We just released a Collision Editor for Studio, which allows you to put game items into groups and choose which groups will collide. This makes it possible to avoid collisions, or even let players walk through walls!
Collision groups are a master piece to what we all once knew as “set that one’s CanCollide false for a small bit of time” or “use something hacky” and now we have the perfect tool to exploit the wonders of collision groups.
Thanks! Collision groups are very useful, but I’ve always found it tedious to manually script what-goes-where. This feature is a massive improvement, and I’ll be sure to use it in the future.
It seems that I cannot type the letter V into the “Add Group” for some reason. Some other suggestions:
The window needs scrollbars. Explorer, Properties, literally every other window in Studio does this, so it should too.The grid now scrolls (and headers stay in the same place, nice!)
Get rid of the instruction text - replace with a (?) button or similar. Save the vertical space.No more instruction text!
The (+) button and clicking the name of the collision group should have their functionality flipped, i.e., I want to be able to select the parts then click on the name of collision group to assign. If I want to select all parts in a group, that should be a special button.
The checkboxes in the grid should have mouseover text “X collides with Y”/“X does not collide with Y” to be clear exactly what’s going on.
Update: the first two of these suggestions are now implemented