An update on Live Ops

I don’t believe ending Live Ops simply because people feel like it’s a poor sequel to events is the right approach, nor the right attitude.

It definitely has huge potential as a free outlet for developers to promote their games. It fell short because it wasn’t properly shown to users where it mattered - on the games page.

If you recall, the website’s dark theme is still not on some pages yet because they need to be updated into a new framework. Perhaps web resources are too tied up to give Live Ops the space it needs right now.


The more ways developers have to get their games out to players without competing with the top of the popular sort, getting lucky enough to be featured for a week, paying for advertisements, the better. This program had potential, that hasn’t been actualized yet.

Edit: Sad events are over, those were a great way for players to be introduced to new games


Live Ops for sure is a great way of gaining players for your game. However, I personally think many people don’t bother about Live Ops. All it is for the community is advertisements, the community gets nothing from this. All the community gets to do is play the game, I doubt they don’t just want to play a game. Maybe if there were rewards like special items for your avatar, the community will be more convinced. Also, getting rid of events was really upsetting. For events, everybody is as usually satisfied because there were rewards. Something that both developers and players appreciated was Egg Hunt. Players get rewards, while developers were getting their games advertised. Live Ops it’s only favoring the developers, not the plasters. I know quite a few people who are not satisfied with this change from events to Live Ops. Honestly, I don’t think it is fair to the players either, but the fact that developers are gaining players is good in my opinion. Maybe add a bit more to Live Ops than just advertising developers’ games.


Does this mean we are getting events back? At least until Live-Ops return?

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I completely agree, LiveOps had absolutely no effect on my player count or revenue. Rthro on the other hand kept my game alive.


I’ve been expecting this. The number of games on the LiveOps page has fluctuated constantly and has even dropped to 2-3 during some weeks. The implementation of LiveOps clearly wasn’t the best and didn’t gain traction.

As a video game player, I wasn’t very interested in LiveOps. I did check here and there to see what games landed on the page but only played a game from the page once or twice. All of the people I told about this LiveOps were upset, and one person said he’d stop playing Roblox. The idea of an official event by Roblox was cool. A while after I joined Roblox in 2016 or so, what kept me on this platform was the events. I even aspired to be a developer to make a cool game and participate in one of these events.

The official events were a great idea to introduce players to new games. There are some titles I would have never heard of or played without these official events. The LiveOps didn’t have the charm the official events did, and it didn’t help to include paid access (Vesteria) or games that just didn’t truly have an event (or prizes people would want). Just some things to consider.


This was a good call. I feel like the LiveOps program was kind of rushed and felt really rough in some spots. First, they were really hard to find in the first place. The little box on the side near the events tab just eventually blended in, so I wouldn’t ever really think to click on it. One other thing I didn’t like is the lack of virtual rewards site wide, which is what made so many p[lay other Roblox events. They wanted the free stuff for their avatar. And, while I think that it is useful for finding new games, I found that I already knew about quite a few of them, and it didn’t really help me to find as many new games as I hoped it would. While I really like the idea, I feel like it was poorly implemented. Hopefully you guys get around to fixing these issues, and I’m excited for what live ops will entail in the near future!


Nice, but do we still get the red top hat?


tbh, i’m sorta on the same page here. It does have potential but it’s clearly not ready to replace events. If anything, it’s just super bland right now.

A lot of the stuff on the Live-Ops page looks boring just from a quick look, going to cafes or tycoons for an ingame item just isnt something a lot of players want.

There’s nothing even nice about the Live-Ops page, just a boring dark background.

Most players wont feel kind of excitement or a sense of fun if they stare at the same webpage pictured above. It’ll just drive them to play something that’s constantly popular.

But if they’re gonna keep the Live-Ops thing anyway, may as well put suggestions here.

1. They should just keep the whole program on hiatus until Developers can actually reward players with UGC content.

Before anyone disagrees with 1, you should know that rewarding players with catalog items is what made Events into what it was before. Everyone was always excited over that.

Without anything like that to keep everyone invested, the whole program will just die out again in a few months. It’s not just the Live-Ops program itself that needs to improve, it’s the games themselves.

And what’s being put out right now just isn’t enough to satisfy most of the community.

Devs rewarding catalog items to their players is one of the ultimate pushes into making a game addictive and fun. I can definitely say the program will be more successful if we could do that.

2. Maybe have the Live-Ops button turn different colors whenever new games are displayed.

The Live-Ops button never changes, nor is there any way to inform players if something new turns up, because of that…sometimes i forget it even exists…and we’ve all been there…

3. Make a Live Ops tab on the game page.

Yes, before you comment “Game tabs usually display over 20 games”…I know.

But a small blue button displayed on the bottom left cant just be the only way to know about the games that exist there. Because like i’ve said on 2., that cyan button is basically dead.

Having Live-Op events displayed on the game page is honestly a great way in getting even more players, since everyone uses it.

They could make a smaller version of a game tab to make Live-Ops more well-known, it’d really help the smaller devs and boost player count by a lot. Something like this.

If something like that existed, they could probably have 4-6 games displayed on Live-Ops per week now that i think about it.

In short terms, the program in it’s current state is…bad.

People lost interest in it, the games there dont get as much now than when the program first came out and it’s just bland.

BUT, i’m honestly very much looking forward to it’s future. Especially with the UGC program, earning hats on Live-Op games along with the other possible cool stuff they’re planning is something to be thankful for. Which is why i will continue to remain hopeful.


( Was trying to reply to someone but it just turned into my own post, gg )


I didn’t even realise LiveOps is a thing until I read this post… and I’m supposedly a game developer. You can apparently only find it on the website’s sidebar. I’m not sure how such a low-visibility feature could attract a large audience (especially because the sidebar is the last place anyone looks for playing a game). Maybe a more central location for future events?

Unless you’re intentionally seeking out games promoted by Roblox, I don’t really feel any desire to play any of the games listed either. There’s nothing particularly special going on. Maybe this sort of thing is best saved for larger scale events.


I always thought putting it in another part of the webpage as it was hidden away, still i’m being hopeful that there may be a better solution to help this feature out.

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Well… that was expected.

LiveOps was flawed from the start. There was no visibility aside from the small button, no way of rewarding to engage most of the free player base, and bland overall.

I just hope that Roblox can make a lot of improvements to this so that it can make LiveOps worth it to apply for as a developer.


I agree, I completely expected that as well.

LiveOps isn’t a total waste. But I do hope they try to completely overhaul their game page for a brand new experience rather than building on top of a cracked foundation. And then piling up on a bunch of stucco (Live Ops) to fill in the gaps. LiveOps do have a place on the platform but unfortunately at this time its way too early. You’ve just begun to make strides with the UCG Catalog and other good stuff. It would be better to allocate more resources else where. Like on overhauling smooth terrain water for instance.


This looks to me like in the return of LiveOps, we will be giving some kind of events system for games. I really hope that this will pave the way to rewards from the UGC catalog. Things are looking good for Roblox’s future. Come on, even this guy is a bit optimistic:

And if that doesn’t tell you that LiveOps will be much better from now on, I don’t know what does!


Participated twice, I found it useful for promoting game updates but I felt that after some time the small tab on the bottom left linking people to the live ops games became stale and after some time people probably stopped clicking it.
Maybe it having its own full page on Roblox will help as well as rewarding players with catalogue items (in specific UGC items) would encourage players to participate.
With the full roblox page thing, maybe link it to the developer page, where developers can apply to have their game update promoted via the develop page or something like that.

Personally I think that Live-Ops has potential, but they’re need to be changes on how Roblox implements it… First of all, most players (On Roblox) won’t play events that won’t reward them… Secondly, it’s not enticing to the player-base most of the Roblox community hates Live-Ops… That’s why it’s best for Roblox to put it on hold for awhile

Roblox pulls the trigger entirely too soon when it comes to big changes like these. One day we’re told there will be themed events each month, then no events at all, then live ops. It’s hard to have a game ready for these programs months in advance when the program in question might not exist in the near future.

I know it’s tough maintaining things like live ops, and I really appreciate the time that goes into planning these features. I’m sure whatever is replacing it will be better.


I disagree with live OPs being a challenge, I’m not entirely sure who is in charge of going through the selection process however if it’s staff that are forced to do tedious work than of course they’ll do the bare minimum.

This program needs unbiased and passionate people behind it for the best results. Roblox isn’t a small start up, they’re more than capable of scouting suitable applicants for the job. The process is self explanatory you correct the flaws in the present system than you assign strict guidelines to be enforced.

If the majority had the decency to not abuse every ounce of trust Roblox bestows upon us than I wouldn’t oppose this suggestion. Without any limitations in place, anything that’ll grab a players attention would be considered rewardable because we’ve already seen this behavior on how achievements are handed out throughout the community. Who thought visiting a place or meeting a creator was considered an achievement? The same group of people that’ll flood players inventory with poorly designed garbage. What I’ve learned from UGC is how there’s a vast majority that cannot create above an amateur level or they simply don’t care enough to put forth any effort. Why bother caring when you can make money because clearly that’s what the majority of developers value.

It upsets me further when they’re self aware of what they’re doing than have the audacity to complain after the damage has already been done.

at least they admitted it eventually

i very also hope that events return i also hope that the badges will be upgrade able to add shirts pants or ugc items to it!

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