[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

This is a pretty big change… But… At least Roblox is giving developers a heads up and the tools they need to plan ahead.

It does suck that all of the audios are pretty much gonna get carpet bombed, but eh copyright bla bla legal jumbo ehh it makes sense.

Uploading 100 free audios a month is great. It would be a paid where I’d have to ask my head dev for a payout just to upload some audios.

The new plugin is a great help to plan head.

Roblox adding an assortment of new songs, sound effects, etc is amazing, however… Searing for audios on the Roblox library can be tedious and painful. I hope they make packs of sound effects.
i.e. glass sound effect pack, boom sound effect pack, alert sound pack… etc just to make finding the audios you need easier.
someone will probably come around and do this themselves but it’d be nice if roblox had it natively

I am really excited about privacy options for meshes, animations, and models. That’s undoubtedly awesome for every developer.

on a side note… the developer forum is painfully slow…


What? Why? What’s the thought process behind this?


Then you are one of the lucky ones, most unverified users have a max of 10 per month.

Bypassing! Lots of people would prob upload innapropiate sounds.


what is this supposed to solve? i’m most worried about the removal of audio under 6 seconds, that’ll remove a ton from from so many games. not to mention the countless loopholes that come with allowing anybody to upload audio at no cost


This change is doubly hurtful since we also can’t download existing sound assets to reupload, or even just transfer ownership, so anyone who bought audio that is uploaded on the “wrong” account is in a bit of a pickle now if they don’t have the sound files themselves.

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I understand why this update may currently be needed by Roblox, and appreciate your efforts to take the bullets for us creators in court. Hopefully this update to asset privacy for audio receives improvements in the near future. Thank you Roblox.

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My gosh I cannot stress how badly I agree with you. Roblox seems to want to give small developers who rely on others uploaded sounds so much stress they would rather jump off a bridge, because they’re making all their hard work useless now.


Starting today, all audio uploads are free. To support this change, there are now monthly limits on how many audio assets you can upload.

Free audio uploads? Heck yeah! this is really good, though only 10 a month for non verified users :thinking:. Look, I get you want to encourage people to verify, but I’m still not doing it. Please raise this limit. I personally thing 30-50 a month would be better, or maybe instead do 10-15 a week. 10 a month is a very small amount (Especially for first person shooters that have a lot of guns, you need reloads, shots and sometimes other sounds like scoping in or changing fire modes. only 10 every 30 days makes big updates that will add multiple guns near impossible).

Please raise this ROBLOX. Sound is very important and having a limit like this is really bad. Honestly if it’s going to be this way I’d rather it just be paid again. Sure it would cost quite a bit, but at least I could actually upload the audio I need.

You could do what you did with badges, your first 5 are free for the day and then the rest cost. you could do the same here, 5-10 audios are free each day/week, then the rest cost 20-30 Robux. Heck, I wouldn’t even mind premium users getting to upload more.

By March 22, our current licensed music catalog will receive a newly curated selection of more than 100,000 rights-cleared songs and more than 100,000 new professionally-produced SFX from top audio and music partners like APM, Monstercat, Pro Sound Effects, Nettwerk Music Group and Position Music for you to use.

Having some free to use sounds will be nice for newer or solo developers. Especially ones with no knowledge of sound design and composing. Don’t know how much I’ll use this personally. Still good none the less.

We understand that the incoming privacy changes will cause an abnormal increase in upload requests over the next two weeks. Even with the increase, most developers should not hit the limits. We will be monitoring upload activity across different user groups and expect to adjust these thresholds over time.

“Developers should not hit the limits.” Yeah, it’s very hard to need more than 10 audios in a game lol.

Initially, privacy will only work for audio but we will eventually unlock it for all other asset types.

For the love of god, do not limit us to only 10 meshes a month.

ROBLOX, this update is going to screw over many developers. I am working on an FPS and now with these changes. It seems impossible to do on ROBLOX.

This is not a good change at all. It’s doing more harm than good.


I have ID verify and only 100, You’re lucky? What dev cown do you have as it most likely linked

Huh, well… when the spatial voice was released early to certain developers I was lucky enough to receive it as well, so perhaps the 2,000 audio upload limit could be linked to developers which were granted early access to spatial voice, or users which have a game with a certain amount of visits, earnings or players? We can only speculate I suppose. They should really clarify, especially considering they never even mentioned limis above 100 uploads…

Roblox just deleted the audio they uploaded. :roll_eyes:


This is going to break a lot of stuff.


I was also a part of that, if you’ve DevEx-ed once, it seems that’s the case.

Are you serious? Expanding these to models, animations, god forbid TEXTURES will be the bane of my (and many others) existence. Models offer a good way for beginner developers to learn the basics of developing, whether it be scripting modelling etc. Animations do the same. Textures/images, however, are different. Very few people know how to properly curate, let alone find, quality textures. Whether that be for environments, floors, walls, etc., it doesn’t matter. PBR textures are often too powerful for lower end devices, while plenty of seamless textures are available on the toolbox. Removing them would be HELL.


Most of this update looks really good except for one thing.

“all existing audio longer than 6 seconds will be set to Private.” this is concerning.

  • Creators will have to tediously unprivate they’re uploaded audios.

  • Uploaded audios by people who no longer use Roblox will become utterly useless.

    let us private our audios ourselves instead of automatically private all audios. (over six seconds long)


Why does this feel like experimental mode all over again…? Oh, no!


Alright, let’s give some positive insight. Not towards the update as clearly, free audios is positive enough (as much as the limit can hurt people). But most of the replies here are damn negative, barely anyone seems to enjoy the idea of this update.

The same happened with Roblox planning to update Materials, right? Well, they in the end didn’t because so many people were giving feedback as to how much they hated the update at large and wow! In the end they scrapped it!

There’s a chance that they’ll fix the problems this update will cause, or at the very least most of them.


Good: Free audio uploads
Bad: Loads of audios that anyone can use will be unusable
Meh: !0 audios per month

Shortened since my draft kept on 502-ing. Not good at English :<P


I don’t think that’s the case either, since I have never DevEx-ed myself. (and I have the 2,000 upload limit)