[HIRING] Map Builder for Realistic WWII FPS (USD/Robux/%)

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About Frontlines: Pacific

Frontlines: Pacific is a WWII first-person shooter set in the Pacific Theater. I have been the sole developer for the past 3 years and am looking to expand the team. The beta version was just released and is growing quickly. There are currently two maps and I’m looking to add several more including Peleliu, Iwo Jima, Manila, and Attu.

You can try it yourself here: Frontlines: Pacific

Job Description

  • Build realistic, mid-poly assets and buildings based on historical photographs, blueprints, and maps
  • Research and make educated guesses where historical references are lacking
  • Match the current build style
  • Example assets: Houses, barracks, bridges, tunnels, trenches, bunkers, oil tanks
  • 1ft = 1 stud scale


I have a budget to pay USD, Robux, or a percentage of game earnings (the game is already monetized and is earning Robux). I currently have a budget of about $500, though that could grow as the game grows. I’m a strong believer in fair compensation; let me know your expectations and we can come to an agreement.


You can message me on Discord at Akkurat#7151 or reply to this post with your contact information. Please send examples of your work, ideally historical builds based on real places. We’ll discuss your interests/skills and decide on a trial build.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you!


The job description is too vague in my opinion.

“Design” is different from “Make/Create”, meaning, are we only supposed to design the ship (sketches etc.) or do you want us to completely make the ship on our own?

“Buildings and assets” - What kind of assets and buildings? Style? Size? It would be nice if you could give us a raw overview on what we can await to build.

“Maps” is once again very vague. You stated which maps you are in need of, but you didn’t mention what exactly we are supposed to build there. That starts with the question, if you are in need of smooth terrain, or brick parts.

About the payment - You should at least state the budget you have, or in other words, the sum you are maximally going to pay. Since you’re asking for quite a lot (Educated in history, map building, asset creating etc.), the potential developer should at least know what he can ask for.

I didn’t write this to upset you or anything - I just wanted to point out some vaguely detailed parts of your recruitment topic, to higher the chance of someone working with you.

Good luck on finding someone.

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I appreciate your feedback, it’s my first time posting here so any advice is helpful. I’ll edit and update my post with more details.

Sent a friend request at Jurou#4173

See you there!

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I’m interested.

Latest Build:

Discord: AngryAero#9312
Twitter: @AngryAero

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This is an amazing build, I’ve added you on Discord. I’d love to have one or more maps based in Manila.

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Are you looking for a modeler as well ? You put modeling in the tags

Yes, message me your portfolio/examples of your work on Discord.

I’m still taking applicants for this position, reach out if you’re interested!

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