Hey developers,
We recently made a whole bunch of changes to the structure of the Developer Forum (read about them here). Well, there’s still room for improvement, so here’s a new set of changes for you. These are designed to make the DevForum more pleasant to use and less cluttered overall.
The subcategory of the Discussion category that was previously called “Engineering Feedback” has been renamed to “Roblox Surveys”, because the subcategory was never really used just for engineering feedback - other teams utilized it, too. The new name should make the purpose of the category a bit clearer.
The name of the “Public” category is redundant - everyone can see it. Instead, the category will now be called “Updates”, which reflects the purpose of the category and encompasses all of the subcategories pretty nicely. This means that the subcategory called “Public Updates and Announcements” will be changing too; it’s now called “Announcements”. That’s much easier to say!
After our big changes to the “International” category earlier this year (read them here), we’ve realized that there really isn’t much purpose for this category at this time. All of the languages that we currently support have their own opt-in categories and the International category doesn’t have much incentive to be posted in anymore. As a result, we’re getting rid of it for now. There are some topics within it that were very useful for developers - those have been moved to #discussion or #resources:community-resources depending on the topic. Some other discussion topics have been moved to #lounge:off-topic.
In the previous round of changes to the DevForum, we moved the Forum Feedback category into Platform Feedback as a subcategory. After some careful consideration, we’re undoing this change and Forum Feedback is going back to being its own category. It just wasn’t quite on the same page as the other subcategories of Platform Feedback and was cluttering the Latest view with forum-specific topics rather than bug reports and feature requests.
New Members are now able to reply to their own Feature Requests and Discussion topics that go through the Post Approval process. Speaking of the Post Approval process, that’s a lot more straightforward for these categories now, too. Now, instead of having to create a Bulletin Board topic and send a group message to the Post Approval team, New Members are able to post directly in Feature Request subcategories or the Discussion category to have the topic automatically converted to a Bulletin Board topic that gets messaged to the group for review.
We’ve installed several new themes for your viewing pleasure while browsing the DevForum. Check out which ones you can use here: Developer Forum | Roblox. Look how pretty the forum looks!
These changes are pretty minor but should make the DevForum easier to navigate and more pleasant to look at. Let us know what you think!
Developer Relations