Help with calculating center of rotation, Angular and Linear velocity

So i need to know where the rotation originates based on theese values.
Let’s say:

  • AngularVelocity = 0, 2, 0
  • LinearVelocity = 0, 0, -4
  • CenterToPointOffset = -2, 0, 0

Theese are the actual values. And i need an equasion that can calculate one from the other two.
I’ve been thinking about this about 2 days now, and thought you guys could help me out, because i’m all out.

So far i’ve figured out that if you multiply the distance from the center, and the angular velocity, you’ll get the linear, and the reverse if you divide. But this mental model of mine only worked in theory, and i have no clue how to write it down.

I realise this is a big favor, so i’ll be very thankful to anyone who helps even a little bit.

--[[AngularVelocity = 0, 2, 0
LinearVelocity = 0, 0, -4
CenterToPointOffset = -2, 0, 0--]]

angularX = Instance.AngularVelocity.X
angularY = Instance.AngularVelocity.Y
angularZ = Instance.AngularVelocity.Z

linX = Instance.LinearVelocity.X
linY = Instance.LinearVelocity.Y
linZ = Instance.LinearVelocity.Z

centerOffsetX = Instance.CenterToPointOffset.X
centerOffsetY = Instance.CenterToPointOffset.Y
centerOffsetZ = Instance.CenterToPointOffset.Z

Instance.AngularVelocity =, linZ/centerOffsetX, 0)
Instance.LinearVelocity =, 0, angularY*centerOffsetX)
Instance.CenterToPointOffset =, 0, 0)

Following what you’ve shown in the thread. Do the other Vector3 components between the 3 values have any relation to one another?

Yes, every axis should be calculated. That is where i flatlined.

Well this is suboptimal. No usefull response, and the post got burried.

To whoever that may stumble upon it.