GUI Question - Slicing?

Is there a way to like union and negate UI’s? In other words, slice sides? For example, slice and cut sides you don’t need so you could make a triangle, or a cut in a square?

If not, it would be a good addition to add to slice sides and such.


Generally we use image editors to do stuff like this and then use an ImageLabel or ImageButton and then we get moderated for trying to upload a white image.


Or worse a skin tone image. Instant moderation.

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Yeah as a UI Designer doing this is sadly impossible, especially with how the moderation system is right now. The best thing to do is make a custom UI background in photoshop then uploading it as a decal if you want one with trimmed edges. This would make a great feature though. Highly suggest you put it in the engine features category.

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More built-in shapes (such as triangles and circles) request:

Masking could be useful to do this, too:

Aaand SVGs for making better images for masking/custom things: