Creator AMA (Economy) - with Antoni and Enrico [May 22, 2024]

  1. Is Roblox okay with users acting as vigilante moderators, using the European illegal content reporting form to take down popular items? Large UGC creators have been affected like this, such as Reverse_Polarity and Blizzei, the latter who was actually terminated (unterminated now) over this abuse.

Will there ever be an official and effective method of reporting copies of Roblox-made items? Currently, there’s been an abundance of exact replicas of highly valuable Roblox items and there’s no way to report them. The only way these items get deleted is if a moderator happens to come across it, and lots of them do manage to get away.


Since I see @MisterRedTurtle is here, I have a specific question: What are your plans to optimize the community feedback program? I’ve noticed that the main group being accepted are popular developers and this is extremely inefficient in what was stated to be the sole purpose, helping get community feedback. I’d recommend doing more polls on changes so that you can get the wider opinion, rather than the tone-deaf, unknowledgeable opinion.

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Roblox recently released an amazing analytics page for avatar items. While this is incredibly useful, it can be difficult to view the analytics of individual avatar items. Are there any plans to introduce individual analytics for avatar items?


1 and 2. the question is related to each other. My other question:

Classic heads and classic faces be included in the UGC program future?

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As the catalog continues to rapidly grow, individual item’s performances begin to suffer, especially in relation to cold starting new releases

are there any plans to manually curate sorts on the catalog to showcase high quality, original creations to give these underappreciated items a boost in visibility? (think of a Today’s Picks but for avatar accessories)

  1. Are there any plans to remove the ability to download assets through studio? I understand roblox needs to locally download & load temporary files in our device in order to make sure the client sees everything properly on their screen, however I feel like limiting what can be downloaded would be a good idea. Here’s an example of what i mean:
  • assets can only be downloaded when loading in a roblox experience, and will later be deleted when joining another
  • removing the “export 3d feature” in studio, OR allowing creators to opt their items out of that feature, regardless of their privacy status.
  • making all private assets not appear in a player’s inventory unless it’s set as a public item
  • allow creators to semi-private their items by letting them be visible in games & stuff, but not be downloaded or seen in inventories
  • changing the way archiving works, if somebody archives an asset, anything that uses the archived asset, will be removed from being seen in inventories, catalog, etc. (model, 2d/3d avatar item, or plugin)
  • allowing full deletion of assets/avatar items from the platform (this would prevent a lot of DMCAs from occuring, benefiting both Roblox & the creator)

I understand there are concerns about, the exporting part, where people can’t export avatars using some UGC items in order to use in gfx. This shouldn’t be a problem as the person who’s gonna use the GFX for their own gains (either the GFX creator or the person who commissions the GFX work) needs to have the rights from the UGC creator to use their asset in the gfx to begin with.


Ever since the last AMA, you guys said you were taking a break from Roblox-made limited items.

The Hunt saw 3 new limited items though, and I’d like to ask, what are your CURRENT plans when it comes to Roblox limited items?


My question is:

  • What is the update regarding the .pbr surface appearance update for accessories on the catalog?

I recall this being stated to be in its final testing stages, but that was months ago near the start of this year. We are nearly through half of 2024 with no actual update on when we can start utilizing extra textures on our hats. Thanks and appreciate the reply!


I’m loving the analytics system, but there’s no way for creators to look at their all time sales or to go back in analytics more than a year. Will we be seeing more advanced analytics for avatar items in the future? I feel like UGC Tracker (the game) had these useful features like (Sales individual items, Sales growth etc.) but after Roblox privated the sales API we can’t really track our sales that good anymore.


Would there be any possibility to reduce the holding period when trading roblox made limiteds to 24 hours. And when do UGC limiteds U items could be tradeable and would they be tradeable for the regular roblox made limiteds aswell.


Will there ever be a revamp of the UGC sponsor system? In the current system, creators lose a lot more than what they pay for in return. Additionally, sponsoring an old item does not allow you to see it’s statistics on the website due to limited pagination. The statistics are only available when directly accessing it using the web API.


Are there plans to improve the Rights manager/DMCA system so that it cannot be exploited so easily?

Some people have found ways to exploit the system, resulting in UGC items being DMCAd using toolbox models, UGC items being DMCAd using decals and people abusing the rights manager using a copy-paste script to target specific items.

There has also been a case where one UGC creator DMCA’d a hair of theirs which was stolen, but the AI moderation deleted all of their blonde hair textures that they created, which caused them to lose at least 8 million robux (or $28k USD, going by devex rates)


Will roblox still take action against the limited knock off items that get posted constantly on the catalog? and if you are do you plan on making punishments more extreme to discourage such violations specifically being mimicking limiteds?


The biggest concern I have, and a lot of others do too, is the new fees and rebates with the public UGC update. Now that we’ve had a month of these 100 Robux fees per item, are you planning on keeping it like this? Since these fees started, true UGC creators have barely been dropping free limiteds for their communities. It’s mostly just brands and big developers now. These fees have ruined the fun events people used to create, and now most UGC limiteds have less than 25 stock.

I get the idea behind the rebates, but having to spend up to 2,000 Robux just to release an item that might not even make back a quarter of that is pretty discouraging. Meanwhile, people uploading Dominus, Valks, and Headless items are making tons without any real moderation. This makes it tough for smaller creators who want to enter the UGC space.

So comes to my question/hope. I’m hoping/asking for a consideration on lowering the per-stock fees for UGC limiteds and/or reducing the rebates. This would lower the entry barrier brought by rebates and give more people a chance to get succeed. And mainly, it would bring back the community created events that used come from the cheaper UGC stock fees, which is what I’m mainly hoping for back.


Any way that in the future we can download data of Group Payouts to your account, similar to Sales of Goods downloads on Groups?


Will Roblox’s Classic Faces ever make a comeback?

As Roblox plans to replace all existing Classic Faces with Dynamic Heads, they have been taking the previous Classic Faces offsale, with no way to obtain them ever again. Feedback on this decision has been incredibly negative, since the replacement heads are not 1:1 recreations, and not everyone wants to have an animated head.

Since Dynamic Heads are a bundle type, it would be great if Roblox just bundled the old Classic Faces in with the newer Dynamic Head bundles, so that you’d get both items for one purchase. Everyone would be happy.


What is the future of business when it comes to tackling giants like amazon.
I think roblox has a unique opportunity to influence a new generation of online marketing and selling imagine a world where you can order anything you want from in a game such as roblox the ability to sell your tshirts in game would be super cool
or lets say your a farmer and want to sell your food to people directly
thru a game ?

What is the future thought process on that

i think the metaverse is something that can easily become a part of everyday life.
just like amazon or netflix

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There is a clear need in the marketplace for particular UGC clothing categories such as body suits, handheld items, masks, etc. The shoes category isn’t even open. It’s much easier for Roblox to narrow categories down if there are too many than it is to introduce new ones later, and yet creators are extremely constrained.

What is the reason for keeping the categories super narrow, forcing people to categorize things strangely and reduce searchability, and what is Roblox’s plan for accommodating these creative use cases?


Any upcoming Updates for Consoles/Controllers like, Dual-Sense Controller Support (Haptic Feedback, with Adaptive Triggers), 3D audio support, Voice chat and Type chat support, gyro support, even a possible release for switch?