Creator AMA (2024 Recap) with Nick and Greg [January 30, 2025]

There has been many improvements to running ads/sponsors in relation to experiences such as more granular controls & better reporting, and even new types of ads such as search ads

Is it reasonable to expect similar treatment to arrive to marketplace sponsors receiving these new additions in the foreseeable future?

The feature parity between marketplace & experience sponsors have been growing further apart and overall the marketplace sponsors are feeling much more like an afterthought.


Are there any plans of giving developers more control over graphics and maybe adding custom shaders?


How is the Server Authoritative model going to work?

What changes should we make to our code in order to be able to rollback and sync data between server and client?

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What happened to the virtual innovation awards and RDC items that Roblox would create annually. The 2022 virtual innovation awards haven’t been given out and the trophies for 2023 and 2024 don’t have virtual variants and the shirt uploaded for RDC 2024 hasn’t been given out to RDC attendees (RDC 2024 T-Shirt - Roblox)


Since we had the “Communities” update at RDC, but not much of it was released yet, is there any possibility to perhaps fix impersonation? Such as only allowing a certain person to claim their username as a community & blacklisting invisible characters?? I would expect this not to happen to already existing communities but new ones only.

Will we ever get GPU/shader programming abstraction so that we can code our own visuals in a safe sandboxed environment?

This is more of a progress update question as this was answered in a previous AMA:



Roblox recently made an announcement on the Devforum regarding upcoming changes to validation for layered clothing, which will impact the ability to make certain types of currently popular accessories (ie, Handheld accessories), which Roblox has historically allowed in the layered clothing category due to a lack of another fitting asset category type.

Can we expect Roblox to create new categories for avatar items that allow UGC creators to keep creating these types of items in the near future?


Yeah , but i really wanted glowing materials variants but theres something amazing

This is what i've seen


I didn’t believe theres more people replying at the same time
But the annoying thing is the 10 minutes cooldown only for this topic

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Is Frame Generation (dlss, fsr, xess) Planned to come on roblox?


Are there any plans to improve the Roblox Support system or at least upgrade it?

It seems that many developers and users have not highlighted one of Roblox’s biggest issues: it’s Support system. Developers and users often receive automated responses from Roblox Support, which consist of copy-pasted text that doesn’t address their concerns properly.

Users cannot get useful or relevant information because Roblox Support frequently sends the same reply: “We cannot provide you with more information.” In many cases, they don’t provide any information at all.

I wish we could someday have a human-based Roblox Support system that provides users and developers with the specific information they need.

Since Roblox uses AI to detect inappropriate content, bans and warnings often don’t provide clear or accurate information in the first place. For example, if a shirt or experience gets banned, the automated message doesn’t explain what exactly caused the violation. This leaves developers confused about what they need to remove or replace to resolve the issue.

In most cases, Roblox Support is unhelpful and fails to fulfill its primary purpose: providing support,

So there are any chances we get improved Roblox Support or possible LIVE Support? It would fix most of cases, scenarios like I mentioned above.


Question 3:
will UGC Limiteds become tradeable?


I have a question about Server Authority.

As far as I know, Server Authority helps prevent highly unrealistic character movement, such as flying with exploits that don’t match the physics system.

Can Server Authority be used for custom character movement?
For example, would it work with a system that doesn’t rely on the legacy Humanoid or Character Controller but instead uses completely custom movement, like vector forces?

This is important because developers need to know whether Server Authority is strictly for Roblox’s Character Controller before its release. This will help them decide whether to build their own movement system or follow Roblox’s implementation.


Adding onto this - given that Roblox has recently made new 2D limited faces, would Roblox consider allowing creators the ability to make classic 2D faces (both limited and non-limited) as well?

It would be great if UGC could be expanded to other categories (having a classic faces option would be great for face artists and allow artists a new way of earning robux, and perhaps opening up the ability for verified UGC creators to make UGC emotes could be cool too.)


Yes! We’re working on additional categories for accessory adjustment now – neck, shoulders, front, and back – and we expect to enable these categories for accessory adjustment this quarter.

Just like the initial launch, these will be available via API as well as in the platform Avatar Editor.


Question about uploadable videos: will there ever be a day where we can watch full movies in Roblox? In the past, players would use slideshows or at best make GIFs by uploading image by image. I’d love to see some form of movies arrive at Roblox!


Do you plan to add more options to moving 3d objects? currently, functions like BulkMoveTo are much too slow for my applications to the point where updating bones are faster and I’d be more than willing to sacrifice the extra slop I wont need (or can integrate custom implementations for that suit my needs) such as events, physics, or collision for a more optimized approach at moving lots of parts at once (for example, a tower defense game, or a smoke simulation, both of which don’t need bottlenecks like collision or physics to account for).


With Roblox slowly moving away from guilded are community shouts going to be more customizable (posting images/links etc) within the roblox site rather than just posting guilded announcements?


Can we ever expect to see Roblox’s automatic refund messages include more info on moderated accessories such as the name or at the very least, the asset ID? As someone who buys accessories often, it’s hard to tell what exactly is going missing from my collection.



What are your future plans for the particle system? Is it possible we could see a VFX graph in the future similar to Unreal Engines Niagara?

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To add to this post about poor moderation, here’s an example of the issues with the current moderation system: