Brand New Bubble Chat Customizations

add a feature that lets you set the chat (when 2 lines) to center, left or right.


Love the new customization abilities! Would it be possible to have Chat:SetBubbleChatSettings() API updated with the possible customizations? When viewing the API documentation for Chat API it’s impossible to find the bubble chat tutorial.


Can I customize chat bubbles for specific players only?


also nice update btw, I just wanted this feature to be a thing and now it did!


I am really excited for this update, 10/10 update.


This post was published at the perfect time. Today I was asked to script a bubble chat by my commissioner with transparent background. I tried changing transparency and it changed the whole bubble’s transparency. Then I saw this post and found out about background images. Then I thought, “Wait what if I use a transparent image” - and I did it. The result was exactly what I wanted.


Image I used as background


If you want transparent background too, just add these lines to your LocalScript that sets bubble chat settings.

local settings = {
	TailVisible = false,
	BackgroundImage = {
		Image = "rbxassetid://6875994437",
		ScaleType = Enum.ScaleType.Fit,


I think this update is really good! It doesn’t effect the game/experiences in a bad way. Well done Roblox!


how i configure this on my roblox?



Bubble Chat Tutorial

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Yes, if you need a easier time with it I recommend my recent update to my free community resource as well, check my profile for it! it uses the new bubbles without as much setup on the users side!

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The tail doesn’t seem to like to play correctly with all the bubblechat colors, is there anyway we can get direct control over the tails color?

Now this is helpful! Good to see some UI updates.

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I’m not sure how to use the Background Image Option.

I’ve tried using multiple Decals with various Sizes and none have worked.

The Image just goes Transparent.

I didn’t even think about using a transparent image. It’d be great if in the future they’d separate the text from the bubble so that we can make just the bubble transparent, but this works just fine for now. Thanks!

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Well, how do I do that? I don’t really know…

[VERSION 3.2] Bubbly Chat! [Now uses the new bubbles!] Here ya go.

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Quick Question: Will there be an option in the future where you can have your own customizable chat bubble that you can bring into different games instead having to code it into a single Roblox game? If so that would be cool! :grinning:

I’ve been working on this feature for my game. Hopefully, with the ability to customize both the top and bottom half of a specific user’s chat bubble, I can implement an in-game command for this. I’ve also introduced an in-game trust ranking system before the release, and set a 3rd rank for players to be able to use the system.

Fixed a bug with the chat bubble styles!

Unfortunately, thre is a bug where combining user specific settings with the original settings does not work, so I set up a timer for the new Styled Bubble Chat to go live in my Roblox game.

I chose July 1st because that is enough time to find a workaround, should I ever want to obtain a fork for the styled chat.

By the way, this is a really cool feature. A lot of people have been asking for per-message customization options. Ideally, this would be useful for:

  • Highlighting messages sent automatically by game, similarly to Adopt Me’s auto-chat system for Pets & Babies
  • Different colors for warnings by moderators (by using yellow background with red text)
  • To distinguish between Private Chat and Public Chat
  • When an NPC changes (e.g. from friendly to evil, or vice versa)
  • Displaying different-colored chat bubbles for different context, like a black bubble when an NPC starts saying something creepy, or large text when an NPC is shouting (mainly something like in Animal Crossing when an NPC is upset, excited, etc.)

I’d like to contribute a potential cross-platform issue my friends and I have run into while trying to make something playable (for the first time in years), it seemed we had to disable bubble chat because Xbox players aren’t supposed to be able to chat? I don’t remember exactly, it’s 2am here and I wasn’t in charge of cross-platform compatibility related stuff, but I’m hoping these changes can make it so we can re-enable bubble chat for supported platforms.

It’s a reply because I figured it was a similar thing - enabling/disabling bubble chat per player, albeit for different situations.


Very cool Udapte , And very Nice udapte