Creator AMA with Dan and Manuel Tomorrow!

Hey Creators!

We are excited to share that tomorrow, Wednesday, January 24th from 10AM to 12PM PT Dan Sturman a.k.a. @TheKingsHappyFool (Chief Technology Officer of Roblox) and Manuel Bronstein a.k.a. @aelarix (Chief Product Officer of Roblox) will be hosting a Creator ‘Ask me Anything’ on DevForum. They will be ready to answer questions regarding our Creator Roadmap 2023: End of Year Recap and what’s coming in 2024.

For tomorrow, please keep to one question per reply, and try to keep your questions to no longer than a paragraph so that Dan and Manuel can answer as many questions as possible.

We’re excited for you to join us tomorrow and can’t wait to hear your questions!


This topic was automatically opened after 11 minutes.

EDIT: My bad, I thought questions were to be asked today, and answered tomorrow


Finally, we will get some insight about public UGC and the state of the catalog!


I’ve come to the understanding that Future is being way more supported later down the line, however some developers prefer the performance with voxel or even compatibility over future lighting.

Is there any chance that voxel will be improved or overhauled to be more responsive? Less bleeding, faster lighting grid updates, and more consistent lighting.


Hello @TheKingsHappyFool and @aelarix!

Thank you for your engagement into the Roblox platform. I would like to ask for some details about the “Alt Detection” and “Banning API”. Can we have more information about envisioned functionality of these such as will there be a possibly new Disconnect screen along with the new api, will users be able to provide ban reasons, length etc. Will these features come along in one function or separate?

Thank you.

Posted in: Creator Roadmap - AMA with Dan and Manuel [Jan 24, 2024] - #15 by vfx_1


Hey everyone, just to be clear the AMA is tomorrow! Exciting to see so many questions but save them for the fun tomorrow.


Will there be another post for the questions?


Will the AMA be under a new dev forum post or the current one?


Yes, we will make a new post. Apologies for any confusion.


Does it mean only questions posted tomorrow will be answered?


Probably, it will be on a different post


A few years ago at RDC 2021, it was revealed that Roblox had plans to bring dedicated servers to South America, which we still don’t have, even though Brazil, for example, is the 2nd country with the most Roblox players and developers.

Does Roblox still have these plans? We’re excited to be able to play our favorite games with lower latency and I can say on behalf of the community that we’d love to hear an answer.


Will voice chat ever be expanded beyond just 50 player servers? This could open up a lot of cool possibilities for communication based experiences at 100 or even 200 player servers.


Will the new post only be posted tommorow at 10AM PT?
Wouldn’t it be better to have a post posted a few hours earlier so developers from all timezones can ask questions that can be answered later on?


Hello, I got a question related to “reducing 99% off limited copies from the catalog an much more”.

So, to begin with, related to UGC, is it now allowed to copy Roblox’s items? There’s quite a few of these still happening right now, without being moderated, so as a UGC creator, I’m wondering if I’m allowed to make such things myself.

Second, again, related to the avatar marketplace, and UGC. Will we have a feature in the future to remove potentially unwanted UGC items off the catalog? I have a few 2d Clothing and 3d Accessories, I’d like to take off the catalog, but I had no help taking them off, despite being told to ask support about it. The only responses I get are asking me to Archive the asset, which is Impossible for 2d/3d ugc items.

And now, for the last part, I got some questions related to the future of roblox:

  1. Will UGC accessories allow more customization such as PBR & Particles in the future?
  2. Will we see more customizable privacy settings (Allowing only certain select users to see our status/what we play, join us in game)
  3. Any possibility for roblox’ graphics settings to be more customizable (eg: having quality of the textures, rendering, and particles separate from each other, like an advanced settings menu)
  4. Will we see improvements to the roblox’s graphics in the future, currently roblox suffers from a lot of graphical issues, which could possibly be fixed in the future, and many builders/modelers would probably agree with me on this one:
  • Using PBR textures, will decrease the pixels/quality of the texture
  • Shadows look very yucky, and pixelated. The only “fix” to this, is making the shadow more “blurry” which, doesn’t look always good
  • Materials SHOULD have an “overlay” option, which wouldn’t change it’s color and would layer on top of the material. Right now, there’s no overlaying option for materials, and It’s IMPOSSIBLE to make good “bricks/corroded metal” textures without having to make a material for each individual color. Otherwise the entirely of the rust will be colored.

Looking forward for this event, and will surely be back tomorrow!


Agree with this, please make the post beforehand :pray:

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I’ll be sure to come with my question(s) pre-prepared :slight_smile:

Is it just me or do you also have a bunch of ideas you wish they would and you wait for something like this but ones it comes your forget all of it. It’s the same with Christmas lol

Hi @TheKingsHappyFool @Aelarix ! I have a question about UGC and its moderation. Will the moderation for UGC improve? And when public UGC comes out?