Creator Roadmap: Spring 2024 Edition

Well unfortunately that’s just something that you likely wont get Roblox to budge on. Corporate documents leaked that showed that they at minimum intended or considered removing R6 entirely. Also if I recall correctly the whole R6->R15 conversion is meant to eventually go from Opt-In to Opt-Out once Roblox arbitrarily determines it has become good enough or something. Roblox (probably) considers R6 as outdated tech and they likely want to drop support for it as soon as they believe its convenient to them, the least that could be done to soften the blow is ensure that the conversion tool gets as close to 100% replication as possible.


Are features that were already released last year still being worked on? I haven’t migrated to TextChatService yet because it still lacks some of the features that the legacy chat system had.

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Dang no wonder why Roblox + Studio feels smoother than ever.
Keep em coming!

Let us manage the Secret Store from Studio!


Finally, immersive animation for VR users without the use of Plugins!

I wonder it’ll be transparent or full on see yourself in your avatar.


What about dynamic skies? That was a necessary feature, It has been delayed since almost 4 years and it only got a few updates over time.


Public audio? It’s time to talk about the audio update… it’s been so long… I prefer an announcement that says that public audio will not return rather than this radio silence for more than 2 years!


R6 is really only outdated because Roblox chooses to not update it


Well, I don’t know about you, but it seems like most of the community would agree that R6 is great, and should be kept.

I recognize my little post won’t help, but if the entire community lashes back against that, then Roblox might have to budge before it impacts shareholders.


Fitering by Content Type is free! Why would you remove that? The only outcome I see is worse results (which are already bad)


I agree that R6 should be maintained instead of trying to be infused into R15 in some weird half-R6 half-R15 contraption but I doubt that it would be something that Roblox budges on.

Honestly I don’t believe that the removal of R6 would truly be something that would indirectly affect the stocks of Roblox and therefore impact the shareholders much. I feel like the majority of people will at most be annoyed for a couple of days and then just move on playing Roblox as they were prior (with at most having to deal with R15.)

Main reason this wouldn’t affect Roblox financially is because there really isn’t any alternative platform. I mean just look at the market. You have Roblox on the top will hundreds of millions of people playing on the platform every day across thousands and thousands of experiences. Meanwhile a lot of the alternative platforms are struggling to even get thousands or even hundreds of people playing on the platform per-day.

Reddit was able to essentially stick the middle finger to ever 3rd party client creator with their API changes and even with the mass protest that happened throughout that period, I would argue that Reddit went overall unaffected by that change (some users may have left but most stayed or really didn’t care about what changed.) Roblox would likely be unaffected by a similar situation happening.


just waiting for some type of “performance update” to studio. at the moment, just having studio opened makes my computer suffer from ram usage

and the worse thing is having it opened with a browser, say goodbye to your processor

also where are performance fixes for future lightning? idk if the android future lightning update will fix this, but at the moment, when in future lightning, the transition from graphics level 3 to graphics level 4 is horrible. for low end pcs, graphics 3 is the maximum level to enable when in future lightning.


At the last Roblox Developers Conference, you stated that Roblox itself will be more accountable and transparent to developers.

In my case, Roblox recently erroneously removed my catalog asset three times without my knowledge, totaling 3 weeks of the asset being offline. I have lost 3 weeks of revenue due to a Roblox error that is still not fixed.

There was no transparency and Roblox never notified me when this happened. There is no accountability to compensate me for the lost revenue, and no accountability to fix an ongoing problem in a timely manner.



There are currently so many more features that deserve the most attention. All of those Updates are specifically for looks.


The latest estimate is the public Beta will be made available in June. Now that we’ve got clarity on the work to be done, that’s a pretty confident estimate.

It’s difficult to accurately forecast such large tasks and frankly if we had stuck with our original March date, we would have made compromises for the sake of hitting the deadline.


Any person on the Studio team will tell you that our priority this entire year is “Quality” which is specifically focused on stability and performance.

Aside from fixing longstanding issues as we go, we’ve spent the better part of the last year totally overhauling Studio architecture for stability and performance. Some of those things are out in production already but the biggest shift will happen when we can move big pieces of the UI over to the new systems and fully retire the legacy stuff (all while remaining backwards compatible :sweat_smile: )


The Roadmap is not every update Roblox will be releasing this year.

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Will this include both Roblox’s events and the events of creators? Will there be a way to promote your event with the event discovery system through advertising?


Yeah, I think you are underestimating just how much R6 is valued by the community.


I wonder, if public audios will be included to plans for this year.

There was a mention about publishing short audios on January.