Love the concept and how it looks so far! I see a few issues and a couple suggestions that i think would make the game awesome.
Skeleton in tutorial floats
Tree sometimes glitches when felled
Add cool death animations for enemies, such as the skeleton falling apart to a pile of bones etc.
Blueprint ships! Some people prefer action rather than building. State how much wood is needed for each blueprint so people can work towards new ships.
A bit more of a helping hand after the tutorial. When going into the main game I would recommend adding a few “tips” at the bottom. Arrows to mark where to go. I had no clue you needed to chop trees to improve your ship!
Hey everyone, it’s been a hot moment. I’ve fixed a lot of the bugs found in this thread - big thanks to all of your help! Tutorial has been changed (you now don’t teleport out of the game, then back in. It throws you right into the experience). Several bug fixes, and more content has been added.
I’d really like your feedback on these improvements!
If you’re struggling to create a seamless, large scale ocean I would highly recommend checking out this useful post:
I have tried the exact same water solution you have and found no way to absolve the “position” error when the character reloads, so this really helped. You’ll need to do some editing to achieve a desired look, but it has been an invaluable resource.
I will have to agree on that. It was not initially made for sharing. At the time, I was considering to leave Roblox. So I decided to publish it anyway.
That being said, I have done some attempts to make an endless skinned mesh sea. I made two failed prototypes that are endless but not beautiful. My conclusion is that you should copy this sea as much as possible.
The mesh is actually just a really big subdivided square. It’s animated by looping through all the bones and applying some form of wave function or formula.
This is a great tutorial to get one up and running:
Yeah, I actually all ready utilize a skinned mesh ocean. What I mean by the good mesh is that good looking of one - the texture and level of detail for mine is terrible.
Better or worse? What can I do to improve the lighting?
Other Bug Fixes
This too has been fixed. When you buy something from an NPC, their inventory is “cleared”, and it resets. Hurrah!
I scrapped the tutorial in its entirety (players wouldn’t stick through it). Now when you join, a cutscene plays. Then, you are prompted to do a few things from the quest gui. This hopefully shoves the players right into the action.
Guards can no longer attack other guards, or kill merchants. Guards now have better swinging - a bug where they wouldn’t fight back was occurring. This is now resolved.
In this update, there is now a spawning system. YOU decide where to spawn, which allows to you to accomplish your goals/meet up places/have a better time.
Please let me know any bugs you may find. Thank you!
Thank you all so much for your support in this project, it means the world to me😁
Love the progress that has been made. UI looks great, and i’m loving the atmosphere and lighting now.
Adding starter quests rather than a tutorial was definitely the right idea!
Only thing I would say at this time is to improve the map. Maybe add an icon if it’s a merchant spawn rather than change colour.