I created this UI pack for fun! I thought I would share this with you guys. Comment down below if you want more of these & any styles you want to see. Enjoy!
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Download link: Free Cartoon UI
I created this UI pack for fun! I thought I would share this with you guys. Comment down below if you want more of these & any styles you want to see. Enjoy!
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Download link: Free Cartoon UI
incredible ui
Thank you!
Is it possible you could create a .pdn version of this please?
Really nice UI pack by the way!
Thank you!
Nice work :0! And thanks especially for making this downloadable
You should post this in #resources too since you are sharing them.
Is this Images or Studio Text Labels? Just a question, I was thinking about using the pack.
How did you make these? Adobe Photoshop?Illustrator?Or just plain with Roblox Studio? Whatever you made it with, these UIs are superb!
As @GameDevSky said, how do you make them? Currently I am trying to make UI with Adobe Illustrator, but I need help with the actual designing.
EDIT: You should make a simple tutorial on how to make UI in #resources:community-tutorials with whatever program you used. It would help some beginners like me alot.
Awesome! What app did you use to make it?
This looks pretty good, well done
@adama88766 @LoveTheBears101
he used photoshop by drawing shapes
everything else are layer effects / styles.
(background gradient, outline border, inline shadow and i think inline glowing)
Really Really nice gui
Are you talking about Adobe Photoshop? Just want to clarify.
yes he used adobe photoshop for the ui pack
Alright. Thanks for the clarification!
@GameDevSky @adama88766 @LoveTheBears101
I used Adobe Photoshop to create this UI pack.
Also, thank you for the idea of creating a tutorial. I will definitely create one after one of my current projects is complete!
Extremely great work! Thanks for making it open source for everyone!
Keep up the great work!
Wow! Looks amazing!