WorldLoader Plugin Documentation

WorldLoader Plugin

Load Real life Cities into your game!


  • Custom World Scale
  • Configurable Properties (color, material, scale, …)
  • Generation of Areas (parks, fields, pitches, …)
  • Ro scale compatibility
  • History - previously used coordinates save

Get the plugin here: WorldLoader

All data is provided by Openstreetmaps

Any problems with the plugin, bugs, feeback or help needed? Join my Discord Server

Getting Started

Read the guide bellow or watch a Youtube Tutorial

Openstreetmaps coordinates

First, you need to get coordinates of your place. Go to Openstreetmaps and find a place you’d like to import. Right click on the map, click “Show address” and copy the coordinates (image top left). These coordinates will be the center of the loaded area.

Now, go to Studio and select a new part. This part will serve as the area of the loaded city. Bigger the part, bigger the city! Coordinates are set at 0,0 in workspace, if you want the area to load around the coordinates, move the part also to 0,0.

WorldLoader > Home

Next, open the plugin. This is how the Home tab of the plugin looks, input your copied coordinates in the first Textbox¹. Default Scale² is 1, meaning real life scale, being 1 meter = 3.57 studs. History button opens a menu of previously used coordinates and scales. Next step is to download³ the data, and then hit Generate⁴.

If you want to generate an area beside it, but for it to connect with the generated previously, don’t change any coordinates, just move the part and generate.

Still lost? Watch a Youtube Tutorial


Some buildings with more complex shapes can generate inside one big building with the land area of the complex shape, but height of the highest point of the complex building. Sadly, there is nothing I can do about this, but you can delete these incorrect buildings yourself, buildings with correct height will be under it.

Maximum area you can generate depends on the size of the part you have selected, so max 2048 by 2048 studs. BUT you can generate larger areas by generating multiple times! After generating the first time, move your part, and without changing scale or coordinates, download data and generate again.

Editing Properties

To edit some of the properties of Buildings, Roads and Rails, open the PROPERTIES tab.


First, you can edit Generation Rules (image top).

  • Replace Duplicates replaces all found duplicate objects when Generating, otherwise these objects get skipped (reducing generation time). This is useful when you changed a few properties and want to regenerate the area without deleting stuff from Workspace.
  • Ro-Scale generates all rails with same hitboxes as Default Ro-Scale rails.
  • Ro-Scale Ties overrides set tie dimension with default Ro Scale tie dimensions
  • Ro-Scale Ballast overrides set tie dimension with default Ro Scale ballast dimensions
  • Track Handles generates Track Handles for rail, used in Ro Scale to easily connect rails
  • Areas generates colored areas from wedges according to Openstreetmaps, for example, when there is a park on Openstreetmaps, there will be a model made from wedges marking the space.

Next, editing properties. All values are in meters! Most of these are self explanatory, I’m only going to explain the more tricky ones.

  • Buildings > Default Height: Openstreetmaps don’t provide height for all buildings. If height isn’t found, this value will be used.
  • Buildings > Height per floor: If height is provided, its normally in the number of floors. This value dictates how many meters per floor the building generates with
  • Rails > Rail Gauge: In real life, rails have different gauges, which is are distances between two rails. Deafult value is 1.435, Standard gauge, used in Europe and North America
  • 3D Ties: When enabled, ties are going to be parts and able to have changed color and material, if disabled then a texture will be used for ties (more performant in game)

Again, if any questions arise, feel free to ask them in my Discord