That makes sense. I only mentioned it because it was called a force in the OP.
Tbh I don’t think it’s as simple as setting the Y-velocity. If gravity was at 196.2 and jump power was at 50, then the jump height would be 6.371, not 7.159.
There’s probably a fudge factor that’s missing, idk.
EDIT: And that fudge factor turns out to be exactly 1.06, applied to jump power!
At 196.2 gravity, 100 jump power:

At 300 gravity, 50 jump power.

This is something I’ve been wanting for a long time! It makes it easier to set these settings up now, and I also really appreciate that meters per second is also shown alongside these settings.
Since the knees bend a lot when the player jumps, that in combination with realistic’s floaty gravity allows the player to jump before their feet visibly touch the ground. This wouldn’t be as pronounced if the gravity’s high.
Where did this 7/25 scale come from? How was that decided? 196.2 is so conveniently 9.81 * 20, how did this happen?
Here’s what I said about it. Basically, the conversion makes sense if you think of the RThro avatar as the same height/width as a normal person:
An average door, 6’8" x 3’, compared to an RThro character:
Compared with this graphic I found online:
I have to agree with above posts, I feel perhaps better documentation and tutorials regarding the pre-existing methods for changing these, would be better than adding this page. Though other than perhaps being a bit confusing for some, as long as you can still use the original methods and be able to set an individuals jump and speed settings, I am OK with the panel. I do REALLY like that Jump Height parameter. Will it ever be added to Humanoid?
Makes it so much easier now to create the perfect atmosphere for you game. No need to include humanoids or have any extra code to accomplish the task.
Nice addition! I’ll be trying to test when I get the chance.
Wait, realistic? what does that do?!
This looks great! I’m especially excited for the new property (everything else could be achieved with a plugin).
I am a bit concerned though, putting this in Game Settings. There is a lot of confusion already around what is a game vs. a place on Roblox. Hopefully in the future this can be moved to it’s own tab or panel.
Also, does this mean we now have an official measurement conversion in Studio! That seems like pretty big news for the simulations part of the community. Depending on the accuracy.
i think i read that on the wiki some where that 20 studs is 1 meter.
196.2/20 is 9.81 so they must have changed something
For Jump Height / Jump Power would the pathfinding service take that into account?
This is amazing, thanks! I especially love the new properties and the conversions to real-world units!
Cool update! The presets will definitely add a lot of variation to new games.
So 20 stud = 1 meter is no longer canon?
May I request an easy way to change movement responsiveness?
What I mean by this, is that your character immediately starts walking at the given speed when you provide movement input. The same goes for letting go of that certain input, which would stop the character from moving immediately.
A way to make your character slowly build up speed to their given speed and do the same when slowing down, would be really great.
(Could potentially have to do with friction)
Wanna see many conversion for studs to inches and such this thing could be used in schools think of it I wanted to make realistic size things like my house if I ever did that it would convert inches to studs or something
This is quite off topic but m/s^2 is the unit for acceleration, not m/s/s.
m/s^2 is the same thing as m/s/s
I’m not fully convinced that 1 stud is 28 cm now. Why the realistic preset gravity feels low, like the moon gravity?
Why the change? Is this for (relatively) big antro bodies or the sake of convenience or something?
Could someone give a proper, scientific explanation? At least this blog archive explains it very well.