Custom Font Plugin!
This Plugin allows your creativity not to become limited to Roblox’s specific fonts! Roblox, at the time of making this, has 46 fonts to choose from. It seems like a lot, but compared to the thousands of fonts on the internet it is very miniscule! This plugin allows you to insert/create fonts you can use to your pleasing! The plugin was designed for dynamic (Changing) custom text, but it can still be used for static!
The plugin supports up to 107 characters, this includes the complete US English Standard Keyboard layout and 12 extra custom character slots. (This may be expanded as the plugin goes into more development)
This is an example of what a created font sheet would look like BEFORE being exported
Here are some tips in order to help you create great looking fonts!
How To Use The Plugin:
After you have installed the plugin, you should see a folder named “Fonts” in Replicated Storage.
Those image label names are the fonts that you can use in your custom font objects.
If you want to insert a custom textlabel, go to the topbar and click on the localscript or serverscript button, depending on which one you want to use. (The only difference is that the serverscript has code running on a script, while the localscript (Client) has code running on a localscript.)
Then you can mess with each of the attributes till you have something you like. (The variables can be changed in scripts, just remember to use :GetAttribute() and :SetAttribute() when reading or writing to a variable!)
How To Insert Custom Font Sheet
Create a 480px by 480px image with no background
Insert custom font Template
Place each character of a wanted font into each box
When all characters are in place delete or hide the backTemplate and export as a PNG
- Upload to Roblox as a label
Get into Roblox Studio and duplicate the font “Empty”
When Duplicated, insert the uploaded roblox label assetid into the image property and rename the object to your pleasing
When it is renamed, go to your custom font object and to the font property
Put the font attribute Value as the name of your imagelable fontsheet and you are good to go!
To set the custom font’s properties you should go into the textbox’s attributes and change them from there!!!
Custom font characters should be centered on the slightly invisible lines to line them up correctly
Custom font characters should be exported as white so that they can be color shifted
Save the Image as a 480px by 480px PNG image
- When saving the image, make sure to delete the template in the background so that it doesn’t show up!
The bottom 12 boxes are for any special characters you may want to add
- For example, Special accents or emojis!!!
- In order to put them in text you need a special syntax (ex: “[[1” for #1 Box, “[[3” for #3 Box, “[[0” for #10 Box, and “{{1” for #11 Box)
- For example, Special accents or emojis!!!
A nice website to use for inserting or drawing fonts is, but even software like MS Paint works!!!
When changing text, play around with the properties inside of the object to make it look nice
Documentation (For Now) has not been created yet.
Please check back later to see if it has been created
(Sorry for the inconvenience )
Patch Notes
------------ Patch v1.2 --------------
- Patched a bunch of alignment bugs
- Added /n capabilities
- Fixed bugs related to custom extra textboxes
- Cleaned up some code
Feel free to look through the source code to see how the plugin works and how the font creator works too!
These recourses are HIGHLY recommended to be used while creating fonts!!! Make sure to
download the PNG template so you can get started!
Template V1.1
*PNG size: 480px 480px
Custom Fontsheets
These font sheets have already been included with the plugin so no need to insert them
Funky Fontsheet
Plaster Fontsheet
Special Character Syntax
Syntax for bottom 12 boxes (Numbered LEFT TO RIGHT)
[[1 = #1 Box Character
[[2 = #2 Box Character
[[3 = #3 Box Character
[[4 = #4 Box Character
[[5 = #5 Box Character
[[6 = #6 Box Character
[[7 = #7 Box Character
[[8 = #8 Box Character
[[9 = #9 Box Character
[[0 = #10 Box Character
{{1 = #11 Box Character
{{2 = #12 Box Character
Here is the plugin link: Custom Font Creator - Roblox
Have fun creating your own fonts! (This is my Second every plugin and I would love to hear some feedback of how I could make the plugin better in the comments! Thank You!!! )
[Also any custom font sheets you would like to share, please share them in the comments for others to use ]
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