Creator Roadmap: Fall 2024 Edition

Hi Creators,

Fall is here, and we’re excited to share the latest edition of the Creator Roadmap. This update covers what we announced at RDC, showcasing the recently shipped features and adding several new projects. We’ve also cleaned up the roadmap by removing some older launches that shipped over six months ago.

Catching you up, a few features that have launched since the last roadmap update:

For a complete list of launched features, click here, or to view the full Creator Roadmap, click here.

Driving quality, performance, and bug fixes

We’re continuing to work behind the scenes to optimize your experience across platforms so it works well across all devices — saving you time, resources, and effort. Since the last Creator Roadmap update about two and a half months ago, we’ve closed 791 bugs :beetle:.

We’ve also added a new “Studio Performance and Stability” category to the Creator Roadmap. For that category, we’re working on the following items:

  • Reduce Studio Hangs: As mentioned at RDC, we’ve reduced 60% since the beginning of the year and continue to drive these down.
  • Explorer and Properties improvement for large places: We’re focused on reducing lag when using the Explorer and Properties panes in large places.
  • Output performance for large places: Improve lag when printing to Output in large places.
  • Improved and faster autocomplete for scripts: Faster, progressive display of autocomplete results for scripts.
  • Type Inference for Native Compilation: Incorporating types inferred by Luau into the decisions made by native code generation will allow more optimizations to be performed and reduce the size of the generated native code.

Upcoming roadmap

We’ve added 40 new features to the roadmap, including many we announced at RDC – Custom Matchmaking, Party API, and more.

More ways to test and learn

We’re excited about the opportunity to help creators test, learn, and iterate. In the second half of next year, we plan to ship Remote Configs, which will let you dynamically update experience settings or content without requiring a new update or deployment. We’re also working on In-Experience Experiments, which will let you test different versions of experience features or content with live players to optimize gameplay and engagement.

Improved music discovery

We’ve added a new category called “Powering Music Discovery” that features new ways for you to upload music to Roblox via Distrokid, an in-experience What’s Playing UI, and upcoming Music Charts to drive discovery of top songs and music-focused experiences on the platform.

For a complete list of newly added features, click here. Finally, you can see any delayed or on-hold features here.

Happy creating! :tada:

Features launched since the last roadmap update

Click here to view the list.

Create however you want

Easy creation, optimized for your ideal workflows

Open Cloud Engine API for Luau Execution (Beta) - Run Luau code on Roblox’s servers via Open Cloud so external tools have full access to the power of the Roblox engine. This feature was previously listed as Open Cloud Engine API for Running Tasks on the roadmap.

Studio Visualization Modes - Modify viewport settings quickly and easily in the viewport. This feature was previously listed as Viewport Settings on the roadmap.

Updated Type Solver (Beta) - This improves Luau script analysis, including more accurate binary operator inferences and new type operators.

Gamepad + VR support in Studio Emulator - Platform-specific gamepads (e.g., Xbox, PlayStation) can be emulated. VR support is coming later this year.

DragDetectors for UI (Studio Beta) - Make UI in your experience draggable and interactive without scripting.

Cloud creation improves collaboration and reliability

Activity History in Studio - View the history of collaboration activities and configuration changes in your experiences on Creator Hub and Studio.

Generative AI accelerates creation

Material Generator (Full Release) - Quickly generate visually compelling materials using natural language.

Create rich and lifelike worlds

Aerodynamic Forces (Client Beta) - Aerodynamic properties, such as air density, to better simulate flight for objects like wingsuits.

Improved debuggability of the Physics system - Improve the ability to debug physics in Studio by visualizing force/torque, overhauling the pause functionality (live), adding the ability to step through physics frames when paused (live), and adding the ability to temporarily simulate selected parts in edit mode.

Powering music discovery

DistroKid Music Integration - You can now incorporate select music from DistroKid’s catalog into your experiences, bringing a new level of creativity and engagement to the platform. For artists that own the rights to their music, starting in October, you’ll be able to upload your music via DistroKid.

Benefit from a growing creator ecosystem

Roblox Cloud helps you scale

Game Server Performance Dashboards - New dashboards to see Server CPU and Memory Usage Breakdowns.

Creator Hub is your key to success

Actionable insights to grow your experience

Custom Analytics Events - Track custom analytics events in your experience.

New roadmap items

Click here to view the list.

Create however you want

Easy creation, optimized for your ideal workflows

3rd Party Interoperability for Images and Meshes - Integrated file-based workflows for iterating on Media assets like meshes and images. Ideally an extension of the script-based workflows with extended functionality to manage publishing and moderation of assets. (Mid 2025)

Detailed Place Version History - Introduce detailed place version history in Studio that tracks who made changes and when. (Mid 2025)

Package Publish support Place Publish - Enable Package publish to trigger Place publish within an Experience, without manually opening each place. (Mid 2025)

Updated Type Solver (Full Release) - A v1 general and more solid release of our updated Luau solver above that will replace the existing solver. (2025)

Require by string - Add support for require-by-string to the engine, allowing users to better manage modules in their place. (2025)

Properties Revamp - Edit high-touch properties faster and more fluidly, and reorganize the properties panel to make interacting with it as quick and easy as possible. Significantly improve performance and stability of the properties panel, so working with it in large, complex places doesn’t slow you down. (Early 2025)

Studio Performance and Stability

Reduce Studio Hangs - Drastically reduce cases where Studio lags or hangs while you are working. (Mid 2025)

Explorer and Properties improvement for large places - Reduce lags when using Explorer and Properties pane in large places (Mid 2025)

Output performance for large places - Improve lags when printing to Output in large places (Late 2024)

Improved and faster autocomplete for scripts - Faster, progressive display of autocomplete results for scripts (Late 2024)

Cloud creation improves collaboration and reliability

Scripting and Package activities in Studio Activity History - View scripting and Package activities from your collaborators in the Studio Activity History. (Early 2025)

Asset Management: Revamped asset manager (Full Release) - Full launch of revamped asset manager. New features; Folders (or labels). (Mid 2025)

Create rich and lifelike worlds

Video API - We are adding new video instances and APIs that intersect with and build off of the newly added Audio API. These video functionalities will give developers more control over how they can utilize videos within their experiences - as well as unique new ways to display videos. (2025)

Physically-Simulated Avatars - Release a new AnimationConstraint instance as a replacement for Motor6D joints that enables physically-simulated avatars by allowing force and torque limits for target pose matching. The Avatar Joint Upgrade Studio Beta will be an easy way for devs to opt into having all avatars in their experience spawn with AnimationConstraints rather than Motor6Ds. (Late 2024)

Avatar creation and Marketplace

Avatar Auto Setup (Full Release) - Ability to customize Avatar Auto Setup to only do parts of the process (skinning, rigging, segmenting) so the creator has more control over the output. (Early 2025)

Generative AI accelerates creation

Assistant Full Release in Studio - Powerful Generative AI Assistant in Studio that helps generate scripts, run tasks, explain code and find documents, allowing you to focus on creative work while Assistant handles mundane tasks. (Late 2024)

Powering music discovery

DistroKid Music Integration - You can now incorporate select music from DistroKid’s catalog into your experiences, bringing a new level of creativity and engagement to the platform. For artists that own the rights to their music, starting in October, you’ll be able to upload your music via DistroKid. (Late 2024)

What’s Playing (UI in Experience Controls) - Music section in the upcoming experience controls will show users what music they are currently hearing and by which artist. Users will also see additional features to help with settings and reporting. (Early 2025)

Music Experience Charts - The Roblox Discover page will include top charts of music-themed experiences. Users will be able to launch associated experiences from charts. This chart is a mixture of sub-genres related to music - e.g. DJ, rhythm, music education, etc. (Late 2024)

Basic Song Charts - A web-based destination for industry and off-platform discovery includes popular songs on Roblox without sign-in. (Late 2024)

  • As an extension of the “Music Experience Charts” feature, the Roblox Discover page will include top charts of popular songs. Users can open a Song Detail Page from charts, showing what experiences carry that song. (Early 2025)

Grow and engage your audience

Break down language barriers

Automatic Translation for In-Experience Images - Automatically translate text inside in-experience images while matching the style and feel of the original image. (Early 2025)

Additional Video Upload Language Support - Additional language support for video uploads, beyond English, starting in Q4 2024. We launched Spanish locale support in October, with additional locales throughout 2025.

Roblox on all popular devices

Hold button short cut to Launch experiences on Console - A shortcut - allowing users to launch directly into an experience by skipping the EDP page (similar to other platform), by holding a button (Late 2024)

Re-engage your community through notifications

Revamped Experience Updates - The current ‘Game Updates’ page in Creator Hub will be overhauled to support localization, scheduling, and audience targeting. Users will also be able to receive these updates via mobile push if they opt in. (Mid 2025)

Empower immersive communication and expression

Roblox Groups rebranded Roblox Communities - Roblox Groups, which allows creators and users to form communities with people who share similar interests on the platform, is becoming Communities to reflect the expanding toolset we’re building for creators to connect with their audiences. With this launch will come a Community Ban feature, where Creators can now permanently ban a user from their Community. (Late 2024)

Roblox Communities includes bans - Community owners now have the ability to ban community members. (Late 2024)

Forums - Housed in Communities, Forums is a dedicated space where users can share feedback, discuss gameplay, and report issues found. (Late 2024)

Sharing on Profile Experiment - Experiment to allow users the ability to share screenshots to their profile. This is expected to promote discovery and play of new experiences for users. (Late 2024)

In-experience Text Chat on Console - Enable in-experience text chat on Xbox and PlayStation. (Late 2024)

Party API - Announced at RDC, Party is a seamless way for users to group up with their friends (up to 6), discover, and play their favorite games and experiences together. Party APIs allow you to see who is in a Party, empowering you to provide the best experience to keep friends together. (Early 2025)

Match your users to the best server

Custom Matchmaking
Custom Matchmaking lets you, the creator, define rules to customize matchmaking, allowing you to match players in a way that best suits your experience. Tailor the experience to your unique vision, optimizing how players are matched for maximum engagement.

  • Early 2025: Skill-based matching and similar use cases with custom attributes and matchmaking rules.

  • Mid 2025: Additional rule types and deeper analytics.

  • Late 2025: Queue-based Matchmaking and rule expansions.

Powerful search and browse capabilities

Expanding Charts - We turned the Discover page into Charts. Charts showcase what is top and trending on Roblox across multiple dimensions and criteria, and more will be added to this expanding discovery surface. (Ongoing)

Benefit from a growing creator ecosystem

More ways to earn and advertise

Commerce in-experience via Shopify - Ability to make physical products retailed via your Shopify storefronts available for users to purchase within your experience. (Early 2025)

Balanced safety and moderation

Rights Manager Claims and Disputes - Claims will now be sent to creators. Creators can manage claims, disputes and claims against them. (Late 2024)

Creator Hub is your key to success

Learn, connect, and create with one another

Community-Created Learning Content - More ways for the community to create educational content for other creators, including templates, tutorials, and highlighted articles. (Mid 2025)

Cross-Product Creator Home - One cohesive, personalized experience across Creator Hub Home and Studio Start Home (Mid 2025)

Actionable insights to grow your experience

Remote Configs - Dynamically update experience settings or content without requiring a new update or deployment. (Mid 2025)

In-Experience Experimentation - Test different versions of experience features or content with live players to optimize gameplay and engagement. (Late 2025)

Delayed roadmap features

Click here to view the list.

Create however you want

Easy creation, optimized for your ideal workflows

Studio Luau File Sync Preview - An opt-in preview for working on your scripts as files, enabling you to edit your code using your favorite IDE. As we shared at RDC, we didn’t get our first attempt right, so we are releasing an early preview of our next iteration soon to get your feedback on our new approach. (Late 2024)

OSS Code Libraries as Packages on Creator Store - OSS Code Libraries can be distributed as Packages on Creator Store. (2025)

Terrain Creation - Create large geographic features (e.g., mountains, lakes, hills) quickly with customizable parameters. (On Hold)

Avatar Setup Editing Tools - Edit attachment points and cage of an Avatar directly in the Avatar Setup tool. (On Hold)

Cloud creation improves collaboration and reliability

Granular Collaborator Permissions - Give collaborators scoped access to your experiences in Team Create. (Mid 2025)

Comments and Annotations Inside Studio - Annotate and leave comments in Studio for your collaborators. (Early 2025)

Enhance Drafts - We’ve put this feature on hold as it will be addressed as part of a broader project. (On Hold)

Asset Management: Revamped Asset Manager (Beta) - Launching a revamped Asset Manager in Studio. Enable users to easily organize (folders/labels) and search assets in their accounts and their groups’ accounts. We’ll be deprecating the existing Asset Manager and migrating inventory out of Toolbox into the new Asset Manager, and Toolbox will become solely focused on Creator Store content. (Early 2025)

Avatar creation and Marketplace

Improved Avatar Face and Body Tooling - Enhancing how you can import, create, and publish avatar assets. (On Hold)

R6 to 15 Conversion Tool - Streamline the conversion of existing R6 experiences to R15 with tools to migrate characters, animations and scripts. (On Hold)

Engine can support any type of experience

Custom Logging - Allowing you to pass error locations through pcalls. (On Hold)

UI styling - Stylesheets make it possible to change the look and feel of your UI with one click. (Early 2025)

Improved Physics Solver - New and improved physics solver that enables more complex mechanisms and makes existing mechanisms more robust. (Early 2025)

Fluid physics improvements - Improved hydrodynamic forces and more realistic water behavior. (2025)

Future Lighting Android Beta - Future lighting model available as a beta feature on Android devices. (Late 2024)

Future Lighting Studio Default - Future lighting as the default lighting model in Studio, boosting the visual quality of experiences for more creators. (2025)

New voxel light grid - Improvements to lighting to bring the highest quality option to as many devices as possible–includes shadows, specular highlights, light reflection. (2025)

Mesh and Image APIs (formerly Texture) - First step in a new era of creation where developers have direct access to meshes and textures in Lua (Live in Studio). This is coming to in-experience. (Late 2024)

CSG on Meshes - Perform CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) operations like Union, Intersect and Subtract on meshes in Studio and in-experience. - Early 2025

Upper Body tracking - Upper body tracking translates arm and torso movement onto your avatar in real time using the same technology as facial animation. (On Hold)

Create rich and lifelike worlds

Speech to text API - Takes in audio dialogue and outputs text. Can specify input and output language, but output language defaults to the user’s account language. Allows creators to build diverse experiences that use voice commands. (Mid 2025)

Text to speech API - Takes in text and outputs speech audio. Can specify input and output language, but output language defaults to the user’s account language. Allows creators to build diverse experiences with more speaking NPCs, narrators, etc. (Mid 2025)

Break down language barriers

Automatic Translation for Experience Icons and Thumbnails - Automatically translate text inside icons and thumbnails while matching the style and feel of the original image. (Late 2024)

Support for Language Variants - Localization support for variants within languages, such as English (US) and English (UK). (Early 2025)

Benefit from a growing creator ecosystem

Accelerate creation through community-generated assets

List View Beta - Making it easier to browse large asset collections in Toolbox. (Removed)

More ways to earn and advertise

Sell Models on Creator Store - Enabling real-world currency ($USD) pricing and purchasing for Creator Store models once the Asset Privacy and Permissions Open Beta is available. (Early 2025)

Subscription promotions - Enabling devs to run promotions on subscriptions (e.g. free trial or discounted first month). (On Hold)

Creator Hub is your key to success

Learn, connect, and create with one another

Tutorials in-Studio - New Roblox-created tutorials for new and growing creators. Tutorials can be found through Studio Start and followed without leaving Studio. (Early 2025 )

Actionable insights to grow your experience

Data Export API - On Hold to prioritize custom events first based on creator feedback. (On Hold)

Collaborate more efficiently as a team

Asset Privacy and Permissions: Audio and Video - Sharing audio and video assets with groups. (Late 2024)

Asset Privacy and Permissions: Animations - Sharing animations with friends and groups. (Mid 2025)

Grow and engage your audience

Roblox Home page connects you to your ideal audience

Social and Contextual Descriptors - Updating the UI for Experiences on Home to show labels like Friend presence in the experience, Genre and additional insights to distinguish different types of experiences on the Home page. (Late 2024)

Powerful search and browse capabilities

Dynamic Filters - A community-requested feature that will enable users to find your experience based on genre or tag. (On Hold)

Combined Search and Discovery - Merging Discover functionality with Search to simplify navigation. Search, browse, and filter all in one place. (On Hold)


Why did you launch something that wasn’t on the roadmap?

  • The Creator Roadmap is not a comprehensive list of everything Roblox is doing (it’s hard to summarize what 2000+ people are working on!). Some examples of reasons why products may not show up on the roadmap are:

    • User-facing products that require no action from creators
    • Products that require us to coordinate or integrate with third parties, for example, Meta Quest and 17+ experiences. This can result in uncertainty in our ship dates or we may not be able to communicate in advance until the other party is ready.
    • Products we’re holding to announce at RDC
    • Products we aren’t sure are going to be impactful or have enough funding to hit their dates

Why did a feature slip past its target date?

  • We do our best to forecast realistically, but sometimes, features take longer to ship than anticipated, or other features take precedence. As some of you may know, software scheduling estimation is an imprecise art.

This topic was automatically opened after 10 minutes.

Type Inference for Native Compilation
dose this mean types will boos performance?


I’ve been on Roblox for over 10 years, please do not reorganize the properties widget. I will never recover. I understand that you have to improve UX but please do not let it come at the cost of existing familiarity.

This being on hold makes me sad. I’m currently working on logging and it’d be cool if we could handle this more gracefully.


watching both of these get pushed back every update is so sad :sob: i could really use these right about now


Does Gamepad Emulation support all types of Gamepads?


I get a page private error while trying to open this topic

Edit: This is fixed now


CSG on Meshes - Perform CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) operations like Union, Intersect and Subtract on meshes in Studio and in-experience. - Early 2025

Modelers an Builders are gonna be happy with this new update! :happy4:


This sounds really cool and I’m very curious about it. Is there more information that was made available which I missed, or do we need to wait for the beta for more information?


Can’t promise that nothing will change, because the properties widget has the potential to do so much more than it does right now. But it will still have a boring traditional flat-list-of-properties mode very similar to what you see currently if that’s what you’re looking for.

There’s several long term community devs working on the project so I’m pretty confident you wont be disappointed with what we put together in the Explorer / Properties project.


That’s all I’m looking for, yeah! I’m just worried about booting up Studio and seeing it totally different, because it would ruin so many years of muscle memory haha.


How exactly is switching from a Qt UI to a Lua plugin going to “significantly improve performance”? I can’t use the new Studio UI even a second, and I don’t want a “new” explorer or properties panel either. I want to use CustomRibbonTabs on the old UI that works fine, the only useful feature of the new Lua Ribbon bar.


Because the existing C++ code is not written with performance in mind at all. A lot of hangs you experience in Studio with large selections are because the Explorer / Properties were just not designed to be able to handle the scale of edits people now do regularly in Studio.

Performance at scale isn’t about the language the feature is written in, it’s about the algorithmic choices and design tradeoffs that allow a performant implementation to exist.

Think of it this way: Even if Lua is 50x slower (the difference is less than that but let’s assume worst case scenario), the largest selections are >10000x bigger than the smallest selections: The C++ code being 50x faster can’t save bad code from grinding to a halt on those bigger selections, and conversely, code designed to handle an arbitrarily large selection gracefully will be able to do so even running 50x slower.


iam disappointed i wanted to see the revamped assets manager , ui styling , terrain creation , speech to text , text to speech , selling models on the creator store for in real life currency and subscription promotions being pushed back :((


Where the clouds at? I wanna see some more sky action!! Phase 2 where it at?


roblox on Linux when!! this is essential to anyone who seriously develops


What about the Server Authority for competitive games that builderman was talking about?


These updates are really nice, but i must mention this one thing which i yearn for
Alt detection outside the ban api.


Yes, in native functions and scripts.


Any reasons why this is on hold?