What's Your Roblox Story?

I joined Roblox in July 2010. I found Roblox by clicking on the Roblox advertisement on the Sploder website. I first used Roblox to use as a platform to build virtual toys with unlimited space and I don’t have to clean up after myself. I mostly built train based games which is heavily inspired by the NYC subway. Later in 2010, I started to script by modifying very simple scripts from free models like message box scripts or kill bricks.

In 2011, I’ve started to script a simple game. Usually simple games that take ideas from front page games. Those games were poor quality and simplified because at the time, I wasn’t a god script. I would only script the basics and not the complicated things like the shop system. I’ve started to build a lot of adventures games at the time because I was bored at home and my family didn’t have enough money to travel to new places. I started making minigames based games on Roblox because I loved playing minigame based game on Roblox.

In 2012, I’ve made the 2nd generation minigame based game. The minigames were more advanced and better scripted because I got better at scripting. Still no extra things like the shop system or save system. Train adventure games became a thing and those game were huge at the time to the point where it heavily lagged my computer and I was reaching the limits of my computer hardware.

In 2013, Same as 2012 but more content in minigame based game and more content to train adventure games. I was playing around with the game maker game engine which caused me to be a little less active on Roblox.

2014 was a big turning point in my Roblox career! In 2014, I stopped building train adventure games because my computer at the time couldn’t handle bigger worlds. Instead, I focus on making smaller and better quality games. I’ve started to play Reason 2 Die on Roblox and it’s a game that I will never forget that I’ve played on Roblox. It’s feels like an adventure because at the time, I was bored at home and we didn’t have enough money to travel to anywhere far. Instead I played a lot of Reason 2 Die to get the adventure feeling. I’ve played so much Reason 2 Die that there was a lot of fighting and competition over the computer because I like Reason 2 Die and my sister likes Vampire Hunters 2 a lot.
I started making the 3rd generation of the minigame based game. It was called Nick Games 2014 then it was changed to Super Nick Games. The third one was more complex minigames and variety. I was able to add some extra stuff like a small store but the items you bought from the store doesn’t save. This is the first game that I made from scratch that saves the player data.

In 2015, I’ve started being a lot more social on Roblox. I’ve made friends in the Reason 2 Die community. Reason 2 Die started to be infested with hackers which made the game a lot harder and better in some ways. But at the time I was maximum rank and most of my friends were high rank in Reason 2 Die and it as still fun to play because we learned more mechanics how to deal with tank buyers and survival tactics like c4 jumping, Rambo knife jump, and healing while walking.
I took the inspiration from Reason 2 Die by adding a load out system which includes weapons, armor, and items so that players have wider strategies and tactics to win minigames. I’ve added more content with Super Nick Games and I added different game modes in minigames. I added ranks which gives the player the incentive to play the game to progress further. Filtering enabled was a new thing at the time but I didn’t use it at the time because it was too much work to mak Super Nick Games work with filtering enabled. My friend played Super Nick Game and they enjoyed it.

In 2016, I’ve decided to stop working on Super Nick Games and start working on Super Stela Games because I want to make a filtering enabled version of Super Nick Games with more efficient and organized scripts.
Hackers in Reason 2 Die got worse to the point where it was starting to become unplayable. Then Reason 2 Die Awakening was released and I started playing it but it wasn’t as fun as the 2014 Reason 2 Die. Super Stela Games is inspired by Reason 2 Die 2014 and the Reason 2 Die Awakening franchise. It’s the first major game that I made that uses the filtering enabled security system. I really loved playing Reason 2 Die but one thing I wished is that the armors caters more towards the female player base and the game to be less military like and more fantasy like. In December 2017, Super Stela Games is the first game that got featured by a youtuber from the Reason 2 Die community but the video got removed because of the controversy about the game copying Reason 2 Die Awakening.

In 2017 is the year I graduated from high school and moved on to college. I majored in computer science because I wanted a video game career. I added more content to Super Stela Games and some new features that are inspired by Reason 2 Die Awakening. I found out about Reason 2 Die Remastered but I didn’t play it that much. In this year, more players noticed Super Stela Games but was looked down upon as a Reason 2 Die Awakening copy and a game that is made for girls. The reason why people think the game is for girls is because the game theme and design are girly even though the game has guns in it. The design of the game has bright colors and dark colors but little to no faded colors and the armors in the game tend look like dresses and flowy tops. I started building a website for my games brand called “Seraphims Studio”. Not much happened in my Roblox career this year because I was more social this year and I’m busy with college.

In 2018, I lost some motivation to work on Super Stela Games because the game feels like it’s too similar to Reason 2 Die Awakening and it doesn’t have a lot of potential. I started to work on Super Stela Games less. There was a thought of the Super Stela Games sequel. I started to help out on Reason 2 Die Remastered game because I wanted players to experience 2014 Reason 2 Die game and I wanted it to keep it alive. I work on more features for the Seraphims Studio websites like the remote moderation system using http service on roblox. You can ban the players in game or on the website. I added the official wiki for my games. Working on the Seraphims Studio website improved my HTML, PHP, CSS, and Javascript coding skills. I was even more social in real life. 2018 is the first year I went to RDC.

In 2019, I lost a lot of motivation to work on Super Stela Games. In this year, I released one final content update which include floral based themed maps with minigames in it along with a boss battle. I was still working on Reason 2 Die Remastered with Inteque. We both got along with each other. This is the first time I worked on games with an active team member. By working on things with a team of people, things got done faster. I worked on adding more tools and features for the moderation system for Reason 2 Die Remastered and Super Stela Games. The idea of making the Super Stela Games sequel got stronger but I didn’t make it yet because I wanted to focus on the Seraphims Studio website, Reason 2 Die Remastered, polishing up Super Stela Games, and school. I quit Reason 2 Die Awakening after the sleigh nerf because I find the game boring and repetitive with no new challenges. I started playing Arsenal because it’s so fun and challenging to play.
In 2019, my social life in the real world peaked.

2020 could be the big turning point in my Roblox career and my life! This is going to be very long but I’ll keep it fairly short.
Before the coronavirus lockdown started in my area in 2020, I started to make Super Stela Games 2 sequel. I learned the mistakes of what other games did like Reason 2 Die and make better games from it. I kept the project as a secret. I planned to make Super Stela Games 2 with more of an rpg semi open world game with a lot of characters and obstacles and with fighting and guns with more girl orientated themes. I started off working only on minigames, obstacles, and quests first.
I lost all motivation to work on the original Super Stela Games. I lost some motivation to work on Reason 2 Die Remastered because not much thing can added or worked on.
When the coronavirus lockdown started, my social life became almost nothing and started to hate reality because it’s nothing but bad news and it feels like a zombie apocalypse and there is nothing fun to do outside. Since then, many new ideas popped up. I started to enjoy Royale High because I love the part you can dress up and socialize with others. In real life, I used to dress in various outfits and socialize with others but coronavirus took it all away. Virtual events are almost always boring and the chance to socialize with others feels very limited. Unfortunately, I didn’t play Royale High regularly because my sister made fun of me for playing Royale High because she sees Royale High as a game made for kids. I view Royale High as a game made for all ages. I loved the theme of Royale High but the game play is not my type.
I took some inspiration from the Royale High game design for a fantasy game reference in Super Stela Games 2.
In the second half of 2020, I worked on weapons and the basic UI elements of the game for fighting portions of the game.

A lot more happened in 2020 but it would make this post longer to read.


I was watching GamerGirl, a.k.a, Karina Kurzawa on YouTube, and I was watching her play Minecraft when I think I was 7? Anyways, I wanted to play Minecraft too, so I looked up Minecraft on Google, and asked my mom to buy it, but we couldn’t at the time, so I just kept browsing anyway, and I found Roblox. So I download Roblox instead of Minecraft. After Roblox installed, I was trying to find a username that wasn’t taken, and at the time, my Dad was calling me a chicken cuz I was really scared of spiders, so he helped me make my first account, chicken3329. I finally got Minecraft about 1 year and a half later, but I still find Roblox more interesting than Minecraft. After I gained more interest in Roblox, I decided to make a YouTube channel.


I discovered Roblox on Addicting Games, presumably all the way back before 2012. It was when Roblox was beginning to develop. An ad drove me to Base Wars FPS (the one on the Games account). It was a surpassing experience; back then, I was confined to games on websites like Nick Jr, Big Fish, and Cartoon Network. Roblox delivered me a web game experience, of which I’d come to remember as the most affectionate. I ultimately got an account in 2012, and mindlessly savored a diverse online culture, which is all you could ask for as a kid.

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Found it in early 2011 via my friend in 2nd grade. I don’t remember a lot from 2011-2013, but I know I would make low-effort places filled to the brim with free models, most of which were either town games or huge mansions made for me and my friends. (I would also get mad at Roblox sometimes and make Windows Movie Maker slideshows ranting about problems that didn’t actually exist lol)

In 2013, sometime right after dynamic lighting came out, I was in studio trying to find models that used it, and somewhere along the way, I found this.

Upon seeing this model, something clicked in my mind like “wow, I want to build like that”, so I deleted all of the free models in the place and proceeded to build everything myself. I was terrible at first, but after some practice I improved by several orders of magnitude.

And that was that. Now that I’m older, I don’t enjoy playing Roblox as much as I enjoy just building in Studio (and I don’t enjoy building in Studio as much as I enjoy building in other games), but it will always have a special place in my heart

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2012: I stumbled upon an app called ‘Natural Disaster Survival (yes that was seriously an app in the App Store). After playing the game a few times, I found out that it was a game from ROBLOX. I downloaded it.
2013: I played some fun games as a guest. I enjoyed it but I really wanted to talk with players.
2014: made my first account and enjoyed the playing even more. I had a lot of tix and bought cool stuff with it. I also got a lot of friends!
Early 2016: my account got banned or something. I couldn’t get in.
Late 2016: after playing a few months as guest, I made my second account (this one).
2018: I tried making games on Roblox Studio, and I really liked the building.
2019: Made some cool games and recieved some robux and premium payout.
2020: Joined the DevForum. Got more in contact with other developers.

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I started playing Roblox in 2018 and I really enjoyed it ! So, in 2019 I tried to become a Roblox developer but I didn’t understand any scripts and I was a very bad builder so I stopped. When the quarantine started, I showed my friend Roblox and he asked me “What’s Roblox studio ?”, I answered that it was an app to create games and he wanted to try to make a game with me. He convinced me saying that they were plenty of ressources and tutorials and that it would be simple. So we started to develop a obby and we enjoyed it ! So we continued to develop other games. I was the “Badcc” and he was the “asimo3089”. So thats my #RobloxStory

It began in August of 2016…

When I spelt ‘robots’ wrong of course.

I started playing as a guest. I soon realized that you could create games, and so later I started developing.

I made this game called ‘Warrior Battles’. It was a free model battling game. I mostly created it so that my siblings and I could have private battles.

I quickly learned how to script and build. And who knew where that one spelling mistake would take me…

It would take me to a page saying ‘Did you mean robots?’ of course.


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I started playing Roblox on September 2011, I was 13.
Found it when searching “Top 10 best online game” on Youtube. Typical kid wanting to play games and chat with others.
Was a very fun time playing! Mostly all of the games are Obbys and surviving from zombies.
Played for a while until Tix got removed which got me bummed out because I If I remember was saving up for a pink dress…
Didn’t play for almost 2 years after that. Went back, Played a thousand more games. Enjoyed it! Though got bullied in some games lol. Nothing that serious.

  • Bought my first premium!
  • Did art for the Roblox community.
  • Started 3D for the first time just dreaming of getting in UGC
  • Actually got hired by a dev after just a few weeks of practicing, Got promoted twice to lead modeller in just 2 months.
  • Now I’m in the UGC program… Pretty much just 3-4 months of practicing 3D

I’m really so lucky to join back Roblox, even though I don’t have that much connections. I got so far just from loving this game and my passion about arts.
Still moving forward on to this career and I hope to be in the team for a long time :heart:

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I started playing roblox in 2015. Then, I was just playing random games every once in a while but as I got older, I began participating in many RP communities such as SCPFs, Mythology Groups, etc.

I enjoyed these so much that I started some of my own projects but realized I didn’t have the money to do it so my only solution was to become a developer.

In around 2019 I began to 3D model. I wondered how the intricate parts of the games I was playing were made and became really interested in 3D modeling with blender once I learned what it was.

I started by doing free commissions and eventually worked on some long term projects.

Today, I am working for various big groups/games with thousands of members either long term or on commission.

This is my roblox story… A long time ago, i was just a young, innocent child. Back them i never knew the great war was gonna break out. The bombings of robloxia started… soldiers came attacking our homes and taking every robloxian they can. And then after the last bombing, it was just me. It was a tough time rebuilding robloxia and i was alone on the streets. That is when they came, they were called the new soldiers of robloxia, they were there no help the people who’s lives were ruined from the great roblox war and bring their lives back to normal. And thats what happened to me. After a year at their shelter they helped me save up the money to go a great university far from robloxia and learn to become a dev, those were the best years of my life, now i have graduated from grand university of roblox and i have become a professionalroblox developer. That is my true roblox story

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I used to play club penguin so I found an ad about Roblox that was nice I loved Roblox after.

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It was Late December, 2017. I had started playing roblox because I was reminiscent of what my life used to be like.

I originally went to go make a Club Penguin account, but after realizing that it was shutting down in March of 2018 I decided to make a Roblox account instead. I made the account and the first 3 things I bought were a Suit Shirt, Suit pants, and a top hat.

The first games I started playing were train games, Games like rails unlimited. I liked that kind of thing so I played those for a while. I then migrated to things like “sinking ship survival” and “battleships”. Boat games were also really fun to play.

I started getting bored with those, and I moved on to another game style. I LOVED playing games like “destroy the bridge” and “blow up roblox HQ tower”. The games with bombs and rocket launchers.

I then migrated into The Sci-fi game series. The first couple games in this genre that I played were ‘Pinewood Computer Core’ and ‘Innovation Labs’. I was a huge fan of the reactor core game style/free roam ability.

Around early 2019, I became stale on roblox. Nothing was super interesting to me, and though I had tried to start making games I wasn’t very involved in it, and so I fell back from Roblox for a little over a year. This wasn’t the end, however. This was just the beginning.

When everyone went into Quarantine, I decided to hop back on to my account to see what was up. I became re-involved in the Innovation Inc. community which sparked my new found love for developing. I’ve made countless friends, hopefully no enemies, and a promising future on the platform.

I’ve been very happy with how not only the innovation community has been incredibly welcoming to me, but also the entire Roblox community. I get up every day excited to see what’s new in Roblox, and I’m rarely disappointed.

Roblox has changed my life for the better, and at last, this is my Roblox life story.

I first played roblox in september of 2010 from an ad on moshi monsters but I played for 1 day so I don’t classify that as joining.

I joined on this account in 2015 because my older brother started playing so I did.

I first started developing instantly and made some… interesting stuff with free models (i don’t have those games anymore, the only one I remember was called “KILL DANTDM”). and this went on until Janurary where my love of scripting started and I tried to make some stuff. Then lockdown hit and it gave me 6 months of nothing but coding. Now here I am in 2020, Still yet to finish my game.

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My Roblox story began back in 2011 while looking around in YouTube videos. I remember watching a 100 ways to die in Roblox video which was my first exposure to the game. Eventually I made an account and have been playing and creating ever since.

I didn’t learn to script until somewhere around 2017-2018 I suppose. So a lot of the games I created were usually just free models and the sort. Now I script my own games and I’m just trying to get something off the ground at this point.

It’s been a rocky 9 years but I’m gonna keep creating and playing. That’s what it’s all about!

second post best post

as for my story summed up in a few sentences,

2012-2014 was just me messing around as a noob with some accounts being lost due to falling for scams that I wonder how I was even able to fall for back in the day, 2015-2017 was posting heavily on the Off Topic subforum (and after its removal, Roblox News & Discussion), and 2018-2020 involved me primarily participating in war clans which, if old video footage of them was any indicator, a dying type of group due to the excessive competition factor making the entry barrier for them unsustainably high.

Oh, and I’ve also made my first game that’s made profit this year - which is extremely bad quality but somehow it got popular and made 18k robux due to a few hundred robux invested on sponsoring it while letting the tagspam description do the rest.


#RobloxStory I fell in love with playing Roblox around in 2015 I would always play Roblox after school with my friends and then I stopped playing but around 2018 or 2019 I started playing more and more games and when I finally joined the developer forum and got a Macbook I could start sharing my creations. (that’s my story I guess it’s not that intresting but okay lol)

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I first had a dream to be able to script, I mostly played the games but then I started to try learning scripting then I just got bored and stuff until last year I found a super good way to learn but I also realized that it is not only scripting and stuff that makes it fun, it is also the supportive community that can help you with issues on the way.

I am happy to be a part of the developer community and I hope to also help others join the community.

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2011, The first time I visited roblox.

I started roblox 9 years ago when I was 7…and It was quite fun I only played Natural Survival and Pizza Place for a long time…and I was a guest…

2013, The time when I made a actual roblox account.

I was 9 years old and I actually made a account which was named after the youtuber “gamer chad”…

2015, started building

Not really, just took free models and just placed them

2017, time I used bricks and made builds

But it wasn’t good looking and there was gaps…

2018, started 28Flaw and professional builds

It wasn’t professional, just some memetastic builds.

2019-2020 The perfect roblox builder I intended to be…

Yes I loved building and I build the way I like.

Thanks, 28Flaw


Ever since I joined roblox I wanted to make a difference in roblox and the world. Now roblox have bring me together and help me understand more then ever. Thanks roblox.

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I made my Roblox account in 2015. In a few months, I started using Roblox Studio, and I created random free-modeled abominations, two had player badges in them. In Apri 2020, after the quarantine, I started developing more frequently again, and that is where I am today.

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