A new Regular system for Members

Perks mean things like website/studio bugs, features, and requests. Those are the only thing that most people were talking about. I don’t even know what #lounge is?

Im not even a regular but i will voice my opinion. The regular system was an important system for bug report posts both when the forum was application based acceptance and when the forum wasnt. Due to the prevelance of badge farming and people “grinding” the forum opening the floodgates to bug reports would just cause people to cast their rod in hopes it would land them a badge in some cases.

As in all things i feel people would use this sincerely but doing so would put it at great risk of wasteful posts being made.

For all bug reports you could probably just message an admin and there are other alternatives ways to post bug reports, ive even seen users reply to announcements with bugs they found in a new system or thing that was added.

A viable replacement for regular still to my knowledge hasnt been formatted or blueprinted in a way that would prevent insincere individuals from taking advantage just to get the tag.

Now i am going to support your cause a bit due to the lack of information provided as to when a new system will be created, but I dont really feel personally it would affect me at this point whether I could or not.

What I want the forum staff to do is make sure they take their time formulating a way to prevent forum tryhards which has unfortunately became an epidemic.


You don’t need regular to submit them.





I’ll be honest you don’t need those just to post bug reports, you can either go to Support - Roblox and report the bug there, or if in the Developer Forum you could just go to @Bug-Support, to report bugs around the platform. You don’t need the “Regular” role to do so.

I’ll be honest, this does not start a “war” we’re simply expressing each other’s opinions and that’s not conflict, and it’s simply expressing what we thought.
I’ll be honest, posting this in the thread rather than flagging clogs the thread, and not to be rude, but it’s like going to a group wall and saying ‘ban this user’ instead of going to the profile of the user and use the report feature.


A regular system is coming about, be patient. I don’t even know why this is a post, the new regular system being worked on has been common knowledge for a while.

Making redundant posts like these (which have been reposted over and over) will do nothing.


I joined the forum via application in 2017 and I’m still a member (I couldn’t care less about my trust level, I’ve successfully gotten bug fixes using the method intended for members). I only became active on this forum during the end of summer due to utter boredom from the pandemic. It’s not a good look to judge someone’s potential by how long they’ve been a member for.

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I’m not saying that. If you saw my other post and his posts he also claimed to not be active, yet also been on here 965 consecutive days when 3 years is roughly 1070 days-ish.

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I guess it would be ok to have a new regular system in place, but there isn’t exactly a point. If you have a bug report contact roblox support on their support website, no need to make a bug report post here. If you have a suggestion again just contact roblox support and suggest it, no need to make a post here. Really regular has no point as members can just contact roblox support and do the same things.

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What I’m talking about is how if you post it there THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of people can see it and try to solve problems, and have you seen the state of @Bug-Support?
I asked them this on MARCH 9TH still haven’t responded:

I’m not a Developer Engagement Team Member, and you expect to rant and rant that they open up the rank of Regular despite the fact they have no new system implemented for post approval. If you keep on suggesting that they open Regular without a proper system or they open #bug-reports to Members then you’re clearly making a big mistake.

Let’s also be practical for a minute, some people here in the Developer Forum, don’t bother about those things and are only eager for the Regular promotion as they see this as some sort of “important status”, and if you’re justifying the fact and rant that they open up Regular without a proper system, it’s a huge mistake, and without proper limitations being in-place the forum would be torn apart.

Then you should still wait, as there’s no other options available right now, or you could just go to Support - Roblox and choose the bug report option

the “privileges” you mention doesnt even cover the main topics.

  1. Bug reports
  2. Feature requests

Will you please reread the top? I’m simply stating that some Members are like this, not to mention there’s already @Bug-Support and Support - Roblox to report bugs, or feature requests, basically I’m stating that some Members just use these as excuses to rant to bring back the Regular role, when surprisingly, everybody dosen’t even realize that the Roblox Developer Engagement Team are probably finding solutions to the current situation, ranting and stating that “to post bug reports or features requests” is still not an excuse and you could just use the given temporary resources, and dosen’t need the “Regular” role.

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Believe it or not, I’ve had a really bad experience with support team. I tried to use it to report a bug, it literally took 10 days to reply back. And finally they closed it saying there is no bug. Then two months later, I see a regular post the same bug in #bug-reports.

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It’s literally not a problem, as you got your post notified to the @Bug-Support team, you shouldn’t really worry about it, and not to mention since there’s no Post Approval, the @Bug-Support team is quite more busy compared to the former Community Post Approval, as they also have different priorities and work. If you find it inconvenient just go to Support - Roblox and choose “Bug Report” or “Propose” feature” option, it really takes long but it’s the temporary solution we have.

Not like this sort of thing happens in Bug Reports all the time /s.

This needs to be addressed. I can’t submit any bug reports on the forum because Post Approval was removed something like a year ago and there has not been a single mention from ROBLOX staff regarding the removal of post approval or the implementation of another system.

It’s ridiculous and unacceptable.
How are we meant to submit bug reports?
Right now I can’t run ROBLOX client on macOS Monterey and I’d submit a post there but a lack of any promotion system prevents me from doing so.

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Send a bug report to @Bug-Support or Roblox Support.

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Hey there, the way we’re thinking about this is not in terms of “a new process for getting Regular”, but as “how do we get rid of differences between forum ranks”. There is already no difference between forum ranks anymore and we have moved to group-based access for bug reporting, feature requests and legacy lounge access.

The access issue is solved for bug reports now due to the Big Bug Reporting Update.

Everybody here in the current topic that made a post or Liked one of the posts (as of Mar 19) has had their join request accepted if they submitted one.

For everybody else that participates here later than this reply, please follow the instructions in the linked announcement above on how to get your join request in. We are slowly accepting people from the backlog to make sure we don’t overwhelm internal teams, but it is our goal to clear out the backlog. It will take us some time before we’re caught up with requests so appreciate your patience here.

This resolves the issue for all bug reporting categories.

For the feature request side of the matter, I am consolidating the threads into one thread, namely this one: All forum users should have a path forward to be able to post in feature requests - #154 by Hooksmith.

Please check out the update I posted there for further information. I will close this thread so that all further discussion is centralized in the thread above.

Thank you for posting this and for your patience so far as we work through these issues!