Groups Now in Creator Hub, With New Roles and More! [Beta]

Whilst we have no plans to enable multiple owners for a Group today (we feel this could get too messy), we are on an expedition to have a permission node for basically everything. This would include Group Payouts, for example.

With enough permissions being granted, we believe you won’t need multiple owners, because your unofficial ‘co-owner’ can just be granted access to everything.

‘Edit and create assets’ permission is also already on our todo list!


Makes sense! Absolutely agreed, if we can just give every role to co-owners then there’s no need for multiple owners on the same group. Happy to hear you guys have the new assets permission on the list as well as well, that’ll be very useful.

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What safety issues do you foresee? My account owns the group, I can already make a mega gamepass and “deposit” any amount of robux into the group if I want, and I have full access to the funds as it is. I’m not personally seeing the issues, at least with my use case.

On the other hand, I believe I get less sales because of these gamepass being hidden as opposed to on the game’s store page(I get many sales from Website), and I believe it impacts my monetization analytics negatively(slightly)


Pretty good updates ngl, keep up the work, thank you roblox devs for making this possible :wink:


Thanks for the feedback! We’re working on more specific permissions, including everything you mentioned, over the coming months. Keep an eye out!


We will eventually be bringing these into APIs (Lua as well as Open Cloud), so that they’re more extensible, yes.


Thanks for the bug report - we will add a proper confirmation soon, but in the meantime added a message below the field.


Thanks for the questions!

  1. They’re considered Legacy Roles, because once the new system is out of Beta, and has at least feature-parity with the legacy roles, we’ll start deprecating their use for creators to manager collaborators. The idea is that everything you need for managing revenue, and collaborator access will be directly within Creator Hub only.

  2. All other features in Groups that are not for creator collaboration (ie the announcements) will continue to exist on the app and main site, as Guilded gets more integrated there.

  3. The new creator roles are for creator access only, so there will be minimal access to the public. For example, if you think about Roblox - it matters a lot less to you that I am in the ‘Product Manager’ role vs that I work at Roblox. The internals of a Group for creators on Creator Hub will become more private so that teams and studios can more carefully control what their players can see.

  4. There are no changes to legacy roles in this announcement - they’ll continue to cost Robux. The new creator roles are free to create.

  5. As per comment just above - yes! We want this new system to be super extensible. Rich APIs across Open Cloud and Engine.


I like this - not something we’ve thought about yet, but will flag it with the team.


If you find yourself a inundated with invites from strangers, you can turn the notification off entirely, and you won’t see invites anymore. If you then have a friend who has invited you, they can still send you the link themselves for you to accept, without you having to turn notifications back on again!


Will the players on the app seen the new roles in the group

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this looks very clean, I hope I use it in the future!

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What about Player:GetRankInGroup and Player:GetRoleInGroup ? Does they still use legacy roles to get information and return it or no? How to get information about current player rank or role which are set on the dashboard page?

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My guess is that they’ll return information on their highest role. They’d have to make another method to retrieve all the roles they have.

This is why Jed highlights “for individual creators as well as the overall platform”.

Introducing the ability to move funds around without marketplace fee reduces friction for bad actors. We know you’re not a bad actor, but you’re asking for a system change that would affect all users, not just the good actors. As a platform we don’t get to move haphazardly here and need to navigate that very carefully. Thanks for your patience here.


Any response towards this as a suggestion?

If legacy roles are going to reach feature parity of legacy roles: will legacy roles be migrated into the new role system?

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See Jed’s response here:

No plans to make a “changed signal” that can be listened to in-game at this time. Please file a separate feature request with your problem description on why you need change events for group members if this matters a lot to you.

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Eventually, will this be combined into the groups on the group page and not the creator dashboard?

This is actually interesting and actually very helpful for roleplay groups that don’t want people to have the “Moderator” role publicly, but will still actually still appear on the player, so they can delegate permissions without having to do something hacky and all.

My only question is, when this is fully released, will there be an option to hide the roles to the public and only be used via API?

An example of this being used:

Let’s say X roleplay group has a moderation team, but let’s say it’s too unrealistic to add a “Moderators” role in the group, so we would have to use like datastores, external databases, or something to keep track of the moderators.