Why won't chat work for my game?

Hey there, I came across this today, and I am wondering how to fix it

I tried other games and it works fine, so I don’t know what the issue is…

I added this script recently, but I took it away to test and it didn’t change anything

local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")
ChatService.BubbleChatEnabled = true
local bubbleChatSettings = {
	BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 170, 255),
	TextSize = 20,
	Font = Enum.Font.Bangers,
	BubbleDuration = 15,
	TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0),
	CornerEnabled = true,
	TailVisible = false,
	Padding = 30,
	CornerRadius = UDim.new(1, 0),
	BubblesSpacing = 7,
	Transparency = 0.25
-- Apply the settings
print("Chat Service Successfully Updated")

Does anyone know why I am having an issue?

Are you running that in studio or in a normal place?

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I tried both and neither work…

Make sure that LoadDefaultChat is enabled under Chat in the explorer.

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Yep that is on as well, it is really strange…

Are there any scripts that delete the Chat GUI?

none that I can think of, I haven’t messed with the chat features at all until yesterday…

Can you play your game, open explorer, open up Players > [your player] > PlayerGui and screenshot it please?

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Did you make your chat resizable? If so then that must be the issue because sometimes the chat will spawn out of the screen and you can’t resize it.

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To my knowledge I did not make it resizable, and ok @camomileex0 I can do that…

I did a video instead on it, here it is:

At timestamp 0:34, yeah, there should be a GUI named “Chat” there. One of your scripts must’ve removed it. If you don’t remember writing a script to do that, you may have gotten a backdoor script from a free model. Search “Script” in your Explorer and see if there are any scripts that you don’t want.

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Ok I’ll check, but the only free thing I have in my game was the pets from this 300+ Free Simulator Pets!, and they don’t have any scripts.

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Hey there. I had this problem a while ago, and found out that the chat is sometimes taking too long to load when testing in Roblox Studio. If you go into a normal game, the chat should load fine, it is only in Studio this bug occurs. Hope this helps.

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I thought this was the case as well, but the first video I posted is actually in the Roblox player.

ok, I checked it, the only script that references the chat at all is the one I put in the topic, it doesn’t make a lot of sense…

Wow, I am REALLY unsure why it isn’t working, I tried turning off all plugins and it still won’t work.

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Try to play on a baseplate. If it works then a plugin must’ve injected something so you might have to copy all of your game content to a new game.

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