Notice: If you’re having an issue with the plugin, please DM @Sudobeast or @Sudobeast or send the issue to this thread. Please do not DM this account because I rarely check the forum using DraconicChris. Thanks!
I created a dialogue editor plugin that makes creating dialogue for NPCs a little easier.
I was inspired by @Davidii’s Dialogue Editor. It’s a pretty similar plugin; it has conditions and actions, but it isn’t node-based. It was pretty hard developing with his plugin on a laptop without a mouse, so I made it easier for myself by making it based on parents and children. It also uses a widget for its interface.
I’ll definitely push updates to this plugin for a while!
If you have any feature requests or bug problems, you can always reply here! I add features I plan to add and bugs I plan to fix to the issues page on the GitHub repository.
nice maybe add keybind when click “E” or someting else on the keyboard so is can actually display the dialog on the screen and you can add also name to the npc at the top center of the dialog frame and you can add also options to teleport players while speak with the npc but i am like the rich text that you using is very cool. i am rate that 8.5/10
I don’t know if this is already a feature, so here we go.
One thing I’d like to see, is if we could have an option to fire a RemoteEvent if the player clicks one of the buttons, so we could make a quest menu pop up or something like that.
I’m probably gonna get asked this, so here we go, I do know how to use remote events, I’m just recommending something that will help more people use it.
All you gotta do is press the circle of the response under Aa (“Action after”), and you can run code (including firing RemoteEvents and invoking RemoteFunctions).
Action.Execute is the function that gets ran after the response is clicked.
I just saw this super cool module@Defaultio made that parses rich text way better than what I did originally. It changes specific sections of fonts and colors, which is totally amazing.
This is really helpful for the upcoming update I plan to release for the Dialogue Maker.