Colony, A new Frontier!

Alright! I just got accepted here… Yay! I guess

So just a little bit of background…

It all started during Mid April. My family was watching Thriller/Action movies across Netflix. They came across the movie “Martian”. I’ve been a fan of Realistic SciFi, SpaceX, and other space agencies. I’ve already watched the movie repeatedly for a few times now, but since now I have more knowledge on Roblox, I started to brainstorm. Right after the movie ended, I just can’t remove the idea I had ingrained in my mind. So imagination kicks in and I really want to make this game. I dared myself that:

  1. Before quarantine ends, you must learn LUA and deving

  2. Brag in Facebook so people will see your game, then when you want to back out, people will ask you on what happened on that game, and you get oops, so you cant be “Da Quitter”

Anyways, I made a crappy loading screen and shows it to a few friends and said, hey wanna dev? Most of them said yes. So we had an idea brainstormer, 2 testers, 2 guys who have a taste of music. And me the scripter.

Man, I still remember being that one guy, in the RoDev’s server saying:

“Uhhh Guyyys Help pls pls pls, my loading screen dosent wooork!”
“Guys, whats CFrame?

Cmon! Don’t judge me, I was a noowbie!

People said I was jumping wa- - ay to fast. They said don’t be a script kiddie cuz you can’t make a game like that. So I hit the youtube universe and found a guy named “TheDevKing” Aka, TapWater. Gotta say, after finishing the beginners series, I was sooo Hyped for what I can do. I was wondering on how to make the game overall. I saw “Future Noob’s” Video on making an advanced main menu for your game. I liked that idea. So i made terrain, gui, and some script. Overall here’s a look.

Of course ill still polish it.

then after that I made a disc for our colonists.
after that week, made a subreddit for it aswell. Im taking a break for a while, seems like chores is the dominant thing that contols me rn, Anyways i think this gives you an over view of colony. Anyways got to yeet! Bye colonists! :milky_way:

Edit: i might make a Road2Dev video about this.


This looks great especially the logo, keep up the good work!

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Welcome to the forum!!

Good job on the colony screen, but if you want to make a better one, try adding more stuff next to the rocket,

Great job tho!!

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Your enthusiasm is awesome, man! It’s posts like this that keep me motivated. I like your idea about bragging about it so you won’t back out. I may just try that.

I think your menu screen looks really good. I wish you all the best and can’t wait to see your progress.

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Wow, looks great. The landscape looks kind of plain, and I get its Mars, and there’s nothing there, but maybe add a satellite or rock or something?

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I’m liking the UI design, and the rocket in the background. Really gives off a futuristic vibe, and the logo is really fitting as well. Just a thought though, you may want to change the skybox to something which fits more with the planet. Up to you.

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Yeah true! To be honest I just got it from the toolbox.

Remember, Just don’t go too far on those bragging thing, anyways thanks!

Yeah, Im remodeling the rocket rn, The problem from the first one was, it wasn’t unwrapped properly, I added grid fins, texture and a working landing leg, Problem is i have no idea on making the animation playable by script. (moon animator/suite.)

wait up really? I just slapped in a mars photo which was turned into white in word then, added an text to it, tbh I don’t know if its that good, but it does look simple and all. Thanks!

Looking forward to this! :slight_smile:


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Love the enthusiasm. Haven’t seen the movie but it looks pretty good, you can add stuff like craters and whatever is on (mars?) also, the mountains look a bit jagged but maybe it’s your graphics settings. Good job. Can’t wait to see final version.

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That looks amazing! I’m sure your game will be on the front page in no time. Keep up the good work! :smiley:

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