Creator Dashboard Ability to Configure Badges - Now Available!

Hi everyone!

This week we released a new feature in the Creator Dashboard that will allow you to configure existing game badges. To reach the new configure page, navigate to a specific game, and click on its ‘Associated Items’ side navigation link.

From the Associated Items badges tab, you will now be able to click on individual badges, which will take you to the new badge overview and configure page. Here, you can upload new images for your badge icon, as well as change other information about it like the name, description, and whether or not it’s active.

We hope to add the ability to configure more game items via the creator dashboard in future releases. Enjoy!


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Will we able to set our badges as active/inactive in bulk in the future? In the past, with badges being BC only, there are a lot of games which have had every single badge set to inactive once the owner lost their BC, and with some games reaching the hundreds in how many badges are available, this can make it tedious to re-activate every single one.

I can also see it being decent to have for keeping a large update’s worth of badges secret until a big release date. With the stress of making sure everything’s working, I’d rather not have to add visiting every single individual badge page onto that list.


This is actually really nice that it now isn’t just a permanent badge settings and that you can update them as you please. Also the creator hub is a nice shortcut to having to go through “Configure this place” or “Configure this game” and having to figure out what settings are where. Not to mention it also looks a lot better than the other option.

Also might it be possible to be able to upload stuff from the creator dashboard, and be able to configure it directly, I know that it’s not too bad doing it through roblox but the creator dashboard is a nice way to be able to go through the settings and look at everything at once.


Im glad this feature is coming out. It improves it by the looks of it. I hope we find no bugs. Will this feature also include scripting history along with the badge history? Also the new UI looks great! Any way we could disable badges, and not remove them?


Really, really good change! It feels good to know the UI is getting better and more modern by the day. Maybe add a scaling option soon? The icons feel a little big sometimes, people like me like it a little more compact, to see more games/assets in one place.


With this new release, will we ever be able to rearrange the order in which Badges are displayed on the Game Details page in the future? Drag and drop functionality on this page that allows for this would be appreciated.


This is amazing, looks so modern! Will badges be free now or _________??


Finally been waiting for the development page rework for ages, will this be pushed to *
Looks really smooth and can’t wait to see when the entire website redesign is complete :grin:
When will the ability to modify group owned assets come?


Does this also include the feature of being able to re-arrange badges as requested here? I think now would be a good opportunity to do that.


From what I understand, the creator dashboard once fully finished is going to be replacing Right now it’s in it’s beta stage, and the legacy develop page is going to stay until it’s fully complete.


Luckily it’ll have dark theme according to the screenshot. No more eye blinding developer page lmao. Anyway, around when would the current one be replaced?


No idea, I don’t work at Roblox, I’m just going with what the announcements have been saying so far. Gotta say though I look forward to dark theme dev page, the old one has been stuck on light theme for way too long…


Looks great! Any UI modernization is always appreciated!


I’m glad that badges are getting some attention, this has been long needed. Hopefully, the fee to upload them gets reduced as well, 100 can be pretty excessive especially if a dev wants to make a lot of badges.


This is exactly what roblox needs. It looks so modern and fits how the website is developing.

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I doubt it, since it would be open to frequent abuse that way. Maybe it will become premium-only.


This is great! I love that we can actually configure these on the dashboard instead of the actual badge! Definitley didnt see this coming.

Also, is noone gonna talk about this in the first screenshot?


Soon enough I’ll never hop on roblox but always roblox studio!


Badges have made their way into the dashboard. When can the community expect similar things for models and decals?

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