We understand that the price increase caused some frustration within the community.
The rationale was to put all creators on equal footing - if we had pre-announced the change, existing creators would have benefited disproportionately by creating a multitude of items at the lower cost, thus putting new creators at a disadvantage.
In general, we see the fact that the supply of free UGC is under control as a positive - consider that an overabundant supply in the long term means free limiteds lose their value, which means they will become less effective as a promotion tool. Our job in Economy is to think about long term impacts of our systems - sometimes this means that our decisions cause some pain in the short term.
We are working hard behind the scenes to incorporate more UGC Creators into existing developer programs where that may be beneficial. We have added UGC Creators to our Community Feedback Program which is leveraged for product feedback and focus groups. We also encourage Creators from all backgrounds to participate in our Creator Events whether as participants or applying to host events on specific topics. We have experimented with direct channels for our UGC Creators, but this needs to be further optimized. We can’t confirm our plans quite yet, but we hear you and understand the need.
We are always looking for new ways to deliver more earnings to the creator community. Our success as a business is directly tied to the success of our community. As such, at every opportunity, we look to expand our virtual economy, broaden the appeal of the platform, and grow the pie available to the community.
Recent examples of this include our revised subscription platform fees and changes to Creator Store to use real-world currency that allows plug-in creators to take home 100% of net proceeds from their sales. While there are no near-term plans to change DevEx rates, we are always evaluating ways we can continue to invest in making the platform better for all members of the community.
Thank you for your interest and question. We are excited for this feature too! We are still actively working through introducing PBR textures and particle effects for UGC Accessories since our last update. Our challenge from here is to ensure we can enable this for UGC Creators at scale, since enabling these extra textures could impact overall performance on our platform. Stay tuned for further updates here!