Building the Future of Roblox Home and Search: Introducing Personalized Discovery

I appreciate the improvements introduced in this update, as it’s a step towards actual good recommendations. However, can we please have a feature that allows users to remove specific experiences from their homepage?


What discussion is there to be had about how to “best implement this” like it’s some sort of rocket science?
All they need to do is simply put recents and favourites back above everything, at the top of the homepage.


Alongside that, I still feel like there’s a better way to display recommended games than cramming them in wierdly and making it take like 10 scrolls to get to the bottom

Thanks for your question! The “Recently Visited” section lists your most recently visited experiences in chronological order, displaying up to 50 games in total.

Thanks for the feedback and the suggestion! We appreciate it. We’re considering this for a future roadmap.

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Roblox players are always allergic to change, don’t listen to them. This update is fine for the majority of people except some niche cases where the dev wants to quickly access dev places. In that case, using the website and a chrome extension does the trick:

I don’t think that’s exclusive to Roblox players. The human mind naturally dislikes change and prefers recognizable patterns. But the problem here is that people like things to be certain ways. Imagine having a flow for how you use a particular system, then suddenly it changes one day, and now your entire flow is ruined until you get used to the new changes. Change doesn’t always mean improvement either, it could even worsen the experience for some.

However, my main concern about this is that you can never please everybody anyway.

As I said in my own reply:

The default settings can be whatever makes sense to Roblox, but I believe that the home page should be personalized by the individual user however they choose it to be. The experience/charts page is a whole different story, but that’s outside of the scope for this discussion.

I also don’t believe that extensions, especially for specific browsers, should be the solution here. This only applies to website users who also use Chrome specifically and who are willing to trust the given extension. I can understand use-cases where extensions might make sense, but I don’t think that’s a proper solution in this case.

Having your personalized discovery be the default but having an advanced settings area where more savvy users like us can customise the sort would surely be the best option? Best of both worlds then


Are we positive this is not affecting home recommendations already? I seem to have an extreme major drop off from just Monday to Tuesday on multiple games about the time this was released???

Anyone ELSE?


Graph for one of my games? Or is this just outage related?!?!?! Anyone else?


You are not alone. My experience has also seen drop-off suspiciously lower than ever since these changes have been implemented.

Don’t think it’s outage related. Unfortunately and respectfully, previous algorithm changes that have hindered experience engagement, no matter the significance, have a precedent of not being addressed: (see this, and this).

I don’t expect this change to be any different.


If possible can you guys post this here:

We’re trying to get an engineer to look into it



Same situation here, Roblox insists on ruining their platform every chance they get

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This update is terrible. I shouldn’t have to scroll down a wall of random games to find my continue sort. And no way to change it?? Furthermore, devs are complaining their home recommendations have tanked, wonder if this correlates to that, regardless of the explicitness in the post talking about how they supposedly didn’t change the algorithm. Maybe the actual appearance of the page might have it’s own implications??

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Any time you see an update like this assume the worst. This is literally awful.

This change had a huge negative impact on the CCU for many games including mine, this topic Huge Unexplained Drop in Home Recommendations - #37 by FP_Nation has a compilation of people that have suffered this change. Please look at it as the decrease in CCU is very significant.

When I realized that my game’s average CCU lowered unexpectedly I assumed it would recover later, but it hasn’t yet. I’m assuming the problem is this update.

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Has this actually rolled out yet? I’ve been checking over the past few weeks and I’ve not seen the “People You May Know” sort once

Edit: It is my personal opinion that the continue sort should always be at the top of the list - perhaps even above the friends section (i know its not currently like that anyway, but yeah)

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Hey Creators,

Thanks for all the great feedback so far on this announcement! We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

To clarify, the personalization update we announced relates to how sections on the homepage are positioned based on user engagement patterns. We’ve been building personalization through features like Recommended for You, Thumbnail Personalization, and dynamic sort ordering on the homepage, and we will continue to invest in this area.

We understand your desire for more control and customization, and appreciate your specific feedback around pinning favorites, customizing section order, reducing clutter, and improving the relevance of “Recommended For You.” We’re actively discussing these points as we plan future updates. We also noted the positive feedback about rediscovering experiences in Search through Recently Visited.

Your feedback is invaluable as we iterate and improve. We’re listening and will keep you updated.

Roblox Discovery Team


I actually had a little chat about this with someone, the best way to make this possible is by letting the users manually curate their content instead of fully automating it.

In other words, the recommendation system could be improved by basing it on user input rather than full automation.

In other other words, we’re tired of automation choosing everything for us. Stop with this madness!!!

Anyways, here are some methods this could be done. I sure wish I had access to feature requests.

  • We should be able to select certain genres and subgenres we are interested in, which will prevent us from being recommended anything outside of this genre. Upon selecting a genre, every subgenre should automatically be selected, however, you should be able to deselect some to blacklist them as well.

    • I know the “Horror” subgenre works really weird, so if you blacklist a subgenre that shows up in other genres, it should automatically be blacklisted everywhere. Users will manually be able to select a blacklisted subgenre for specific main genres.

    • Just to be more clear for the above point, if a user selects another main genre after blacklisting a recurring subgenre, it will also be blacklisted by default when selecting other genres, even if turned on for a specific main genre.

  • Favorited games should not be recommended since… they’re already favorited and the user has an easy way to find them. Same with games a user is banned from. Games users have liked should be recommended to them still, but disliked games shouldn’t.

  • We should get “like recommendation”, “dislike recommendation”, “refresh recommendations”, and “Refresh Algorithm” buttons.

    • Like recommendation (Interested in this content) will favor similar games in the algorithm.

    • Dislike recommendation (Not interested in this content) will do the opposite, remove the game from the recommended tab immediately, and prevent the disliked game from being recommended again.

    • Refresh recommendations will give you the ability to automatically refresh the recommended page with new games based on your likes and dislikes, letting you curate content instantly. It’s sorta like the server list, if you refresh it and a friend joins, you’ll be able to see them.

    • Refresh Algorithm (Discard former selections) should reset recommendations back to zero, with a confirmation warning. This will not reset the genre selections, there should be a separate button for that. This will reset all likes and dislikes (through the recommendation system, not for games) the user has made.

Also, here’s a concern from a fellow developer about how the recommendation system works for different genders.

Hopefully a solution comes up.


Can you clarify how exactly this is released? Is this fully rolled out as implied on the original topic or only partially?

As I’ve stated in my last reply on this topic, I’ve not seen any updates at all to my home page and the “People You May Know” sort has not showed once. However, when logging into another account on the same device, I can see this sort immediately.

What criteria is required for the “People You May Know” sort to appear?