Animation Editor has moved out of Beta again

I’d like to say that I am really in love with the new animation editor, and it’s so much easier to create fluid animations. A lot of things are in great places and it’s clear a lot of work and thought has gone into this - bravo :slight_smile:

I do have one nit-pick though - it is now impossible to move between local and relative position / rotation without use of a keybind. This also doesn’t work when the model rig is at any angle to the world position, which was not previously the case. Can we expect a resolution for this?


Can someone confirm this? After I export an animation to an existing animation (overlay it) and import it again, it will import the previous version instead of the re-exported animation, but when I try to play it in game, it shows the newest version. I have to relaunch Studio to fix that.

Plus, it seems that the animation FPS is not publishing? Whenever I publish an animation to 60 fps and I import it again, it shows that keys are not aligning, it it an expected behavior?


Yea, I personally would love an opinion to toggle on and off this new one, due to the massive amount of opinions on each side!

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Your snapping options have merged their workflow with studio, so you can just edit them under the MODEL tab and those changes will also take effect in the animation editor. Ctrl + L is the studio toggle for local/world space and is now also the toggle for the animation editor. We can consider adding back a second hotkey.

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If I’m understanding correctly then this sounds like a bug. I’ll look into it


We force the timeline length to be a min of 1s. Timeline length and animation length are not the same though. The animation length is determined by your last keyframe, you should notice a section of your timeline is slightly grayed out past your last keyframe.


Not sure if this is the issue you are having, but there was an issue with IK described here:

There is a fix for this on the way

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Thanks for the solution on that!

I had another question, why does this pop up everytime whenever I import an animation?

Even though I republish the animation after I click “Align all keys now” and republish the animation and import it again, this still pops up, and the animation FPS changes. It this an expected behavior?

Plus, is this also an expected behavior? Thanks :pray:


Sure, so it depends on where this imported animation came from. When you import an animation into the new editor, we run an algorithm to determine the best fit for a framerate to edit in. If the animation came from the old editor (where you were able to key everything in fractions of a second), it’s possible that a reasonable framerate could not be detected. So instead of messing with your animation, we give you the option to keep keys unaligned to frames, or to force all your keys to snap to frame boundaries. Ignoring the warning above will keep your old animation intact. But the second you start dragging keys around, they will snap to the closest frame number.

See post here for more about how it works: New: Set Custom Framerate in Animation Editor Beta

Now as for your overwriting export issue, I am able to reproduce this as well. Although I have yet to determine if it’s an animation editor issue or an issue with publishing itself. I will continue to investigate


Glad that it ain’t the problem of my animation or something else, hope it will be fixed asap! Thanks for your reply. :wink:

Please add the toggle hotkeys back, idk how to change from rotation to transformation. i don’t know how to change the increment or the world space too. why did you guys hide it?

This also applies to world/local space toggle, which is now Ctrl + L


Yeah I noticed. Sorry I should have clarified that more. Thank you for the response!

Thank you for saying this, the rotating 45 degree limit was actually the problem i had!

ho ho ho

All i did was replace the 45 with a 1, and now it’s back as it was before!

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I certainly dont like it in its current state, I much prefer Moon Animation Suite

Having issues copying animation id to import it in the animator.

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I always enjoy updates to the Animation Editor since I use it most frequently.

However, the new editor will not let me animate my previously made custom models, giving me an error message saying that I cannot animate a model if there are multiple parts with the same name.

I actually often give parts the same name on purpose so they animate together at the same time (Like toes or eyes), but now, since all of my old models have some parts with the same name, it will not let me animate them at all anymore, and changing the names of the parts will break the animations that I have already made in the past.

Would it be possible to allow a model to be animated, even if there are parts with the same name? The previous version of the editor allowed it and it worked great. But now I am not allowed to add more animations to my models that I have animated in the past.


While using the animation editor whenever I move/rotate a part it doesn’t do anything and deletes the Motor6D object in that body part. Any advice what is happening?

Erm, I found a new problem.

You cant anchor poses or do anything while the Animation Editor is open. The auto-pausing feature on the plugin is sorta annoying to people who make GFX or copy and paste animations.

More detail here:

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Would selecting both joints using CTRL + Click and then just manipulating them to get the same transformations on all selected parts at the same time solve your problem here?

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