Why when i play-test my game a black screen shows and the studio stops responding?

that’s so weird. before i play-test the studio works smooth
does anyone have this issue before?

Very improperly formatted bug report. Can you let us know your system specs, try in other games, re-install studio, and hell atleast a video?

this is the most in-detail bug report i’ve ever seen

atleast read some other reports before you make one

I have a similar issue, unsure of if it’s what he’s referring to but here goes.

If you do a local test with multiple players, when you close it a “ghost” studio window can appear at seemingly random :thinking:

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I’m looking for people who have faced the same problem. Maybe they have a solution for this.
And i do not think it is a bug, but i did not know where to put this topic

Thanks for help anyways

Hi @ksa_ab65

Please reformat your bug report and send another one based on our guide and this example, as there is not enough information for us to work with!

Thanks for understanding!