Avatar accessory category restrictions are needless

Please don’t keep this system. For almost two decades, every single creative user has been complaining about arbitrary accessory category limitations. Only on desktop web can we avoid these restrictions using a janky “advanced” menu, and desktop web does not seem to be receiving avatar editor updates anymore. Limiting by category doesn’t make sense when the goal is to limit total accessories / accessory polycount.

Since there have been no changes related to removing this restriction over many years, even further back than my oldest thread about this in 2019, even despite past staff reassurance that this is not the solution they want, this is a reminder that the current limitations are too limiting and not justifiable. Please ditch these restrictions before too much of the app UI depends on them. This is low hanging fruit.

Here are two of my feature requests on this issue with 160 likes combined.

And two more, one of these is about how these restrictions have been imposed on fairly recent API.



Powering imagination by restricting users from what was already previously a feature! GREAT way to make people want to use the app! Especially since there are four Feature Requests for this, it’s actually so surprising staff didn’t address this issue yet, not even a comment.


There is exactly one staff response that was never followed up on.


Sorry, I didn’t see that when reading through all of them. It’s still a little sad as it’s been years, but they are pretty much actively encouraging people against using their app with these limitations.


this doesnt affect just the mobile app why is it in mobile features?

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This topic is referring specifically to the mobile app’s usage of this on the frontend in the interim even though this is a broader issue. App shouldn’t enforce this. The rest of the issues are separate issues.

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also. This isnt the mbile app. its the app on PC

They use the same interface.

For 2025 let’s make leaps and strides in this area, yeah? We have waited a long time for avatar x freedom of player expression to improve by ditching arbitrary restrictions. Let’s allow people to express themselves.

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I am surprised they have not removed the limits sooner. Many Roblox extensions allow you to remove the limit on the website, which makes me avoid using the in-app editor.

+1 if they also removed this limit to layered clothing

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