Would my game have less lag if it has free models but without scripts

i have a free model game with 3.1k visits which is here > Baconville, North Carolina (EGG HUNT🥚) - Roblox and many people that joined complains about the lag. im trying to find some ways to reduce lag on it, but will my games lag get reduced if i remove scripts out of the free models in my game?

keep in mind that i did not put my game link on my post to advertise


This is probably the problem, too many cars. Probably get rid of most of them.


Scripts most likely aren’t causing the lag you’re referring to.

Lag caused from scripts (most of the time) only affects how fast the other scripts in your game run. The lag players (and I) experienced was framerate lag from the amount of triangles in your game.

I suggest removing high detailed objects like the cars @Captain_Chezeon pointed out.


Possible viruses in scripts, cars, unions, etc.


i didnt quite get what you mean by triangles

Okay, first of all, Why did you make a game with mostly free models, second, some cars may have lag scripts hidden in them.


All parts are made up of triangles in the Roblox engine. Since the cars are really realistic looking, they’re made up of a lot of triangles/parts.

A player has framerate lag when their computer can’t generate the triangles fast enough. Therefore if you remove the cars you’re removing triangles, making it easier to load in your game and have it not lag as much.


it’s because i don’t exactly how to make a model that’s as good as a free model
there were some models i made like the bacon buy, bacon mart, bacon store and a few other buildings, but the rest of the stuff like the computers, the couches, and cars are free models sadly
even if i try to make some like a free model, it just doesn’t look as good as a free model probably does

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i kinda want to remove the cars (or in your case, triangles) but idk how to build like a simple car that will actually work. months ago, i tried making one by following a tutorial on youtube, but it didn’t work much since it said 0 on AreHingesDetected in properties even when i added hinges into the wheels.

and plus many people have already gotten used to the cars that my game currently has

There are too many cars in the game, Plus there could be virus scripts hidden in the cars causing the lag.

Please, try to remove some of the cars and see if that reduces the lag.

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it might be because of depth of field


i looked at the scripts and they werent viruses
btw i got them from this devforum post from a month ago New Endorsed Models in Toolbox!

i tried removing a few when i tested them in roblox studio but the lag still wasnt reduced

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why do you think its the depth of field thats lagging my game

depth of field for me is always really laggy

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I would say remove some free models, because they will cause a lot of lag and could completely ruin your game if you put to much. The more you put, the more likely your game will break and it is not always something that can be fixed if it breaks.

try going to the game and see if the depth of field is fixed

i kinda wanna remove the free models in my game but at the same time i kinda dont because there are some free models in my game that i dont really know how to make myself like a high quality billboard (unless its this type of basic billboard down here)

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That is a basic billboard, it is very simple to make. All you need is five bricks, and a thumbnail as the image for it.

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i was talking about a billboard model like this
not the billboard model picture i added on my other reply

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Oh, then that is a bit harder, the platform at the top would be sorta hard to make, but everything else should be fairly simple.

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