Edit Escape Menu

Very convenient for you but not the developer who wants to use the ESC key for something else or make their own menu that FITS their own theme.

Its better for all roblox players, a majority of which are younger kids. Imagine how easy it would be to trick a kid into giving up their account details, etc? They press escape but are taken to a fake escape menu, they think they leave the game and open a fake roblox page. Then they can be asked for their password, credit card number, name, address, or anything.

I can toatlly support being able to at least change the colors of the buttons, but really, theres too much of a security risk for anything else.


Actually never thought about people trying to do that, so yeah that is a pretty big security risk.

Maybe if this ever was a thing, to customize the Menu UI, maybe it would just be for like designing yk, making it look unique and appealing to the player.

But here is the thing, if Roblox gave permission to the developers to program their Menu UI, I feel like they would have to limit some things because of like you said, security risks.

For example, they would probably have to exclude things such as getting the player’s userId. Also you mention address, name, number, password, and credit card. I am %100 sure that not even the dumbest person alive could do that while creating their custom Menu UI, after all it’s a menu, why would people want your name, credit card, id, etc. when your just tackling with the settings of the game? It isn’t possible to get anyones address in roblox either, im super sure of that. But still, customzing the Menu UI would be a great thing to be on the platform, and I wish Roblox could of done it any sooner.


So you’re under the assumption that every young kid is possibly a dumb idiot? You’re pretty much acting as a backend developer. You do realise that this is Roblox, people already try to get children to give up account details and they soon realise there’s nothing worth on their account to steal.

Also not sure how easy it is to manipulate a child when the Roblox Icon is still visible top left especially when most people who do try to hack children don’t have the mental capacity to create an accurate representation of the Roblox Login page inside Roblox Studio and script it at the same time.

This was insanely simple to make, and there are 100% ways to make it more convincing.

And you’re under the assumption that kids will actively choose to play sketchy new games that have a dislike rating of absolute 0, Roblox Support can also get your account back if you have proof of receipts from Robux purchases and multiple other stuff. You must also realise that children barely make up 60% of the player base and that is made up of only people under 13. 13+ users will have the mental capacity of not entering their sensitive information when the Roblox Icon is top left especially when you’re taught so at such a young age. Cyber security 101.

You can say these things all you want, the fact is, some people will be tricked if a system such as I described above was implemented. It’s better just to lock it down, and make it standard across all roblox games.

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I was quite thinking of buttons having a size limit. This idea would be great in my opinion.

There would have to be a check to see if it was getting covered up by UI.

This could be another option for MenuMode instead.

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I actually think this is the best idea so far, however I’d move the report button so that its next to the context buttons, which in turn makes it easier to find


(i also forgot to add the X button in the corner but the topbar is a seperate GUI element to the setting shield)


Moving the report button is a great step. But, what of the following?

  • graphics quality settings
  • fullscreen toggle
  • recording

I think all functionality can be replicated by developers other than the ones I listed above.

We’d need these things to be accessible to the average developer or a way to access them from that UI. There’s quite a lot to get through with this idea, I find it very interesting.

I think this would be a great thing to be able to have for us Developers, but i dont agree with changing how the ui style is, like shape-wise and what not, just aspects like Color, editing/adding UIStroke, editing/adding UICorner, and probably some others as well, i think roblox would probably make that “do-able”, but then again they might not. Who knows! :slight_smile:


Sorry for reviving the topic but I think I upgraded the custom menu idea a little bit? Here is a remix of your picture.

I didn’t spend that much time on the picture (five minutes), so it is not very pretty.

If you wanted to change regular Roblox settings, you would go to the regular Roblox Menu, while other stuff (custom game settings, custom help menu, feedback menu and the stuff in @Reditect’s pause menu (#12) would go in the custom menu.

I think that this is a great improvement if a custom pause menu feature was added.

I saw this and a simple solution would be some sort of requirement to have this in your game, like a 75%+ like ratio, 2000 likes, 15000 visits, verified badge, minimum creator place visits, warning/ban history of creator, etc.

Maybe even 13+ account to see it by default, so that people under 13 would have to press a button to see the custom menu?

Also, there could be an option in the report menu to report the custom pause menu of a game (I would make an image showing this but I’m not feeling like doing that right now) which could help stop malicious things from occuring.

I don’t know, maybe a setting in your Account Settings somewhat like “Show Custom Menu by default” which can be changed?

Please let me know if this is better than before.


I’ve done too much research on this issue for almost no reason, I don’t think it’s happening. :sweat_smile:

This doesn’t solve the issue of multiple settings menus, which is bad UX.

Roblox is already doing this somewhat. Creators can upload more audio if they ID Verify their age. I dislike the idea of gatekeeping features though. Everyone should have access to something like this, all players and developers.

Interesting idea and a must if this [an editable menu] is implemented. Adding onto this, Roblox should have to check if the game has a custom menu first, before allowing that option to show up in the report menu. False reports shouldn’t happen with this.

That kinda defeats the purpose of editing the menu in my mind.

If there’s an API developers can tap into to see that player’s setting for that, then we would be able to show them a different UI. But then why not just have the menus as they are now? Separate.

How the Playdate does it:

Somewhat recently I looked into making games for a small handheld device called the Playdate. They solved this issue of editing a pause menu by letting developers add a max of 3 settings to it: https://sdk.play.date/2.1.1/Inside%20Playdate.html#m-menu.addMenuItem

It is limited by design, only allowing set value types, but I think something similar to this is the only way Roblox will let developers edit the Roblox Menu.

With the recently released Accessibility Settings, I’d say the idea of adding more to the settings menu isn’t entirely off the table. It might get to a point where it’s too cramped though.

Regarding recording functionality, maybe this new Captures feature will allow for recording:

I don’t think the Capture feature will work without the Roblox Menu though. We do have this, but it’s not for video recording: New Selfie Mode Developer Module.

man i love necroposting

i personally think that we should only have SOME control over it, too much would create problems with things such as leaving and reporting. (remember the crossroads incident? that happened due to roblox giving people too much control with chat, and we all got punished.)
let users customize the help section, and MAYBE the colors, but that should be it.

True, but what if you want to use the regular Roblox Menu or you want to have the same menu available across all experiences? Regular options would go to the regular menu, while custom options which developers add would go to the custom menu? However I didn’t really consider it before and I can see that it might be bad to have two settings menus for the UI aspect of things.

There’s a setting for disabling text chat. Some developers modify chat (Breaking Point with emojis when you say certain words, Hide and Seek Extreme with random dots beside messages and etc.) yet you can completely disable it in your account settings.
It doesn’t really defeat the purpose of editing the chat as you know most people will have the setting enabled and they will see it. Same would apply with the custom menu. They would have the setting disabled if they don’t like having a different menu in different games or to prevent themselves from entering a fake escape menu with scams (probably unlikely with the requirements and report feature).

A lot of people (or maybe even most people) find the Escape Key as a regular key for pause menus. It’s used in many games, after all. Two keybinds for pause menus might not be the best choice for some people, but honestly we would know better if we actually had custom pause menus. If they don’t like it all in one keybind, just disable the setting and now it’s a different one.

Next part isn’t really to you @Reditect, my bad.

If they got the UI requirements (place core gui above the custom UI) right, the accessibility requirements right (75%+ like ratio, 2000 likes, 15000 visits, verified badge, etc) and the report system working for the custom pause menu (escape menu), then developers wouldn’t be able to abuse the system.

Quite late for me now so I might be saying stuff that isn’t really right about things. I might respond to replies tomorrow.

no one likes guarded off features. there could be some really good ideas done (like hiding clues towards smth in the help section) but they wouldn’t even be tested due to these requirements. i mean, it took roblox YEARS for them to let people award ugc in games, but even then its only limiteds and not normal ugc.

It’s worth noting that this mainly exists as a parental control and developers are allowed to show server-made messages (IE: not sent by a player) regardless of whether this setting has been selected, the ability to text-filter chat messages with the player is disabled in this scenario which is why many games do not display any messages at all.

And yet, this is a massive change. This isn’t simply about disabling chat; this is about disabling a whole entire new UI, which a developer likely put massive effort into and includes options not accessible otherwise. (Developers would likely place some exclusive features on their escape UI)

I feel like if Roblox gives developers the change to change alot on the esc ui there will be ways to abuse it, like how a while back some games found a way where you could click an innocent looking button then you would unknowingly spend robux.
Video on it by flamingo: https://youtu.be/z_IsUQhboXo?si=9boZeTid7PEGhQs3

I wish Roblox maybe could consider having premade layouts so you can maybe choose something that fits your game, and maybe give us options like to add hotkeys in the help section the way you can add plugin buttons with Toolbar:CreateButton()

I don’t like the idea of developers making big changes to the esc menu due to how I think bad exploits will be found and used.

how about doing it like this?
sorry for the bad quality it was made with Microsoft paint.

There are consequences to this.

For one, if somebody decides to edit the escape menu in such a manner that you can’t find the exit button, then it’s a big issue.
For the second, this feature can actually be abused to potentially start a new crosswoods situation or worse.

But, I’d still want that feature because I can edit the escape menu in my games so they have different functions, like 2 different leave buttons where one is quitting the game session (or game match) and the other is quitting the whole game.