Ability to Permanently Delete Our Uploaded Content



Isn’t there something in the GDPR which outlines the right to erase certain content?


Doesn’t this mean Roblox legally has to do this for those living in the EU? :thinking:

Make it a feature for everyone if that’s the case lol.


To my understanding, it’s not really a “feature” for EU users. They have to personally reach out to Roblox staff and await a human response. At least, to my understanding, but I’m not from the EU and I have never tried it.


I did it a year or two back and got a response telling me to take the decals I linked off-sale and remove them from my inventory :expressionless: and that they wouldn’t delete them.

A month or two back I got a ban (which was resolved) for some of those decals I was trying to get rid of earlier. It’s like you’re just sitting here waiting for a ban and you can’t take personal responsibility and resolve these sorts of things before they become problems.


I think it is about time players should have the ability to delete assets that they have created. Especially now Roblox has just rolled out an Update to 3 Strike IP Infringement Policy. Players should be able to delete assets that could potentially get their account deleted.

Why do I want this feature to be added:
I feel now that Roblox has introduced the new IP Rules players should be allowed to delete assets they have created. A lot of players would agree with me that they have uploaded material that is against the rules that may have not been previously. Players may have also uploaded material when they were children that is against the rules because they didn’t know about copyright. This puts a lot of accounts at risk of serious moderation. This is why players should be allowed to delete the assets that they have created to stop their accounts from being moderated. Otherwise players are just sitting their waiting to be moderated for an asset that they know is against the rules. That’s just unfair!

Roblox has gave us an email to send our potential rule breaking assets to. This is an issue because what if a player doesn’t have an email address. This then means that player wont be able to get their rule breaking assets deleted meaning that they will get moderated. The other issue with this is that it could take a very long while for their rule breaking material to be deleted meaning that they are at risk of being moderated even when they have requested for the material to be deleted.

What if in a months time a player uploads an asset that is against the rules and then just after they upload it they resize it is against the rules. They have no way of deleting it, meaning that they will get moderation on their account for not being able to delete an asset that they know is against the rules.

The player should be able to just click delete on the asset and then it goes into an archive for a few days allowing the player to un-delete the asset. Then after those few days the asset is automatically deleted. The reason the asset will be held for a few days is because a player may accidentally delete the wrong asset meaning that they can un-delete it.


As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to delete old models and scripts.

If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because we would be able to delete some old cringey projects and just overall clean up our accounts a bit.


This would be amazing! One major problem though, UGC… If the UGC creators of accessories or clothing have access to delete their content, then they can potentially steal their assets back after however many people bought them.

A way to go around this is basically 1 of 2 ways.

Make it where you can’t delete accessories or clothing,

Or what I think would be better, is once you delete it, it becomes “unlisted” everywhere but the player’s inventory. Not even the catalog unlisted section will display it. Otherwise someone can spend a lot of robux on a certain asset and it end up being deleted.


The conversation is mostly about IP, but I’d like to add that sometimes uploaded content just needs to be removed or edited. Images or songs or models or what have you that simply aren’t going to be used anymore could be removed and at least clean up the view of the develop tab.

I’ve recently had an issue where I noticed some very old decals of mine had a missing pixel or two, and the solution isn’t to just delete it or edit it, but to upload a whole new version and have both just chilling on my group.

Additionally, there are a lot of old models in my account that I would like to delete for every reason from cleaning inventory to peace of mind. Right now, I just upload a brick in their place and later replace them with any new models I might make. This, of course, is not ideal, because it doesn’t preserve the order they display in either.


Bumping this.

I’d like to be the manager of my assets I upload to this platform, and I want to delete them whenever they want. Archiving isn’t always a good solution. It hides the asset from the players, but sometimes I have things I want to be gone forever.

Children who can accidentally permanently delete their assets aren’t my problem. All major platforms have the ability to permanently delete uploaded content, Roblox is just outdated to not have an option like that.

Please address this issue. It would improve my developer experience because I wouldn’t have to think 5 times before finally uploading something.
I also don’t want to go though the entire GDPR process to delete a decal which I uploaded 5 years ago and never used.

How would this benefit Roblox?
It would save storage capacity. Lots of assets are just sitting in the storage while they are never used. Having the ability to delete them will free up space.


Agree with the dude above. I dislike how what naïve people do are suddenly my problem and me, as a developer, has to magically navigate years of stuff. We’re often told that archiving fixes all of our problems. It doesn’t. If I own the IP of what I create, as outlined in the ToS then, it would make sense for me to have the option to delete my own work whenever I want. Having the massive digital footprint is extremely costly and wasteful for the mere argument that “omg someone will hack me and delete my stuff” or that the security sucks. Both of these, as far as I’m concerned, are not my problem. Roblox being a major platform without the option to delete is just silly.

If the main issue here is deletion, do what most sane people do and have a period of time (~20 days) to recover what has been lost. After that, there’s no point in trying to save anything. I feel like using an archive as a “haha u noob I banish thy” is abusing the point of an archive. I would typically use an archive to save stuff that is meaningful to me not to remove things completely out of view never to be seen again. Plus, it’s only a matter of time before your archive becomes a mess and you’re back to square one where moving to another account is better. I feel like moving to another account is probably a decent indication that this is horrible UX.

As a developer, emailing people over deleting content that you own is not favorable. If we, as developers, own the content then, it should be that we, as developers, can delete it.

Also as a side note, vulnerable accounts are made vulnerable by the following:

  • Weak password. People use things that can be easily guessed at. Birthdays, names of siblings, etc. Use a strong, complex password.

  • Don’t click any links that random people or people you know give you. One link can download a file which can trigger a range of issues. If you don’t know what it is, don’t press it.

  • Don’t flex what you got on your account. People target accounts that have value: limiteds, robux, groups, games, etc.

  • Failing to verify your account because for some weird reason on this platform… verification is still optional. Verification should be forced. A user should have to verify before they make it to the home page. This whole notion of “verify later” is severely flawed.

  • Don’t go searching on the internet for free robux or free unlimited premium. Both of these don’t exist and the sites that claim to have it are in-fact malicious.

  • Don’t paste things into your console via developer/debug tools via any web-browser. Most, if not all, execute code to steal your authentication cookie. With a cookie, they can do anything will your account. Auth cookie does not require a username and password. All it has to do is be passed into an HTTP request along with an CSRF token and your account is compromised.

  • There are bots out there (ranking, group, etc) that use backdoors to pass your auth cookie to textfiles, external databases, etc to an unknown source. Read code. Make sure it does what you want and only what you want. A lot of people out there download stuff and have no idea how it works. Research.

Seen as all of these are 100% avoidable unless the site as a whole gets breached and we’re all screwed, I personally think that the argument that “omg my assets gonna be yankee doodle yeeted” is a bit of an edge case (mostly based on age & naive-factor) where the mass majority of users are relatively safe from.

yay moar securityz


Bumping this because we need more responses on this feature request:

Would be really nice if we had the ability to permanently delete assets off Roblox.
I understand there might be concerns following UGC accessories since UGC is gonna be public soon… but here’s an idea:

Before deleting an asset:

  • Users will be prompted about deletion
  • They need to input a 2FA authentication code before deleting
  • Only the uploader of the item/asset can delete it, if it’s under a group owned by person A, but item uploaded by person B, only person B can delete it.
  • Users have 72 hours to un-delete their item (in case their account was stolen/the deletion was accidental)
    assets should show up until they are fully deleted from the catalog, to avoid people deleting/un-deleting accessories in order to make them invisible

After an asset was deleted:

  • All pending funds go away (if any)
  • Buyers get refunds (if the price was higher than free)

For accessories/2D Clothing:

  • If an asset (texture/mesh) used by an accessory was archived, the accessory will automatically be deleted in 72 hours
  • Should be able to be deleted like any other asset.

I believe we should truly be able to keep full control over assets we upload, as the Roblox platform expands.


Bumping this. A much needed feature.


Where are you going to get that money from to refund all the players?

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I feel this is still a much needed feature.

Recently uploaded an audio with no indication it was copyrighted. Gave it a solid week to make sure it wasn’t a problem, didn’t get removed, and uploaded the others I was waiting on.

Fast forward 2 weeks and the first audio is deleted for copyright. Why it took 2 weeks to be removed I’m not sure, but that’s fair I made a mistake so I emailed copyright_agent@roblox.com days ago to see about having the others removed explaining my situation and didn’t receive a response at all. Tried with Roblox support, received no response. Tried mod review requests, and received no response. If we aren’t going to be given a surefire way to correct honest mistakes I don’t really know what we’re expected to do - wait in limbo to get terminated?


I just came back to check this post. anyways, if the player has enough money to refund every player, then they can delete the item, if not then they shouldn’t be able to delete it. Or better case, if roblox is good, they could add no fee to delete an item, and just give funds out of their pockets (unfortunately this is also the least case scenario)

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I’m not sure how refunding would work, but I have a few items that haven’t been bought by anyone and that I would like to delete. This would be a cool feature :<

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Roughly 8 months ago I contacted copyright_agent@roblox.com to take down a long list of clothing.

Not only was I told that the assets on the list would be removed in 30 days (8 months later still haven’t) but when I got a strike on an asset on the list that I was previously told “No strike or moderation action should be applied to your account as a result of this request” on, it took me almost 8 months to appeal it with support CONSTANTLY insisting I either never requested the assets to be removed/archived, or never made any ticket under the number I provided (going back and forth between those two stories, often going multiple weeks-months without a response)

For an email address that’s meant to handle legal issues they sure don’t care about the potential for getting sued.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to default a placeholder, push a warning to the console / studio console and call it a day? It’s a bit like open-source dependencies used by thousands of people. Backwards compatibility / stability isn’t ever guaranteed. It’s the norm to make things stable but, if I have no users except for me then, I am dealing with an imaginary issue that’s actively affecting my workflow based solely on a what-if. Have safeguards to protect what-ifs (like a holding period) and then, move on.

I get that archiving was meant to solve this issue but, now my archive is messy. So I have double the mess. So the alternative is quite literally, create a new account every couple of years and then, I am back to square one.

Deleting things that I want to delete fixes all these issues for me.

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Does GDPR only apply to ‘personal’ information or no?

P.S. I still think this is a much needed feature. Because we have no recourse to delete anything that has sensitive information. We cannot override our sounds or images or meshes but even with models and places that we can override, the old version is still in the version history. I understand not wanting to lose creations, and people getting hacked, and not wanting hackers to be able to just delete all of someones creations, but there should be a system if you archive an asset and it has been archived for X amount of time (month or so) then you should have the option to permanently delete it. You should also be able to delete versions from a version history if the version has not been the latest published version for X amount of time. Or maybe we should be able to schedule assets or asset/place versions for deletion in which case we would have X amount of time to cancel, or they will be forever gone.