How to circumvent the Beta App on Windows

Okay… mayyyybe I will be playing a little Roblox here and there until Roblox goes mad and completely removes website functionality in their push for their app.

Anyways, this is flippin awesome! You’re a hero!
This makes opening Roblox feel like I’m doing hackerman stuff.

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I’m glad this has proved of use to you. :grinning:

I feel it’s worth noting here that just because something is open source and on github doesn’t mean the precompiled version is safe. I’ve seen my fair share of precompiled programs not matching the compiled source.


The precompiled binaries are packaged with PyInstaller; therefore, they contain the python bytecode (anyone who believed there to be foul play would’ve found it) within the binary which makes it easier for the majority of end-users to use as it runs irregardless of the user having a Python interpreter installed prior to running.

Relevant topics from PyInstaller’s Manual:
Hiding the source code;
What pyinstaller does and how it does it;
How the one file program works;


Recently, Roblox removed alt+enter true full screen (with the {"FFlagHandleAltEnterFullscreenManually":"False"} flag off)

Do you know if it would be possible to re-add that functionality with the custom launcher?


Probably one way or another. What exactly does that fast flag do?

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Somehow I missed the reply notification

The flag would allow alt + enter to enable true fullscreen (not to be confused with borderless windowed) which disables V-Sync and improves performance

It pretty much provided a fullscreen experience similar to games like Minecraft and CS:GO

Since Roblox confirmed that it was removed intentionally, a solution has been in high demand by many players / developers alike


I’ve never heard of this feature before, it sucks that I’m only finding out about it now since I would’ve loved to use it. Thank you for the explanation.


Awesome release, I trully thank you from the bottom of my heart for this release. Just wanted to let you know that ROBLOX has updated and now the Patch nabber is not working anymore. I tried going the hardway and manually installing it but this is still happening, I hope you could update this sometimes soon. Thanks for your contribution :smiley:


Will look into it.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Happening for me too, fingers crossed for a fix!

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Hotfix released!


Hi, I tried running it. Here are some things I noticed: I am still in the beta app (which sucks) but the good thing is that now I don’t have to login in beta app everytime + I can join games directly from the web. Thanks for the update

Yeah np, had to take what I could get. Now, I might be wrong, but it appears PooBlox™ has entirely removed the original game client from the game client, leaving only the beta app. Don’t quote me on that, I didn’t look too far into it.


Quotes you on that

But we all know what the unfortunate truth may most likely be…



Worlds smallest violin. :pinching_hand::violin:

And what’s worse is some quirkball on his own repo which is struggling to stay afloat more than mine (even before roblox’s latest update) pushed an almost identical update to mine, ~5ish hours later too. :nerd_face:

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Yeah I’ve been lurking it, you’ll recognise me if you read my devforum profile XD

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Yeah, now that you mention it, I do see you in the only issue on the repo (as of rn).

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Looks like they somehow patched it. I can see the window pop up saying it will close in 5 seconds but then it opens the Roblox App instead of the game (which is obviously worse than before since the game won’t even start now)

It seems Roblox has fixed the beta app in November and no issues are present with it, including the game client being unavailable, making this tutorial obsolete.

Additionally, if anyone has issues with the beta app, please download the UWP app from the Microsoft store instead.