I’ve expressed my thoughts about this awful planned (even after they “paused” it, I bet) update in another topic (list item 3), so I won’t repeat that here (though I hope Roblox knows by now that this update will make so many of their “experience developers” leave the platform or consider doing that in the future if it goes through).
(I definitely don’t own all of these bundles, but can freely select any of them; Do you see the potential issue already?)
I thought of something this morning and realized that this bad policy update would mess up games in more ways than (I think) people have discussed here. I realized that if any game lets you change your character’s body parts (like, the “girl set”, “woman set”, etc.), this could lead to three possible problems.
- Obviously, if the player doesn’t own that bundle, they would have to be prompted about it like it was clothing.
- If any of the better bundles would go off-sale one day (the v2-4 sets, not the out of place Rthro ones), this would stop players from using those great bundles! (I didn’t include the v1 blocky set because it’s the default, but wait, doesn’t that mean that set is off-sale to begin with?)
- All of those bundles are made by Roblox, which I suppose means Roblox or their moderators could twist the rules in their favor just by saying the developer used “Roblox items”.
This thought made me start considering needing to make my own R15 bodies, piece by piece, just so I could have counterparts to the two sets that I like to use for my character, the woman and girl sets. If Roblox is seriously expecting developers to do this, that’s crazier than expecting them to learn how to use Blender to make accessories! 
At least you just have to model a single, static mesh when making those. Making custom R15 bundles expects the developer to not only understand how to use Blender, but also how to build a humanoid character, piece by piece. (And after that, they have to import the pieces and add all of the expected attachments to each part.) To think, they were possibly expecting developers to make these kinds of decisions in a mere week… It’s insanity!
I suppose if I have to do that to ensure that spontaneous, out of the blue policy updates don’t ruin my already nearly-doomed private experience’s future, then I will, but that’s more things I’ll have to (fail to) remember to do in the future. I already have work to do, since I already know that Roblox isn’t going to listen to their developers and will try to force this on us at a later date, and I’m definitely not going to deal with hounding players to buy stuff that they don’t need non-stop while they’re trying to enjoy my experience, so I’m already tasked with creating my own accessories and clothing…