting knowledge.

Deleted Roblox Studio

Took a break from Roblox until about a month ago.

Discovered Blender.

Made a WIP donut.

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The Beginning

I was in 4th grade and I had very little friends. I used to only use PBS Kids as my only form of entertainment as that’s the only thing I knew at the time. That is until my friend, DevvUnknown, a really small Roblox developer, introduced me to things like Youtube, Minecraft, and Roblox.

My first few years

I was around 10 years old when I first made this account back in 2016. I was just an average player of the platform. I remember being excited about the John Doe thing back in like 2017 and I remember the Halloween 2016 event is when I got my hat, which has been forever on my avatar, rarely being took off. I really only played games on Roblox for a few years, only when in 2019 is when my passion for coding took off.

My Learning Steps

I originally started by passion by a Java AP class that I saw from my after school club. After when I finished the class and did the AP test this year, I passed it, I became interested in Discord-Roblox ranking bots thanks to Salomy’s Ranking Services. I personally never bought them, but I was in groups who used them. Due to the fact that I didn’t want to pay for a Discord-Roblox ranking bot, I was looking for a free bot when I stumbled upon Qbot. This bot became my foundation and motivation for me to create my own bots that are open sourced, hence, why all my projects are open sourced. I originally modified the code of Qbot to add commands such as exit, accept join request, etc. I even managed to create an in-game ranking system with it, and that started my scripting journey going into Roblox Studio.

What I’m doing now

I mostly code Discord bots for open sourced projects and I sometimes go back to Roblox development to make Roblox scripts/modules.


I used to play with my childhood friends a lot, I have also noticed her brother’s friend playing Roblox a lot and I asked her “What is that game?” She explained everything and I got interested. I went home and tried it out, at first I already jumped in without creating account first so I used to be guest a lot, a week later I figured out you could create an account so I did created one.

I used to play many games a lot back in 2017, soon I realized that I could make my own game as well so I tried it out, at first I used to take Free Models for making a map, then later I starting learning how to build my self. I started building in late 2017 or early 2018, I have learned so much other things (I was still bad back then) And now I’ve gotten better than before, It’s only pretty decent right now.

My plan for the future:
Learn UI Designing, Animating, Modelling, and anything possible except for Scripting.
I will probably start making my own game in 2021 but not too soon yet.
Yeah, not an interesting story though.

I wish I knew Roblox way earlier



I play roblox when i was 3rd grade (2015), and at the time, i just playing random game. Unfortunarely, with no evidence, i cant retrived my hacked account because i got scammed.

After Scammed
I just created a new account and just playing random game again lol

Beginning into development
FIrst time i did development is at quarantine. Bc it was boring and i have no life. I learn from alvinblox and tapwater. After that, i mess with scripts etc/

I usually learn more language such as C#,Javascript,C++,Python,HTML and CSS. Im focusing on roblox now


I discovered the website back in 2012, and I didn’t really think much of it back then. I left and came back in 2017 and made different accounts often, not really deciding on which one to use, eventually deciding on this one. I had experimented with building before but never really got into it until early 2019 (on a different account). I had some failures with many of my builds back then (and still do) but I feel like I’ve gotten much better. I privated my earlier builds (I don’t feel like the quality is very good), and started working with terrain and 3D models. Eventually I found other people to work with, and I’m hoping the development studio can recover from our work being claimed. That’s a very simplified version of my story here.

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I think it said something like “Tired of playing Club Penguin? Try Roblox”.

I would have been a very easy kid to scam.


Back in the days of when I had nothing to do, I decided to watch Youtube.

In my home page recommended, I saw a video for a trailer of a game called “Roblox”.

I decided to watch the whole trailer, and noticed a link for the Roblox site. I clicked on it.

I guess the platform was pretty cool, and then I noticed a “Create” button on site. Clicked on that, and then it happened. I discovered Studio.

I got to building but realized I was bad at building. I quit developing for a while.

Then, in 2020, when COVID came to say hello, I went back to developing. I realized I had a passion for User Interface design. I figured out how to make good user interface, clean dark mode themes, and more. I loved it.

Now I’m a personal UI Designer, and I work on platforms such as Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, and ROBLOX.



I fell in love with the platform long ago (nine years to be exact) when I accidentally stumbled upon the site when I was searching for quote ‘‘Titanic Sinking Games.’’ I clicked on the original AmazeMan Titanic game and played as a guest on the site for about a month until officially creating my account.

During those nine years, I have made friends who I now know IRL and talk with daily, I learned how to develop and released a successful game, and I have experienced some of the most amazing games that people release on this platform. I am extremely thankful for this site, for not only inspiring me but allowing me to express my creativity with the studio feature, but for letting me meet life-long friends.

Game on and stay safe during these crazy times, robloxians.

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