A Complete Guide to GUIs || Written by Discgolftaco231

A Complete Guide to GUIs.

Written by Discgolftaco231.

This is 2 of 5 guides that will come out every day or half-week.

Before we get started, I just want to let you know that this information is not final and if there is anything that is incorrect, please let me know and I will edit the wrong information. Thanks! :grin:

So, What Even is a GUI?

As many of you already know, the acronym GUI means Graphic User Interface. Also, just want to let you know, UI means the same thing as GUI There are three types of GUIs in Roblox:

  • ScreenGui
  • SurfaceGui
  • BillboardGui

GUIs Contain a list of instances, which can be used to create amazing 2D Menus! These are the different UI instances:

  • ScreenGui

    Where all GUI elements have to be placed depending on which type of GUI is preferred. Shows on screen like a menu and is placed in the StarterGui Folder.

  • SurfaceGui

    Where all GUI elements have to be placed depending on which type of GUI is preferred. Shows on a Part’s surface and is usually placed in a Part, in the Workspace.

  • BillboardGui

    Where all GUI elements have to be placed depending on which type of GUI is preferred. Shows as a “floating” GUI above the parented Part and is usually placed in a Part, in the Workspace.

  • Frame

    Holds all UI elements listed and helps organize different GUI layers such as menus.

  • ViewportFrame

    Renders 3D objects such as Parts in a scalable Frame.

  • ScrollableFrame

    Just like a regular Frame, but can be scrolled up and down.

  • TextLabel

    A containment box for pre-written text that cannot be clicked on.

  • TextButton

    A containment box for pre-written text that can be clicked on.

  • TextBox

    A containment box for text that the player can insert into

  • ImageLabel

    A containment box where an uploaded image can be inserted into but cannot be clicked on.

  • ImageButton

    A containment box where an uploaded image can be inserted into and can be clicked on.

There are other GUI modifiers such as UICorner, but we will get into those in the next Guide.

Alright. Let’s keep going :smiley:

What Can a GUI Be Used For?

GUIs can be used for my things, but the most common is game menus. A GUI artist can make their game menu any way they want; and you can too! As you get more comfortable with GUIs, you can begin making more complex designs!

Here are a few examples of great GUIs:

Click here to view @exshop’s GUIs
Click here to view @infiniteRaymond’s GUIs
Click here to view @Alend43’s GUIs
Click here to view @LoadingL0n3ly’s GUIs

Are There Any GUI Effects?

Yes! There are special effects for elements in your game called Tweening. What Tweening does is it allows certain GUI animations and transitions to be applied to your GUI. These Tweens are applied by LocalScripts. Although they seem confusing at first, once you get used to scripting them, it gets really easy! Here is a code snippet of a Tween:

local START_POSITION = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0)
local GOAL_POSITION = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)
local guiObject = script.Parent
local function callback(state)
	if state == Enum.TweenStatus.Completed then
		print("The tween completed uninterrupted")
	elseif state == Enum.TweenStatus.Canceled then
		print("Another tween cancelled this one")
-- Initialize the GuiObject position, then start the tween:
guiObject.Position = START_POSITION
local willPlay = guiObject:TweenPosition(
	GOAL_POSITION,           -- Final position the tween should reach
	Enum.EasingDirection.In, -- Direction of the easing
	Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,   -- Kind of easing to apply
	2,                       -- Duration of the tween in seconds
	true,                    -- Whether in-progress tweens are interrupted
	callback                 -- Function to be called when on completion/cancelation
if willPlay then
	print("The tween will play")
	print("The tween will not play")

This code is from the DevHub Tweening page.

We will get more into tweening in the next Guide!

GUI Object Coloring? What is That?

It is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. In certain GUI elements, you can change the color of the background, border, and others! You can even select Color Gradients to apply to background colors. You can find these settings as well as other fun settings in the Properties tab of certain GUI elements.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading my guide! The next guide will come out between 9/13 to 9/20. Please let me know if there is anything that needs editing, or needs to be added/removed.

If you would like to have your own GUI on display, please reply with a link to a #bulletin-board post with your GUI submission.

Have a great day/evening!

Special Thanks to:

- @exshop for display of their GUIs.
- @infiniteRaymond for display of their GUIs.
- @Alend43 for display of their GUIs.
- @LoadingL0n3ly for display of their GUIs.

Links Used:

- https://devforum.roblox.com/t/thoughts-on-guis-i-have-made/733824
- https://devforum.roblox.com/t/what-do-you-think-of-my-gui/761792
- https://devforum.roblox.com/t/feedback-on-my-ui/731378
- https://devforum.roblox.com/t/feedback-on-some-of-my-uis/741737
- https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/GuiObject/TweenPosition

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next Guides!


I think this should be in #resources:community-tutorials


Thanks for letting me know! I moved it to #resources:community-tutorials

1 Like

Wonderful guide! I will make sure to link this to novice designer when they need help, although I would recommend linking tools like Adobe XD, GIMP, Paint.net or Photoshop and Illustrator as those are software the really improves and individuals UI design game and introduces a bunch of important tools! I personally use Illustrator and Photoshop to create my UIs and then import them into studio.


Great idea! I will add that to the next Guide since it will also be on GUIs. Thanks for the feedback!