I don’t know if this is just a me problem, and it isn’t particularly high priority, but having a simple blue tag that says like “OP” next to the name of the person who started the thread makes following discussions easier, especially in threads that have hundreds of replies. I find myself occasionally losing track of who started a discussion, and I think it would be a nice QOL improvement.
At the same time, please let me know if this is solely a me issue, or if this has already been talked about. What do you think?
This feature request was made a while ago, I am wondering why millions of topics like this is being made instead of replying to the original one which is this:
I didn’t see that, I tried doing some searching before posting and didn’t see any posts so I decided to make one. I apologize, should I just delete this orrrr?
I like the idea of this, but it seems that there is a lot of posts on this exact feature request and Roblox will probably just ignore it like all of the other ones.