Forming and Improving Your Developer Team

Hello! You can call me Conor. I am a Game Designer. If you want to learn more about me you can message me. Forming and Improving your Development team can be the hardest part when developing a Roblox game/experience. There aren’t too many good tutorials on this topic so I decided to make a tutorial. Hopefully you find this helpful and if you have any questions feel free to ask me.

FInding Developers/Networking
There are many ways to find developers but some are not as good as others. Here are a couple ways I have personally been able to find developers.

  • The first and probably the best way to find developers is by joining a Discord Server such as RoDevs or HiddenDevs. On these servers you can get hired and also make posts. I would be careful about these servers though. Make sure to watch out for scams and bad offers.
  • The next way is on Roblox Talent Hub. On Roblox Talent hub you can find a lot of good developers but again there are some downsides such as people who really don’t know what they are doing.
  • The last way to find developers is just by networking. This means making friends within the development community. You can do this in many ways I am not gonna go into the specifics though.

What Makes a Good Developer?
A good developer can be defined in a lot of ways but there are a couple special criteria that a developer should have. The first thing is that they are efficient and somewhat fast. Now I don’t mean to have to go super fast because that is not good. What I mean is they get things done at a reasonable pace for example if someone is making a simple script then it shouldn’t take 12 hours. The next thing that kinda goes along with the last is that they should have a high work ethic. Having a high work ethic means taking their work seriously and devoteing their working hours to going above and beyond. The next thing you should look out for is if they are skilled or experienced. So if you come across a developer who is a beginner I wouldn’t recommend hiring them right away if you are trying to make a high quality game. If these three requirements are not met, some issues in the future may occur.

Paying Developers
Knowing the right amount to pay developers in a development team can be difficult. Here are some things you should do to figure out the rice price. First you need to be open about how you are going to be paying them. It is good to discuss the payment in a conversational way. Make sure you and the person both decide on their payment not only you. You should also never undervalue their work. Here are some things you should keep in mind when figuring out their payment.

Method One

Here are some things you should keep in mind when figuring out their payment.

  • Past Experiences and Education - Developers past experiences are a major part in deciding how much their pricing should be. For example if you have a developer that formerly worked for a large studio then they are gonna get paid more than a less experienced person.
  • Quality of Work - Quality of work is very important for paying developers. So always keep that in mind. I don’t have too much to say on this topic.
  • Amount of Work - The amount of work a developer is doing can also determine the price they are paid. For example if someone is making a simple script they are gonna get paid less than if they are making a huge multi-system game.
Other Methods

What makes a development Team
Here are the most common ways people describe a development team. The first thing that is needed is a decent amount of people that fulfill different tasks. A normal development team can have 1-5+ people in it. The main positions/jobs are Builder, Scripter, Modeler, Game Designer, and UI Designer but there can be much more such as translator, UI designer, animator, artist, clothing designer , composer, and web developer. ***

It is very important to communicate with your development team. Make sure everyone is always on the same page. I am going to link some articles below that can help you with communications because I don’t think I will do a good job explaining it.

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