Animation Editor has moved out of Beta again

Erm, I found a new problem.

You cant anchor poses or do anything while the Animation Editor is open. The auto-pausing feature on the plugin is sorta annoying to people who make GFX or copy and paste animations.

More detail here:

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Would selecting both joints using CTRL + Click and then just manipulating them to get the same transformations on all selected parts at the same time solve your problem here?

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Any concise repro steps or a video would allow me to help you better!

How do you copy keyframes between 2 different animations with the new editor?

Why does it keep reverting the time changes I keep putting into it and why doesn’t it have the grey box that shows the world space/local space and the amount of increments being changed?
Also, is there a way to return the CFrame of angles of how the arms or other body parts are changed from the Dummy? I’d like to just apply them to a character by cframing the C0 of their shoulders or hips, etc.

Not sure which time changes you are referring to, but if it’s the box to change the timeline length:

As for world/local space toggle and snap increments:

If you expand the joint in the track list, it reveals the values of its Transform property on its associated motor. That is the only CFrame information that is exposed


This used to not work or work sparingly in the previous version of the animator.

I understand why the animator would prefer you to have differently named parts, but for the people who like work that way, it would be better if the new version let you do it anyways instead of not allowing me to animate my old models at all.


Hey, whenever I try to rotate or move something, the whole editor gets really glitchy and makes doing anything impossible. Is this a bug?


i was testing out the editor and i noticed that the frames are unreadable when an animation is playing

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Possibly. If you could PM me the rig you are using there I can investigate it further

Likely that something just wasn’t rounded properly. Should be a quick fix thanks for pointing it out.

This is nice!

I especially like now that I can go to the load tab and not have to stretch the editor to height of the screen just to see all of my animations.

Whenever i try to changed the timeline length, whether it’s with timeline untit seconds or frames, it always goes back to a set number.

For example:
I import an animation into a rig, just a normal R6 rig/
The timeline length automatically goes to 60. (or 1:00)
Whenever i try to change it it just springs back to 60.
What’s weird about this is that i can increase the max frames, but not decrease it.

See gif below for seeing it in action.
I’ve already tried restarting studio and such, nothing works.

You can’t extend it past the last keyframe, from my understanding.

Will support for more Animation EasingStyles ever be considered? The current set of EasingStyles is quite limited, and other third-party animation plugins already support a much larger set.

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I am adding to my previous post: I am not able to animate any of my old models because of the new animator not letting me animate if there are parts with the same name. This is very disheartening because I’ve put a lot of time into creating dozens of custom models that are animated in my game and now adding more animations to them will now be impossible without breaking the rig and re-animating them all :frowning:

Will there be any update to the animation editor in the future where it will allow you to animate models with parts that have the same name again? It would be very appreciated :slight_smile: It helps a lot with custom monsters and animal animated models that have several moving parts.


Eurgh. This new animation editor is very confusing for me. Here’s a screenshot how it looks like on my 1336x768 screen:

First of all, notice how it jumps from 0:27 to 1:00 on the right.
Second thing is that the old menu for toggling rotate and move is gone. Also now I can’t quickly change step of those tools. For some people this is better, but not for me. For me this is a total disaster. :sick:
And the next thing is how time magically jumps from 1:50 to 2:20. Here’s a video of this happening:

EDIT: I just noticed that the time is counted in seconds:frames. It’s still very confusing for me.

Controls for snap/step increments, changing from move/rotate, and changing world/local space now match studio controls. For snap/step increments and move/rotate, you can use the buttons on the studio topbar under the MODEL tab.

For world/local space toggle, you can press Ctrl + L.

The default editing FPS is 30. The increments on your timeline are at intervals of 3 frames. So it goes from 0:27 to 1:00 because 30 frames = 1 second. You can switch to pure frame numbers if that’s easier to understand via that gear symbol in the top right corner

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This is a tough call. I will PM you for further discussion and see if we can reach a resolution

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I gotta say, this is a really big step up! The old one was super buggy, gave warnings all the time for non-R15 rigs, and made it take way too long to change easing style.

I’m really happy with how it is now, and I look forward to what other sort of revamps you guys have planned.