In this tutorial I will be teaching you how to use Trello or really any other project managing software. What is Trello? Trello is basically a list making software if you think about it. It can be used for many things within Roblox but today we are only going over how to use Trello for Project Management. I will be breaking up how to use Trello for Project management in steps. Another thing to note is this is a short tutorial on Project Management and I will be making for tutorials on Project Management so stay tuned. Without further ado let’s get started.
Setting Up
It is now time to set up everything you will need. You can follow these steps which will guide you through everything in the setup process.
Creating An Account/Logging In
The first thing you want to do is create a Trello account or login to Trello if you already have an account. You can create a Trello account for free by Clicking Here. You can login to Trello by Clicking Here.
Making a Workspace
After You are done with that you can navigate to the main page that looks something like this.
Next you can navigate to the little + next to the workspace text on the middle left hand side (Not the one at the very top). Then you will see something that looks like this:
You can fill out the workspace name with the name of your game, you can select Other in the workspace type, and you don’t have to do anything with the workspace description.
Next you will see something that looks like this:

If you would like to add everybody working on the game you can by adding their emails and then clicking Invite to Workspace. If you do not want to add anybody or you want to do it later you can click I’ll do this later.
Creating a Board
Now it is time to create a board. You will only need one board if you are only working on one game. So to do this you will want to navigate to the text that says “Your Boards” and click the little + button. Then it will look something like this:
You can fill out the board title with your game, don’t do anything to the workspace section, and the visibility section should be workspace. Now you can click the blue “Create” button.
Getting Organized
You should now have a board that looks something like this:
It is now time to organize our lists and get prepared to use them. I am going to break up everything you need to do in steps.
Step 1: Adding Labels
On your screen right now you want to navigate to the three dots on the right side of your screen and click on it as shown in the image below.
Next you want to click the More button. Then if you need to scroll up and click the Labels button. Now you can add labels. You add every role in your development team such as Building, Scripting, UI Design, Modeling, Etc. You can use the video below for assistance.
![[video-to-gif output image]](
Step 2: Adding Lists
It is now time to add lists. The lists you need to make are To Do, Doing, Testing, and Done. I will explain why we make these lists in a minute. To create a list you want to click the add a list button. You can use the video below for help.
You are now done with the first two steps hopefully that wasn’t too difficult. Remember if you have any questions you can always ask me. It is now time for you to make tasks. Tasks should be anything that the game developers need to make such as buildings, scripts, systems, assets, etc. If you haven’t planned that far yet you should probably talk to your team and discuss what tasks are needed and come back to this article later. The next steps will help explain a lot about how everything works.
Step 3: Making Cards/Tasks
It is now time for you to start making your tasks/cards! Let me show you how to make tasks/cards and some cool features Trello has. So first I will show you how to make a card. Under a list you will see an Add a Card button just like the image below.
After you click that it will look something like this:
You can type whatever you need done in the text and when you are done you can click enter and it will go to the next card. If you click on the card it will show you a panel that has many features. You can find those features listed somewhere in this article. The main features that you need to be aware of right now is the ability to add a description, and to add labels. You can add a description by clicking on the “Add a more detailed description…” under the Description section. You can also add a label to the card which is what you really need to know how to do because that is how you will be assigning people tasks. For example if you have a task for a scripter then you will add the scripting label. Here is Demonstration of me adding a description and adding a label.
Hopefully you now understand how the process of developing the game will work but if you didn’t I will explain it. First someone that specialises in the field of development that you need for a task will look at the task and move it to the doing list. Then after they are done they can move it to the testing list. After that testers will test that part of the game and then it can be put into the done list. Hopefully that is easy enough to understand.
Congratulations! You are now done with taking steps. You are technically done with this main part of the tutorial but I still have some more things I want to cover that are very helpful when using Trello. I have decided to not include the other card features because this article is already 1,335 words long.
How to Invite and Change Board Permission
At the top of the board you can click the share button. From there you can add someone using their email address.
Member Permissions
Normal: can view and edit cards, they can also edit some board permissions depending on what settings you put together. Great for workspace members actively working on a project.
Admin: can view and edit cards, remove members and change all the settings of the board. Great for project leaders or managers who have full control over the project.
Observer can access content displayed on a board, they can’t edit cards but you can allow them to comment, emoji react and engage to the level you define with the board. Great for boards you want to inform people on such as clients, managers, third parties, etc
More About Trello
- Good Tutorial On Trello API: Roblox-trello | Object Oriented Trello API
- Getting Started With Trello: Trello Guides: Help Getting Started With Trello | Trello
- Trello API Reference:
End Note
Hopefully you found this article helpful again if you ever need my assistance with anything game development related you can ask me and I will try to answer any questions you may have. If you would like to check out my other Articles/Tutorials they will be listed below.
If you found this tutorial helpful then please consider sharing it and giving it a and I may do more tutorials on Trello in the future.