
As a Roblox developer, it is currently not efficient to bulk resize parts.

Following from the recently introduced BulkMoveTo function (WorldRoot | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub), it would be nice to also have a BulkResize function, which would resize all parts to the given sizes without triggering events.

This would be immensely useful for efficient model rescaling, for example.


Do you have any examples where you need to resize parts en mass? Features are generally driven by need, and I can’t think of any uses for this off the top of my head.


Resizing models on the fly.



There are a ton of uses for resizing a large number of parts. Many special effects require resizing anywhere from dozens to hundreds of parts. It would be used in many of the same cases as BulkMoveTo.


Bump for this.

In my use case this would be really helpful for sizing multiple different parts all under the same rig of sorts.

I already use BulkMoveTo because of the performance boost from lack of changed events. I do a lot of instance Size/CFrame manipulation (thousands of Instances) every second.


I had someone in need of creating their own cloud system, and resizing 1,000+ meshes accounts for a large portion of performance issues in the system. From actual benchmarks, the computation at the rate of 60/s results in 3-5% of client script activity, as soon as Size begins to get set to a new Vector3 value, the client script activity raises up to around 10-12%. I believe that adding BulkResize method would drastically improve performance of systems like this.

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Bumping this because this is really needed for acceptable performance when mass resizing. In a project I’m doing, I need to resize and reposition 300+ parts every few frames, and the sizing is taking a large percentage of the workload.

This would be really helpful.


Would love to see this feature for my 3d vfx system, hundreds of parts have their CFrame, Size and Transparency (sometimes Color as well) changed every frame. Just found out about BulkMoveTo() and would love to see more of these super fast Bulk functions!

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