Creator AMA (Economy) - with Antoni and Enrico [May 22, 2024]

Great question. We have considered subscription support for plugins, but the Creator Store team’s immediate priority is opening commerce for new asset types like models. We’ll keep this request in mind for the future though.


We are actively working on improvements that will enable Models to be sold on Creator Store. Please stay tuned for a formal announcement.


Thank you for the question, as that is a very reasonable request. The analytics team is currently focused on improving analytics for experiences and ensuring that UGC analytics remain stable now that the marketplace is available to more creators.

We will add this to our list for consideration and can share an update in our creator roadmap when we have a more final UGC analytics roadmap in place.


We do have real time analytics for experiences, so this is a great suggestion. What specific UGC metrics would you like to see update in real time? We can’t commit to any timelines right now, but we can add it to our UGC analytics roadmap for future consideration.


In the near-term we are not planning changes on these revenue shares, but we are always evaluating ways we can make them better for all members of the community and exploring new ways for creators to monetize.

For virtual item revenue shares, the split between affiliates and creators encourages the marketing and distribution of items beyond the Marketplace, which in turn attracts more buyers to your items. Today, generally speaking, there is more effort and investment involved to grow and retain an audience for an experience than creating an item. We see a major opportunity for avatar item creators to build their own experiences to drive item sales, capturing both the revenue share from the original item (30%) and from being the affiliate (40%).

As a way of comparison an experience selling developer products gets 70%, but the developer 1) creates the dev product 2) creates and markets the experience. Comparing the 30% to the 70% is not apples to apples because there is a lot more involved in creating experiences and developer products and marketing the creations (which carries — in many cases — monetary investments).

As an aside, we allow resales of community-created Limiteds which is another way for creators of items to earn more into perpetuity through a 10% cut on every resale transaction. UGC Creators are the only group on the platform who has access to this revenue stream.

When it comes to Marketplace publishing advances, our goal is to ensure that the value creators get from publishing items remains high. We set publishing advances so that the number of items in the Marketplace does not grow faster than user demand, and to incentivize creators to only publish items they believe will sell. Since opening up creation, we’ve seen significant growth in the number of virtual items being created each day.

We are always looking for new ways to deliver more earnings to the creator community. Our goal is to drive as much money to creators as possible while maintaining reasonable margins for our company to develop, maintain, and improve the tools and technology that support our community.


Please see our answer here.


Refer to our answer here.

  1. For your first question, please refer to our answer here.
  2. See our answer here.
  3. We plan to invest more in UGC discoverability in 2024. From improving search to an avatar-first shopping experience to buying multiple items and collections, we know there is a lot of opportunity here and plan to invest in this area.

Due to the technical complexity of a full body versus an accessory, there are many more checks done for Avatar Body submissions. Regardless of asset type, we do not tolerate content that violates our Community Standards, and we have both moderators and automated systems to proactively review all assets — including images, videos, 3D models, Avatar Accessories, and Avatar Bodies — before that content is posted on the platform. We are confident that our moderation systems and teams are prepared to handle the growth we’re expecting, but we can’t guarantee that we will catch every violation on the first try.

For 3D accessories you see that may violate Roblox’s Community Standards, please use the Report Abuse feature available on an item’s catalog page or submit a report via

For Avatar Bodies, we continue to keep an open dialogue with our creator community around the unique requirements that come with this content type. Since the launch of Avatar Bodies, we have seen a consistent increase in the approval rates for Bodies going through our proactive review system.


We are always evaluating categories to add to the UGC catalog, but we don’t currently have updates at this time.


Thanks for your question. Please refer to our answer here.


We recognized this pain point earlier this year and have made progress on some options. In the coming days, we’ll be setting up a support flow to request archiving an avatar item you no longer want available. Stay tuned.

We’re also actively working to design a Marketplace self-serve archive option. The timeline for this is still in flux, but we’re aiming for something by the end of 2024.


Unfortunately, it will be difficult to go back on UGC analytics further than July 2023. We are currently focused on improving analytics for experiences and ensuring that UGC analytics remain stable now that the marketplace is available to more creators. Please keep the feedback coming — it’ll definitely help with our analytics roadmap prioritization.


We track behavior of repeat violators over time and may escalate the consequences they receive for subsequent violations. Pervasive, continued violation of Community Standards connected to Spam uploads to Marketplace can lead to permanent revocation of access to UGC creation and even permanent account suspension. That said, initial punishments are aimed to discourage this behavior for new creators rather than completely ban a new user from the platform on their first offense.


For communicating from game server → external server, you could look at using HTTPService. This otherwise looks like a feature request, and we’re happy to learn more. Can we have someone from the team reach out to you?


Yes - we are working on improvements to group payouts now. You’ll soon be able to define more granular percentage splits for experiences and game passes, rather than setting revenue share rates exclusively at the group level. Stay tuned!


The current plan is to give creators tools to essentially archive and disable sales for such items. However, we are not planning to have the functionality that revokes those assets from users inventories and issues refunds.

Removing items and issuing refunds are only for fully moderated items which is executed solely by Roblox moderation. We will still fully moderate infringing content when notified by rights holders who submit a valid DMCA report.


This is great feedback. We are in the process of rethinking how devs interact with in-experience items. We’ll take this feedback into account when we think through the future of game passes and dev products. Can’t announce anything yet, but more to come here. We are planning on in-experience items and purchasing to get a lot more love in the future.

On top of that, we are committed to move all eligible APIs onto Open Cloud, which will continue in parallel.



I’d like to question the premise that there are different standards for bodies/ heads versus other assets. Bodies are more complex objects with multiple parts, hence more prone to mistakes or abuse. For UGC Bundles and Dynamic, we continue to keep an open dialogue with our creator community around the unique requirements that come with this content type and what we should do when something does not comply with those requirements. We should have more details to share about this in the near future.

Thanks for the great suggestion. We are always looking into more ways for influencers and content creators to better monetize on Roblox. I think your point to treat on-platform affiliates the same as off-platform affiliates (e.g. YouTube creators) from a rev share perspective is reasonable. We are actively thinking about how to enable better avenues like this for content creators and influencers, and we will consider this for a future release.