[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

I’m shocked. Very well, Roblox. You’re basically cutting down the ages-old chestnut tree that was the Roblox Library by the trunk now.

The thing that bothers me the most in regards to privating, and restricting the access to, literally thousands upon thousands of classic, commonly used audio assets generated since 2013… That includes an endless amount of assets that have been used in countless products over the past near decade. I don’t like that. I didn’t like when half of all audios were replaced by clowny flute noises in 2018, during the first great audio purge. And now, I certaintly hate that games that aren’t, and won’t be, archived will eventually be stripped down to the bare assets that cobble only the bare bones.

I don’t necessarily have a problem when you’re addressing legal concerns. We get it, you want to be presentable in positive prospects. In fact, I think this change is good in its respective ways… But what has existed will look like it’s going to perish in the fallout of this rather immense change of pace.

What seems to be the best update in my humble opinion is whatever SFX APM has got up their sleeve. I sincerely hope it’s of decent quality and of universal ability to use.

Goodbye, Library of the past. :candle: :heart: :hammer:


Okay, I’m sorry, but WHO thought this was a good idea??
Who let this slide through at Roblox Headquarters??
Did anybody think this through??

Did nobody even think about how this would break almost all of the games on the platform?

Why is it that some people get 10 uploads per month and others get 2000 uploads per month?

Why are audios that have already been uploaded as public being made private?

What if developers hit their limit? Are they just out of luck for the next month?

What about boombox gamepasses/gear?
Why would kids want to hear Roblox stock music instead of music they actually want to hear?
Anyone who has bought a boombox gamepass/gear has practically been scammed!

What about moderation?
Did you REALLY think free uploads would help your moderation team?
Did you REALLY think free uploads would help against bypassed audio?

Moral of the story:


sorry guys but saying yes to this update wont get you that devex if your roblox game gets messed up by this update


I just realized an issue with this is if you use one group for testing your games and another for publishing (or even publishing on your profile), you’ll need to reupload all audio.


This change is completely absurd.

I personally may not have alot of audio to re-upload since I hardly develop anything, but a lot of my developer friends have hundreds, if not thousands of audio they need to re-upload manually to their account.

Not everyone had the full 1000 or 2000 limit so they won’t all be able to get their games back into a working state in 2 weeks.

We should have all been given a high audio limit to start off with, THEN start imposing regular limits starting in April, or even May, given the large amount of audio that needs to be reuploaded.

This update was handled really badly.


Free audio uploading on Roblox is something I never have thought to have seen before. But now it is a reality. :+1:

Though, I am a bit worried what’s gonna happen to my games, or games in general when all existing audio becomes private. I guess we will have to wait and see how this affects my existing games.

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I dont see how this got cleared through all of Roblox’s approval teams.

This change hurts developers instead of helping them.

What you’re effectively doing is pseudo-breaking thousands, possibly millions of games that relied on the old audio behaviour. I dont think the original uploader of those audios are going to sift through everything they’ve uploaded and generously make them public, because thats infeasible.

The big kick in the knee is the fact that contributors to a project cant use their audio in someone else’s game even though they have edit permission, unless that user is in a group game and the audio was uploaded to the group the game is under.

I have a case study, below, my game contains sixty-two blocked audios that were imported over the span of three years.

In that list are also audios that a contributor to the project has spent over 300R$ adding audio to the game, but because they’re not the owner, they cant use them anymore.

Because I dont want to have to upload these 62 audios again, I’ve had to close down this project.

In short, please revert this, it just breaks games.


It’s hilarious because they could be making a sizable amount of revenue off of this, but they’re choosing not to.


I am very excited about the asset team’s pursuit in creating accessible and affordable venues for both long-time and newcoming developers to create an upload audios. Switching audios to being assets that are free to upload is a step towards establishing this accessibility and affordability, which I highly support.

However, I find it unacceptable that this change comes with the damaging caveat of privating nearly all audio assets published by independent audio creators and uploaders on this platform.

As a developer who uses free audio assets uploaded by both the public and fellow developers, privating audio assets indiscriminatorily will damage dozens of my currently published games along with multiple other games owned by groups I work for and fellow devs I work with.

Many free audio providers are no longer active on the website, and will not log back into their accounts to unprivate these retroactively locked assets. Many developers of older games are also no longer active on the website, and will, too, not log back into their accounts to repair damaged games from this update.

Furthermore, this change, with a two weeks notice, will delay countless projects as developers have to scramble to reupload audios that were provided publicly into their own private asset libraries, taking up time and storage space. This is an unfriendly change as many developers may not have the storage space capable of holding vast audio libraries and thus have relied on an open and online catalogue of published audio assets to choose from.

And lastly, this post makes no attempt to explain whether or not audios can be unprivated or privated en masse. If audio uploaders have to individually go into each asset and switch an option (much like how most assets, badges, even friending users on Roblox are), users with entire audio libraries will be shouldered with a both incredibly time-consuming and inaccessible task.

Overall, a good premise. But a horribly timed execution with an incredibly damaging caveat that could’ve desparately used more community input and developer outreach.



I’m sorry, but this is such a horribly broken plan for the permissions system. If I am the owner of the group, why can I not use my personal assets in my own group’s games?

And unless I’m confused, this update does not include any way for me to grant permission for my assets to be used in a particular group. So the only way for me to fix this would be to reupload all of the dozens of audios that are currently under my account, and replace all of those IDs in my games, even though I already own these audios and have all the rights to use them. This is incredibly frustrating. Why is Roblox forcing these changes if the full permissions system is not actually ready for release yet, and we have no straightforward way of preventing these issues?


I have never DevEx-ed and I have the 2,000 audio upload limit. Perhaps it’s for users that are apart of the beta program?

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I’ve noticed a lot of people talking about Boomboxes breaking, and, yeah, that’ll be an issue. But there’s another issue people aren’t seeing that’s related to this: People who’ve purchased such a Gamepass, they’ll entirely loose out on money they could’ve spent differently but now cannot because of something they didn’t see coming. Not to mention those users who will beg Developers for a refund and just cause a toxic environment.


this point#2 is the killer. I was just checking a couple games I have. 6 seconds isn’t a good cutoff for sfx vs songs. Some example sounds I used that were flagged:

fireworks explosion sounds
toilet flush
jet sound
white noise
ship horn blast (echo pushed it over 6 seconds, oof!)
etc. the list goes on…


I guess the free uploads could be considered a silver lining of this, but what about groups that have a specific purpose of uploading audio for people? While yes, you could upload it yourself, but there are millions of audios that have been uploaded to the site and to me it seems pretty inconsiderate to make all of it private, especially to people who can’t upload it themselves. I can understand tighter copyright restrictions due to

Even if you did want to, it would take you… let me see…

oh yeah, SEVEN friggin months.

Thanks Roblox.


While I like that we will be able to upload audio for free now, why will existing audio go private? Someone spent money to upload it and so that other people can use it, I understand if it was with audio uploaded for free. This will also break alot of games and make old audio unusable .

Will there be an option for publisher of audio to make it so everyone can use it?


Nope, I am in the program, and not verified, and have a 10 upload limit ;(

It’s very hard for me to add SFX into my game now because of this change.

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Just throwing my hat in here -

I’ve been using communal audio in my games for around a decade, and suddenly having all those sounds either produce no sound or (GOD FORBID) make the script error - that feels quite degrading. I’ve enjoyed for a very long time using sounds others have uploaded as well as letting everyone else use my sounds as well.

Why are sounds over 6 seconds suddenly going private? Can we not just have all previous sounds be public? The free audio yall uploaded to the site is great but the searching utilities we have are awful - if we want to search for a sound we end up getting 25 completely different sounds all with the same name uploaded by Roblox. All music too; barely any SFX. The only thing I can fathom here is y’all are trying to avoid or sidestep an incredible lawsuit for like $100M or something. In which case please let me know because this currently feels counterproductive.



  • We can now upload audio for free


  • We cannot buy more audio uploads for robux
  • Audio longer than 6 seconds will be automatically be privated, 100% breaking a lot of games

What do I think of this? The cons outweighs the pros for me by a lot
So much games that aren’t updated but is still fun to play will break, even the ones currently updated will break, forcing the creator to upload their own music (hope that they don’t have like 500 audio clips to replace)

Please revert this update, it does more harm than good


I’m actually verified but yea I see your point lol.

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