Working on biggest City roleplay in Roblox!

Remember this thread?

Well… we made the biggest city Roleplay game with a PRECISE copy made in studio of Los Angeles! after a few months… :open_mouth:
Sneak peaks!
We will work on terrain and roads are also done!
(a bit old image)

Real map

(note this image is old, roads are done!) and most of builds are re-detailed haha


HOLY MOLY! This is incredible! I would really love to see this at it’s final product! I’d gotta say this is the most realistic city on ROBLOX from a bird’s eye view! Here’s a cookie for your hard work! :cookie:


This is absolutely astonishing. I can’t imagine how much work it’ll be for you guys to add full-detail to the entire game. Keep up the amazing work.


Its big, so big, how many hours a day went into this


too many haha :laughing:
but it was worth it.


When is the game coming out? Also I can see it was worth it :thinking:


No date yet, we will probably be making the map in parts, and have “betas” till is 100% done which… might take long time


Looks pretty similar, are all the buildings proportional to what they would be like IRL?


That’s gonna crash my PC if I ever try to load into that lol. Great work on the detail of the roads. I like these kinds of games, I really hope you add some detail into the buildings instead of throwing on a block and some blocks on that block to make it look like windows. Either way good work.


yes, indeed, everything was copied from irl google maps street view.

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Looks amazing and will definitely might crash my Laptop, When will the game come out?


Beta might be in a month or 2. (just a piece of map)


This is just amazing, I’ve never seen anyone built a huge city before on Roblox. Amazing job, keep up the awesome work you’ve been doing on that.

Also, did you use any computer software while making this besides Roblox studio? (Like Unity, Blender, etc?)


That looks so awesome! and you can see the effort brought into this! I’d play it if it won’t crash my computer haha!


Wow. Was not expecting to have this much detail in a Roblox map. I remember asking a day or 2 ago about how big maps can be and it seems we can have rather large maps! How much of LA are you planning to add?

Wow! That looks super detailed! What plugin did you use? It looks way too detailed to be done by hand, especially with the highly square-ish boundaries.

Aside from that, you might need to enable a system that unloads buildings and parts from a certain distance away, because if everything is highly detailed I estimate there will be over ~1,000,000 parts!

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Inspired by Grand Theft Auto 5??

basically , roblox cant handle this and it will be buggy as heck.

so yeah i cant say its good.

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dam, very very good work… I cant wait for the terrain!

I thought of this too… xD! Mount Chiliad is missing…