Greetings! I am interested in applying for the Builder Position. My Discord is maxx.exe#1335.
I am interested. Here is my portfolio
Added you on discord Interested in the gfx positions (geedcat)
Hello! I’m Em, a ROBLOX graphics designer, and I am 100% interested in this position. I am 15 years old, turning 16 in January, and have over 4 years of experience. Here are some big achievements I have done:
- Obby King Remastered
-Little Dreamies Daycare
-Rainbow Reef Ice Cream
-and a few more!
I hope you are interested, and if you are, here is my portfolio.
Discord: emm#1546
Username: QueenOfStyIe
added you on discord, user is skirk#5344
interested on all building positions if some of them are still open
Interested in any builder position. My discord is Laemmle#8800. Here is my portfolio.
Interested for the GFX position
I have sent you a friend request in discord.
I have sent a friend request on discord.
I have added you on Discord.
My tag is Norman#5956. Here is the link to my portfolio [CLOSED] My GFX Portfolio
Hey, sent a friend request HoodLess#9548 Looking forward to communicating.
Could do UIS and Graphics, DM me for further information.
I have sent a friend request on discord. zander;;#2567
Hey, I’m Interested in applying for the 3d modeling job. We can discuss farther in discord.
que pasa#9827
Hello , Im a 3d gun and melee modeler , here my porfolio “” , if you are offering USD payment option , then Im interested , if so , Add me on discord MB_Sniper#0657
Hi, I’m interested in the GFX position, I contacted you on Discord IggyDev#5265
Hi, I’m interested in the job, I’m a contributor and gfx, I’m one of the best if you want more information, contact me at discord: ronald_YT # 4379
I could be interested in both, the modeler role, and the builder role! I’d like to chat about it further within DMs, you can find me at (O_Type#9435)
Little note, I do have a portfolio game on the roblox platform, I have yet to set up the final touches on my dev forums portfolio!
Dev Portfolio: Dev Portfolio - Roblox
Japanese Shop: Japanese Shop - Roblox
The links above are 2 of my most well made projects, these projects haven’t been updated in quite a bit so I’d like to think that I’ve made progress in the time that’s passed.
Sure! My dizzy is User id#1086 I sow you my port when in dizzy
@namesriley Hey thank you for applying. I will be offering you one of the positions for Graphic Designing.
Hey everyone sorry for such a late response! I should have a response for everyone on this message.
Missing Portfolios
- MattiTrueGamer
- Yor_ick
- punkde
- HiddenUlysses
- FedTech
- msami7893
- zk_Maxx
- madcIips
- MrFieldThrow
- LuciferVonhart
- adurances
- crazydude123244
- vpeny
- IggyDev
- ronaldcjxd
If I tagged you above, please DM me on the DevForum with your portfolio. I need to be able to check out and judge your work before adding you on Discord! Thank you for understanding.
Not Hired
- alexfancoolYT
Hey, thank you for taking the time to apply. Some of your work looks good but unfortunately, I do need to see more experience before moving forward with hiring you. Please reach out to me once you gain more experience.
- Aerosies
Hey, thank you for applying. Unfortunately, I did not see enough work on your portfolio. I need to be able to see more work in order to be able to hire you. In addition I need someone with a fair amount of experience.
- jumbopushpop112
Hey Jumbo thanks for applying. Unfortunately I am looking for someone bit a bit more work experience and with a more diverse portfolio. Please contact us in the future once you have more work to show!
- Norman748
Hey Norman thanks for applying. Unfortunately I am looking for someone with a bit more experience in graphic design. Please contact us in the future once you have more work to show!
- O_Type
Hey thank you for applying. Unfortunately while your builds do look amazing, it does not fit the theme and type of builder I am currently looking for.
Interested In Hiring
I am interested in hiring you to be one of my builders. Are you only available for one commission or for long term work? Regardless, I added you on Discord. We’ll discuss more on there.
I am interested in hiring you to be apart of my team of builders. I have added you on discord. Please contact me once you have the chance!
I am interested in hiring you to be apart of my team of graphic designers. I have added you on Discord. Please contact me once you have the chance!
I am interested in hiring you to be apart of my team of graphic designers. I have added you on Discord. Please contact me once you have the chance!
I am interested in hiring you to be apart of my team of graphic designers. I have added you on Discord. Please contact me once you have the chance!
I am interested in hiring you to be apart of my team of graphic designers. I have added you on Discord. Please contact me once you have the chance!
@Vos_Despero I am interested in having a more detailed chat with you regarding your builds and how you would fit into my team. Contact me once you get the chance!
Im interested in graphic designer role ! If im not too late please check my portfolio here
looking forward for the feedback