Error while processing packet

so i’ve been getting this error lately
"Error while processing packet: bad_weak_ptr (packet id: 131, packet length: 1019, progress: 1019, schema: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) "

and i have no idea what does it mean or what’s the cause for it, ive tried to search for an explanation and ive found some topics but none which had mine (bad weak ptr)


Where is the error occuring? Are you doing anything in particular? Are you in studio? Are you in Roblox?

We need way more information if you want any chance of help


Studio, sometimes it crashes at like 3 minutes on testing, sometimes at 20 minutes, sometimes it doesn’t crash

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Have you tried reinstalling Studio? It’s possible that a file became corrupted and needs to be fixed.

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Same issue has started occurring for me quite consistently

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Is currently happening to me all the time.

I have uninstalled Studio and reinstalled it - this does not fix the issue.

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started happening for me too idk why


I have started getting packet errors too somehow. Never happened before.


Getting this issue literally every time I try to test in Studio now.

Still occurring. A guy on Reddit says he’s had it for a month now. Why isn’t this fixed??

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Someone made a bug report for this yesterday and we are looking into it. In the meantime, if you can consistently reproduce the issue, please send your Studio logs to the bug-files group, along with what you’re doing when this problem occurs.

Haha that’s me who said that, i haven’t got it in like a week tho

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I haven’t got that crash message for a while now, but back then when I had that problem, sometimes it wouldn’t even pass a minute of playtesting before I would get that crash message, and sometimes hours could pass playtesting and nothing would show up

I feel really stupid now, just got that crash message

I’ll be sending my Studio Logs to the bug files group

I am also experiencing this: Error while processing packet - Developer Forum | Roblox

After about 3 hours seems like what wants to make it crash the most is using a :ClearAllChildren() command server-side. It sometimes happens and sometimes doesn’t. Very difficult to duplicate (happens almost every time with the :ClearAllChildren() function, but not always) and only occurs during a local server with at least two players.

STILL getting this. It’s gotten better over the last week, like I’ll be able to test in Studio a dozen times in a row with no issue, but then the next 3+ tests will result in this glitch appearing.

When my code here is run, it happens every time when there’s an oldChar in existence

char.Archivable = true
local newChar = char:Clone()
char.Archivable = false
local oldChar = game.ReplicatedStorage.InstanceData.PlayerMorphs:FindFirstChild(tostring(plr.UserId))
newChar.Name = tostring(plr.UserId)
if oldChar then
newChar.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage.InstanceData.PlayerMorphs

This is run every time a character “char” is added from player “plr”. What’s interesting is this bug DOESN’T happen when i open up the PlayerMorphs folder to “watch” it be swapped out. However, whenever I have the folder closed, it happens every time.

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The issue went away completely for the last few days, however, today, it started coming back, albeit extremely infrequently:

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this is interfering with my studio play testing…