Why is no one playing my game after over 350k impressions?

Can I also say that the game icon looks dark and unappealing. If I search for the game name, your game is ranked second, but most of the other icons look more brighter and more attractive to the eye.

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Sorry for the late feedback, I agree with @TimeVector that the objective of the game should be displayed. If you want to keep your username on the advertisement, resize the text to make it smaller and place it in one of the corners.


This is so much better. The character from the game holding a gun conveys what the game is about a whole lot better. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that. However, it’s still a little vague on how the game differs from other FPS games.

I think you should really improve your game before you advertise, I don’t think the add itself is really the problem. you could definitely improve it, but the game could use A LOT of work.

First the menu is okay but there should be some settings and other things instead of just the different modes.

Second all the maps seem free models which makes it seem that you didn’t work that hard on the game (WHICH IM NOT SAYING) try learning blender or working with someone who does to make the maps.

Third the UI could also use come work its VERY simple which isn’t really a bad thing but adding some icons or just making the UI a little more than just a semi-transparent square.

Fourth The guns are pretty good but there very op the zombies are way too easy to kill and the player is to fast you should make the player a lot slower and maybe add sliding as a movement option also maybe consider making different types of zombies some faster and some slower make the zombies not spawn in the bunch to

Sixth I don’t like how the grenades destroy the map since ill sometimes just keep spawning and keep dying it makes the game unplayable after a while also, I didn’t know the shartgun (or whatever the heavy’s gun is called) exploded things so I kept killing myself.

Overall, the game needs A LOT of work before you start advertising usually advertise once your game is fully finished.

thank you for all the feedback

my friends dont like to playtest and they wont tell me whats wrong with the game so thanks

i am working on the icon right now too

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is this better? this one is focused on the multiplayer mode, which is why there is red and blue


That looks way better!

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I think this one is much better, good job :+1:

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just from that ad and not from playing the game, what would you think the game is about?

I would assume players are tasked with capturing flags or points/areas scattered throughout the map (like the Domination game mode in Bad Business). This being a team based game would also come to mind rather than being a free-for-all, as represented by the red and blue colored splats like you mentioned.

ok that is basically the game lol

I found a new bug, on the zombies mode, this door is not anchored and will easily fall apart:

Also, please don’t take any feedback harshly, I actually think your game has potential and we are all simply trying to help you improve it.

Don’t worry, I think we’re all covering you for that, lmao. Also, really nice job fixing the bugs so fast! Super fast updates and fixes can get you a steady playerbase.


Edit: Changed most of the "really"s

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I think the doors just do that after being blown up but ill check

but yes I think quick updates good because players wont play if you dont add new stuff.
I find it overwhelming to try to get people to join when there are 0 people active, and I don’t want to pay tons of robux for it, but it is what it is

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Yeah, I do think it just happens when you blow the building up. I am actually having a lot of fun in this game, I think I might become a super active player someday:

Although the shartgun explosion strength and distance are a little questionable, as I created this gigantic mess in 15 minutes:

(yes, it’s a humongous hole)
I would recommend bringing down the shartgun explosions and introducing terrain regeneration. This topic can help you with that.

Hope this helps,

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I wouldnt mess with terrain generation too much, at least for zombies or multiplayer matches (which end at 200 points of one of the teams, then switches maps) because i think its satisfying to see a destroyed map after the game lol.

Well, i decreased the questionable power of the shartgun, to the horror of my friends that dont even play (they want the game as chaotic as possible, i can see why) and i added a deep stone layer so you cant make holes you can fall through. I also made the 50 caliber rifle make small terrain holes as well.

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I just started playing and noticed the new menu, nice! I also see you updated a bunch of the UI, including class selection, money, ammo, health, death screen, kill exp, etc. I also see some new guns, which I also like! I see that the shartgun not exploding all the time was fixed, super nice job!
I haven’t noticed any new bugs or anything yet, which is really good! This game just keeps getting better and better. Keep adding new features and improving the game, this is awesome!


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I noticed a few bugs while playing KOTH, such as weird stuff happening when you’re in the air:

I think you have to set the viewmodel to Massless or something, not sure.
I also noticed that the descriptions of some classes were outdated, such as the Operator class, which said it was a submachine gun and magnum revolver when it isn’t anymore.
Finally, when I selected the Marksman class, my M16 broke. I couldn’t shoot or aim, and the gun didn’t have any hands or animations:

It was my first time playing KOTH, and I was pretty impressed, especially with the humvee. Keep up the good work!

Hope this feedback helps,

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The viewmodel problem, I don’t know. Only the head part is anchored, both head and torso parts are cancollide off. None of the guns have collidable parts. I think it is the holding animation for the rifles.

Yeah I also forgot about operator class, and the goofy music in the background lol. My marksman class works, the m16 doesnt have any problems for me. And also the vehicles are just roblox’s models as of right now lol

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It’s been a few days since I’ve played, sorry I never saw your invites lol. I think you added swaying to the guns, which looks amazing, and a crosshair, which I really like.
However, I just realized one way you could clean up the messy inventory, with so many frags and TNTs. You could add a little UI thing that tells you how many grenades and TNTs you have, and what keybind you use to throw them, such as [G].

This would make the inventory look better and easier to navigate.
Also, I would recommend using the DynamicCrosshair module to make your static crosshair more… say, interactable. It also has a hitmarker feature, which I would love to be added to the game. Anyways, yet again, really great job consistently updating the game.


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good idea for the inventory system, thank you, and I will try out the crosshair module. I have been working on the mobile support, which hopefully will bring in more players, and the new weapons, such as the minigun and shovel, to dig the terrain.

Thank you for playing my game, now my friends are playing it on their phones at lunch at school and we have had over 8 people in the server at once. It was very chaotic but a blast.


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